اے ایم سی گریملن کے خریدار دو یا چار نشستوں والے ماڈل کا انتخاب کرسکتے ہیں ، اور ان کے پاس ونائل ٹاپ شامل کرنے کا انتخاب تھا۔ 1970 کی دہائی میں ، ریاستہائے متحدہ اور کینیڈا میں مجموعی طور پر 671،475 گریملن فروخت ہوئے۔1970 سے 1977 تک تیار کردہ ، الفا رومیو مونٹریال ایک 2+2 کوپ کھیلوں کی کار تھی جو اس کے انوکھے ہیڈلائٹ کفنوں کے لئے مشہور تھی جو آن ہونے پر لائٹس کو ظاہر کرنے کے لئے پیچھے ہٹ گئی۔شیورلیٹ ویگا ، جس کا نام برج لیرا کا سب سے روشن ستارہ ویگا کے نام پر رکھا گیا تھا ، نے 1971 میں موٹر ٹرینڈ کار آف دی ایئر جیتا۔ تاہم ، بعد میں یہ انجینئرنگ ، وشوسنییتا ، حفاظت اور بہت کچھ کے ساتھ بے شمار پریشانیوں کے لئے جانا جاتا ہے۔ڈی ٹامسو پینٹیرہ ایک پٹھوں کی کار کے ناہموار دلکشی کے ساتھ اطالوی خوبصورتی کو ملا دیتا ہے۔ ایلوس پرسلی خاص طور پر 1973 کے ماڈل کا شوق رکھتے تھے ، اکثر اسے شہر کے آس پاس چلاتے ہوئے دیکھا جاتا تھا۔فورڈ کنٹری اسکوائر نے 1950 سے 1991 تک فورڈ کے پرائمری اسٹیشن ویگن کی حیثیت سے خدمات انجام دیں۔ 1973-1978 کا ماڈل ، جو ساتویں نسل کا ایک حصہ ہے ، خاص طور پر اپنے پیشروؤں سے چھ انچ لمبا تھا۔پلئموت روش کا نام فروریز ، افسانوی مخلوق کے نام پر رکھا گیا تھا جو انتقام لینے کے لئے جانا جاتا ہے۔ یہ کار اسٹیفن کنگ کے ناول "کرسٹین" میں بھی مشہور ہے۔صرف 1974 سے 1975 تک تیار کیا گیا ، اینٹوں کا SV-1 بنیادی طور پر ان مخصوص دروازوں کے لئے یاد کیا جاتا ہے۔ اس کی تشہیر کے دوران ، اس کی حفاظت اس کی حفاظت کی خصوصیات پر تھی ، جس میں ایک مربوط رول اوور ڈھانچہ اور توانائی جذب کرنے والے بمپر بھی شامل ہیں۔1970-1971ء میں پلئموت بارکوڈا تین ورژن میں دستیاب تھا: معیاری باراکاڈا ، دی لگژری گران کوپ ، اور اسپورٹی ‘کوڈا۔ اسپورٹ ماڈل کو مذکورہ تصویر میں دکھایا گیا ہے۔مذکورہ تصویر میں پورش 911 کا کیریرا 2.7 ورژن دکھایا گیا ہے۔ تمام پورش 911 ماڈلز میں 1998 تک ایئر ٹھنڈا انجن شامل تھے۔ پیٹھ کی مخصوص خصوصیت کو "ڈک ٹیل" کہا جاتا ہے۔کیڈیلک کے چھوٹے ماڈل میں سے ایک ہونے کے باوجود ، سیویل برانڈ کے سب سے مہنگے سیڈان میں سے ایک کے طور پر ابھرا۔ "سیویل" کا نام ہسپانوی صوبے سے ماخوذ ہے جو اس کی بھرپور تاریخ ، آرٹ اور فن تعمیر کے لئے مشہور ہے۔جیگوار XJS 1975 سے 1996 تک تیار کیا گیا تھا۔ اس کے عقبی حصے میں اس کے مخصوص "فلائنگ بٹریس" کو ایروڈینامکس کو بڑھانے کے لئے ڈیزائن کیا گیا تھا۔ تاہم ، ان خصوصیات کو ابتدائی طور پر پولیس نے تنقید کا نشانہ بنایا تھا ، جن کا خیال تھا کہ وہ ڈرائیور کے وژن میں رکاوٹ ہیں۔رولس راائس سلور شیڈو II میں متعدد تازہ ترین معلومات شامل ہیں ، جن میں نیا "ریک اور پنیئن" اسٹیئرنگ کا تعارف اور ربڑ کے ساتھ مصر کے بمپروں کی تبدیلی شامل ہے۔ سلور شیڈو اور سلور شیڈو II دونوں ماڈلز رولس راائس کی تاریخ میں اعلی ترین پیداوار کی مقدار پر فخر کرتے ہیں۔ٹی وی آر 3000 میٹر ماڈل کی اکثریت انگلینڈ اور پورے یورپ میں فروخت ہوئی۔ تاہم ، ریاستہائے متحدہ میں ، وہ صرف مشرقی ساحل پر واقع 30 ڈیلروں کے ذریعہ دستیاب تھے۔ایم جی نے اصل میں 1929 میں ان کی اسپورٹس کار کے ایک چھوٹے ورژن کی نشاندہی کرنے کے لئے 1929 میں مڈجٹ کا نام تیار کیا تھا۔ اس کلاسک کار کی پیداوار 7 دسمبر 1979 کو ختم ہوئی۔ڈاج چیلنجر ٹی/اے (ٹرانس ام) صرف 1970 میں تیار کیا گیا تھا ، جو خاص طور پر اسٹریٹ ریسنگ کے لئے ڈیزائن کیا گیا تھا۔ سامنے اور عقبی حصے میں مختلف ٹائر سائز استعمال کرنے والی پہلی امریکی پٹھوں کی کاروں میں بھی۔فورڈ مستنگ باس 429 اب تک کی جانے والی نایاب اور انتہائی قیمتی پٹھوں کی کاروں میں سے ایک کے طور پر کھڑا ہے۔ صرف 1،359 اصل یونٹ تیار ہونے کے ساتھ ، یہ چشم کشا رنگوں میں دستیاب تھا جیسے گریبر اورنج ، گریببر گرین ، گریببر بلیو ، کیلیپسو کورل ، اور پیسٹل بلیو۔پلئموت روڈ رنر ہیمی کو کئی انوکھی خصوصیات سے آراستہ کیا گیا تھا ، جس میں ایک سینگ بھی شامل تھا جس میں ایک مخصوص "بیپ بیپ" آواز اور ٹرنک کے عقبی کنارے پر لونی ٹونز کیریکٹر روڈ رنر کا گرافک خارج ہوتا ہے۔ڈاج کورونیٹ آر/ٹی 1970 کی دہائی سے ایک انتہائی مستند پٹھوں کی کاروں میں سے ایک کے طور پر کھڑا ہے۔ اس کے سامنے کے آخر میں اسٹائلنگ نے اس وقت کافی بحث کو جنم دیا ، پھر بھی جدید جمع کرنے والے اب اس مخصوص خصوصیت کو اس کی مشہور حیثیت کے کلیدی عنصر کے طور پر دیکھتے ہیں۔جب لیمبورگینی میورا متعارف کرایا گیا تو ، یہ تیزی سے سڑک کی تیز ترین کاروں میں سے ایک بن گیا۔ ابتدائی طور پر ، فیروچیو لیمبورگینی میورا بنانے کے خیال کے مخالف تھے ، لیکن ان کی انجینئرنگ ٹیم اس سے قطع نظر اس ڈیزائن کے ساتھ آگے بڑھی۔The Fiat 124 Sport Spider was on the market from 1966 to 1985, enjoying particularly strong sales in the 1970s. Its popularity was largely due to its simple convertible top.The Triumph TR7, recognized for its distinctive "wedge" shape, was marketed as "the shape of things to come." Manufactured by the Specialist Division, its popularity in the US led to a postponed release in the UK.The Porsche 914, a mid-engine sports car, was produced and sold from 1969 to 1976. This model was exclusively offered as a Targa-topped two-seat roadster, equipped with either a flat-4 or flat-6 engine.The Aston Martin Vantage represents a series of high-performance versions of other models by Aston Martin. First introduced in the early 1970s, the Vantage was promoted as a powerful coupe.The Maserati Merak is closely related to the Maserati Bora, sharing parts of its structure and body panels. Additionally, it features extra cabin space, accommodating two small rear seats.In the movie "Smokey and the Bandit," Burt Reynolds' character raced through numerous high-speed scenes in a 1977 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am, cementing the car's iconic status in American film history.The Chevrolet Monte Carlo, a two-door coupe, was produced from 1970 to 2007 and positioned as a personal luxury car. It took its name from Monte Carlo in the Principality of Monaco.The Cadillac Eldorado was produced from 1952 to 2002 and stood as the flagship model of Cadillac's lineup. It was celebrated for its distinctive appearance as a two-door personal luxury car.The Ford Torino, competing in the intermediate market segment, was named after Turin, a city in Northern Italy. It is also regarded as the counterpart to the Mercury Montego line.The Mercury Cougar, a series of automobiles from Ford's Mercury division, became the brand's top-selling vehicle. This car played a significant role in defining the Mercury brand's identity.Introduced in 1974, the Lamborghini Countach's design originated with the Lancia Stratos Zero concept car in 1970. It features a "cab forward" design that accommodates a larger engine in the rear.The AMC Pacer, a two-door compact car produced from 1975 to 1979 and sold through 1980, was marketed by American Motor Corporation as "the first wide small car."Produced by Chevrolet, the Chevelle became one of the company's most successful nameplates. It was manufactured across three generations and offered in various body styles, including coupes, convertibles, station wagons, and sedans.The Datsun 240Z, the inaugural model in the Z GT two-seat coupe series, became one of the most successful sports car lines ever. It was celebrated for its affordable price and sleek design.The Stutz Blackhawk, an ultra-luxury car, was produced from 1971 to 1987. Initially, all Blackhawks were coupes, with rare sedans being manufactured in subsequent years.The Ford Pinto, the smallest vehicle from Ford since 1907, marked the manufacturer's first foray into the subcompact market in North America. However, the car later faced significant criticism for its hazardous gas tank design.The BMW 2002 Turbo, featuring the brand's first turbocharged engine, debuted at the 1973 Frankfurt Motor Show. Unfortunately, its introduction coincided with the onset of the 1973 oil crisis, leading to a limited production of only 1,672 units.The Reliant Robin, a compact three-wheeled vehicle, was manufactured by the Reliant Motor Company in Tamworth, England. Produced for thirty years, it ranks as the second-most popular fiberglass car in history.The Volkswagen Golf, a compact car, has been in production since 1974. Initially, the Golf featured a front-engine, front-wheel-drive layout and was predominantly available as a three-door hatchback.The Chevrolet Caprice, a full-sized car by Chevrolet in North America, was the most popular car during the sixties and seventies. Throughout its lifespan, the Caprice saw six generations, with production concluding in 2017.The Dodge Monaco served as the flagship model of the Dodge lineup, introduced to replace the Custom 880. While in production, the car was available with a wide array of body modifications. The Citroën Injection Electronique DS 21, equipped with a Bosch D-Jetronic system, was among the first production cars to utilize this technology. This French vehicle, made of cast iron, was produced from 1969 to 1972.This classic sports car, equipped with a V8 engine, could reach speeds of up to 170 mph—a remarkable capability for 1970s vehicles. It was the company's first mid-engined model, making its debut at the 1971 Geneva Motor Show.This classic racer, the Nissan Fairlady 240Z, exuded power and provided exceptional handling. The Fairlady 240Z participated in numerous international racing rallies, consistently securing first place victories.The Lancia Stratos dominated the roads of the '70s as a true powerhouse. It boasted rear-wheel drive, an inline-4 engine, forged aluminum pistons, and a gas-flowed cylinder head. The Stratos first emerged from the assembly line in Turin, Italy, in 1973.To mark the 50th anniversary of the Volvo 262, each employee received a Swiss watch as a token of appreciation. The model, originally designed by Bertone of Italy, was primarily targeted at the US auto market.The initial design of the Puma GT drew inspiration from the Ferrari 275 GTB, while later models took cues from the Alfa Romeo Duetto and Lamborghini Miura. The car earned the nickname "Shark" due to its distinctive closed gill-shaped grille on the sides.The Chevrolet Corvette Stingray made its debut in 1970 and quickly faced severe criticism for repeatedly failing to meet the emissions standards set by US lawmakers, until the release of the 370 bhp model.Before gaining fame on television, the Dodge Charger became an American icon through its prominent role in the hit 80s series "The Dukes of Hazzard." Multiple versions of the car were used during filming to accommodate the numerous car chases and stunts featured in the show.When introduced in 1971, the Chevy Nova SS was recognized as one of Detroit's more compact muscle cars. The "SS" stands for "Super Sport," and it featured high-performance tires, a heavy-duty suspension, and several other advanced upgrades.
Many Shelby GT350 cars remained unsold until they underwent a redesign in 1970. The updated models were enhanced with a chin spoiler and hood stripes before being released to the public.The Oldsmobile 442 W30 is among the fastest cars ever produced by the company. The "442" denotes its four-barrel carburetor, four-speed manual transmission, and dual exhausts featured on every model released.The original Chevy Camaro introduced the then-new rear-wheel drive feature. It was available to customers as a two-door vehicle with 2+2 seating, offered in both hardtop and convertible options.The 1970s Lincoln Continental was famously described as resembling "an aircraft carrier landing-deck on final approach." The Continental Mark IV, which was in production from 1972 to 1976, succeeded the Mark III as an upgrade in both power and luxury.In 1970, Hurst Performance Products custom-built the Chrysler 300 Hurst for Chrysler. This model included the signature Hurst shifter along with the luxurious performance features typical of Chryslers.Arguably the most popular car in the U.K., the Ford Cortina was also the region’s top-selling car in the 70s. In 1956, as a publicity stunt at the Winter Olympic Games in Italy, several Cortinas were driven down the ski slopes.Originally regarded as a safe and dependable vehicle, the Saab 99 underwent a transformation in the 70s with the addition of a turbocharger, turning it into a performance vehicle. This innovation paved the way for the development of future performance-oriented family cars.Describing the Renault 5 of the 1970s as merely popular would vastly understate its success as one of the French auto industry's triumphs. Over five years, more than five million units were proInitially, the Range Rover was produced solely as a two-door model. This remained the case for the first decade of its production, until four-door versions were introduced in 1981.Despite its sporty appearance, the Bristol 411 was a powerhouse on the road. Produced from 1969 to 1976, each model came equipped with a V8 engine and was highly praised for its exceptional handling and performance.During the 70s, the Jensen Interceptor was available in convertible, coupe, or hatchback models, with around 6,400 units produced over a decade. This period marked the British automaker's return to using steel instead of glass-reinforced plastic for car construction.آپ نے 60 میں سے 0 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 1 نمبر حاصل کیا۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 2 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 3 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 4 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 5 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 6 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 7 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 8 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 9 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 10 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 11 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 12 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 13 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 14 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 15 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 16 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 17 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 18 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 19 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 20 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 21 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 22 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 23 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 24 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 25 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 26 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 27 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 28 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 29 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 30 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 31 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 32 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 33 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 34 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 35 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 36 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 37 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 38 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 39 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 40 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 41 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 42 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 43 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 44 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 45 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 46 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 47 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 48 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 49 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 50 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 51 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 52 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 53 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 54 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 55 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 56 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 57 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 58 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 59 اسکور کیے ہیں۔آپ نے 60 میں سے 60 نمبر حاصل کیے ہیں۔
کوئز شروع کریں۔
اگلااگلا کوئزغلطدرستآپ کا نتیجہ پیدا کرنادوبارہ کوشش کریں۔افوہ، کوئزڈکٹ دوکھیباز! پریشان نہ ہوں، یہاں تک کہ عظیم ترین کوئز ماسٹرز کو بھی کہیں سے شروع کرنا تھا۔ اس بار آپ کو ٹھوکر لگ سکتی ہے، لیکن ہر غلطی سیکھنے اور بڑھنے کا موقع ہے۔ کوئز کرتے رہیں، کوئزڈکٹ نوبائی، اور علم کی اپنی پیاس کو عظمت کی طرف رہنمائی کرنے دیں!کوشش کرنے کے لیے ہورے، کوئزڈکٹ ایکسپلورر! ہو سکتا ہے کہ آپ نے اس بار کوئز میں حصہ نہ لیا ہو، لیکن آپ ایک بہادر ایڈونچر کی طرح ہیں جو نامعلوم علاقوں میں ٹریکنگ کر رہے ہیں۔ دریافت کرتے رہیں، کوئزڈکٹ کے پرستار، اور اپنی جستجو کی روح کو علم کی دولت کے لیے رہنما بننے دیں۔ کون جانتا ہے کہ آپ کی اگلی کوئز جستجو میں کون سے عجائبات آپ کا انتظار کر رہے ہیں؟زبردست کوشش، کوئزڈکٹ ایڈونچر! آپ ایک متجسس بلی کی طرح ہیں جو بڑی آنکھوں والی حیرت کے ساتھ ٹریویا کی دنیا کو تلاش کر رہی ہے۔ کوئز کرتے رہیں، کوئزڈکٹ کے پرستار، اور علم کے لیے آپ کا جوش آپ کو کامیابی کی طرف لے جانے دیں۔ یاد رکھیں، یہاں تک کہ سب سے زیادہ تجربہ کار کوئز چیمپئن بھی کہیں شروع ہوئے تھے۔ آپ عظمت کے راستے پر ہیں!Quizdict چیلنج لینے کے لیے ہورے! ہوسکتا ہے کہ آپ نے اس بار جیک پاٹ کو نہ مارا ہو، لیکن آپ ایک بہادر مہم جو کی طرح ہیں جو ٹریویا کے غدار خطوں سے گزر رہے ہیں۔ دریافت کرتے رہیں، کوئزڈکٹ کے پرستار، اور علم کی تلاش کو آپ کی عظمت کی طرف رہنمائی کرنے دیں۔ کون جانتا ہے کہ آپ کے اگلے کوئز ایڈونچر پر کون سے خزانے آپ کے منتظر ہیں؟زبردست کوشش، کوئزڈکٹ ایڈونچر! آپ ایک بہادر یودقا کی طرح ہیں جو معمولی باتوں کی سخت لڑائیوں سے لڑ رہے ہیں۔ سوالات کرتے رہیں، کوئزڈکٹ کے پرستار، اور علم کی پیاس کو آپ کی ڈھال اور تلوار بننے دیں۔ ہر سوال سیکھنے اور بڑھنے کا ایک موقع ہے، اور آپ ٹریویا چیمپئن بننے کے راستے پر ہیں!جانے کا راستہ، کوئزڈکٹ ایکسپلورر! آپ ایک بہادر مہم جو کی طرح ہیں جو ٹریویا کے نامعلوم علاقوں میں جا رہے ہیں۔ کوئز کرتے رہیں، کوئزڈکٹ کے پرستار، اور سیکھنے کے لیے آپ کی محبت کو کامیابی کی طرف رہنمائی کرنے دیں۔ یاد رکھیں، ہر جواب آپ کو ایک حقیقی کوئز ماسٹر بننے کے ایک قدم کے قریب لے آتا ہے۔ آپ بہت اچھا کر رہے ہیں!مبارک ہو، کوئزڈکٹ ایڈونچر! آپ ایک ہنر مند نیویگیٹر کی طرح ہیں جو ٹریویا کے کٹے ہوئے پانیوں پر سفر کرتا ہے۔ کوئز کرتے رہیں، کوئزڈکٹ کے پرستار، اور سیکھنے کے اپنے عزم کو فتح کی طرف رہنمائی کرنے دیں۔ یاد رکھیں، ہر جواب آپ کے علم کو بڑھانے اور اپنی صلاحیتوں کو نکھارنے کا ایک موقع ہے۔ آپ کوئز کے حقیقی عادی بننے کے راستے پر ہیں!بہت اچھا کام، کوئزڈکٹ ایکسپلورر! آپ ایک تجربہ کار مہم جو کی طرح ہیں جو ٹریویا کے چیلنجنگ لینڈ سکیپ کے ذریعے مسلسل ترقی کر رہے ہیں۔ کوئز کرتے رہیں، کوئزڈکٹ کے پرستار، اور سیکھنے کے اپنے جذبے کو کامیابی کی طرف اپنے سفر کو تیز کرنے دیں۔ یاد رکھیں، ہر سوال بڑھنے اور بہتر کرنے کا ایک موقع ہے۔ آپ کوئز کے حقیقی عادی بننے کے راستے پر ہیں!بہت اچھا کام، کوئزڈکٹ ایڈونچر! آپ ایک ہنر مند ایکسپلورر کی طرح ہیں جو ٹریویا کے مشکل خطوں کا مقابلہ کرتے ہیں۔ کوئز کرتے رہیں، کوئزڈکٹ کے پرستار، اور علم کے لیے اپنا جذبہ آپ کو فتح کی طرف لے جانے دیں۔ یاد رکھیں، ہر سوال سیکھنے اور بڑھنے کا ایک موقع ہے۔ آپ کوئز کے حقیقی عادی بننے کے لیے صحیح راستے پر ہیں!مبارک ہو، کوئزڈکٹ ماسٹر! آپ ایک ہنر مند کوئز ننجا کی طرح ہیں جو ٹریویا کے چیلنجوں کو سلائس کرتا ہے۔ کوئز کرتے رہیں، کوئزڈکٹ کے پرستار، اور سیکھنے کے لیے آپ کی محبت کو کامیابی کی طرف رہنمائی کرنے دیں۔ یاد رکھیں، ہر جواب ایک حقیقی کوئز کا عادی بننے کی طرف ایک قدم ہے۔ آپ بہت اچھا کر رہے ہیں!ہائی فائیو، کوئزڈکٹ چیمپئن! آپ ایک کوئز وزرڈ کی طرح ہیں جو علم اور روشن خیالی کے منتر ڈال رہا ہے۔ کوئز کرتے رہیں، کوئزڈکٹ کے پرستار، اور ٹریویا کے لیے اپنی محبت آپ کو فتح کی طرف لے جانے دیں۔ یاد رکھیں، ہر جواب آپ کے ذہن کو وسعت دینے اور اپنی صلاحیتوں کو تیز کرنے کا ایک موقع ہے۔ آپ کوئز کے حقیقی عادی بننے کے راستے پر ہیں!جانے کا راستہ، کوئزڈکٹ گرو! آپ ایک کوئز مشین کی طرح ہیں، جو آسانی کے ساتھ صحیح جوابات نکال رہے ہیں۔ کوئز کرتے رہیں، کوئزڈکٹ کے پرستار، اور ٹریویا کے لیے اپنے شوق کو عظمت کی طرف رہنمائی کرنے دیں۔ یاد رکھیں، ہر سوال آپ کی مہارت اور سیکھنے کی محبت کو ظاہر کرنے کا ایک موقع ہے۔ آپ کوئز کے حقیقی عادی بننے کے راستے پر ہیں!ایک حقیقی کوئزڈکٹ ہونے پر مبارکباد! آپ نے ثابت کر دیا ہے کہ آپ کوئزز کے عادی ہیں اور ہماری سائٹ پر ٹاپ سکورر بننے کے لیے آپ کے پاس جو کچھ ہوتا ہے وہ ہے۔ زبردست کام جاری رکھیں اور کوئزڈکٹ کے ساتھ اپنے علم کی جانچ کرتے رہیں - تفریحی کوئز کی حتمی منزل۔ ہم یہ دیکھنے کے لیے انتظار نہیں کر سکتے کہ آپ آگے کیا حاصل کریں گے!آپ کو خوش آمدید، بہادر کوئزڈکٹ نائٹ! علم کے لیے آپ کی جستجو حکمت کے دائروں میں ایک مہاکاوی سفر پر ایک عظیم جنگجو کی طرح ہے۔ جیسے جیسے آپ معمولی باتوں کے چیلنجوں پر فتح حاصل کرتے رہیں گے، آپ کا فکری ہتھیار ہر ایک گواہی دینے والوں میں مزید روشن، متاثر کن خوف پیدا کرے گا۔ آگے بڑھو، چیمپئن!آپ ایک حقیقی کوئزڈکٹ سپر اسٹار ہیں! آپ کی کوئز کی لت ختم ہو گئی ہے، اور آپ نے دکھایا ہے کہ آپ ہماری سائٹ پر ایک ایسی قوت ہیں جن کا حساب لیا جانا چاہیے۔ زبردست کام جاری رکھیں اور کوئزڈکٹ کے ساتھ اپنے علم کی جانچ کرتے رہیں - تفریحی کوئز کی حتمی منزل۔ ہم یہ دیکھنے کے لیے انتظار نہیں کر سکتے کہ آپ آگے کیا حاصل کریں گے!بہت اچھا کام، کوئزڈکٹ کے شوقین! آپ کوئز کو اس طرح کچل رہے ہیں جیسے کوئی چیمپئن ویٹ لفٹر بھاری وزن اٹھا رہا ہو۔ آپ کی ذہنی چستی اور متاثر کن علم نے ہمیں ایسے متاثر کیا ہے جیسے کوئی جادوگر ٹوپی سے خرگوش نکالتا ہے۔ کوئزڈکٹ کے پرستار، کوئز کرتے رہیں، اور اپنی عقل کو چمکتی ہوئی روشنی کی طرح چمکنے دیں!جانے کا راستہ، زبردست کوئزڈکٹ کا عادی! آپ نے اپنے آپ کو ایک حقیقی کوئز چیمپیئن ثابت کیا ہے جیسے ایک سپر ہیرو دن کی بچت کرتا ہے۔ آپ کے لامحدود علم اور فوری اضطراب نے ہمیں گرمی کی رات میں آتش بازی کی طرح حیران کر دیا ہے۔ کوئز کرتے رہیں، کوئزڈکٹ کے پرستار، اور اپنی عقل کو ایک روشن روشنی کی طرح چمکنے دیں تاکہ سب کو دیکھا جا سکے!ہورے، شاندار کوئزڈکٹ پرستار! آپ نے ہمارے کوئزز پر اپنی مہارت اس طرح دکھائی ہے جیسے کوئی ماہر جادوگر جادو کا کرتب دکھا رہا ہو۔ آپ کی عقل کوئزڈکٹ کہکشاں میں چمکتے ہوئے ستارے کی طرح چمکتی ہے، اور ہم یہ دیکھنے کے لیے انتظار نہیں کر سکتے کہ آپ کی چمک آپ کو آگے کہاں لے جائے گی۔ ایک فاتح کی طرح کوئز کرتے رہیں!اوہ میرے، غیر معمولی کوئزڈکٹ کوئزر! آپ نے اپنے ناقابل یقین سمارٹ اور بجلی کے تیز اضطراب سے ہم سب کو دنگ کر دیا ہے۔ ہمارے معمولی چیلنجوں پر آپ کی فتح ہمیں "یوریکا!" کا نعرہ لگانے پر مجبور کرتی ہے۔ اور ایک جگ رقص کرو! اپنی ذہانت سے ہمیں مسحور کرتے رہیں اور کوئزڈکٹ کو اپنی حکمت کا میدان بننے دیں۔ آپ ایک معمولی معجزہ ہیں!واہ، حیرت انگیز کوئزڈکٹ وِز! آپ نے مشن پر تیز رفتار کینگرو کی طرح ہماری معمولی باتوں کو زپ کیا ہے۔ آپ کے سمارٹ کوئزڈکٹ کو ایک شاندار آتش بازی کے شو کی طرح روشن کرتے ہیں! ایک کوئز سے دوسرے کوئز میں گھومتے رہیں، اپنی چالاکی پھیلاتے رہیں اور ہم سب کو اپنی جانکاری سے متاثر کرتے رہیں۔ آپ ایک حقیقی ٹریویا سپر اسٹار ہیں!
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
بس ہمیں بتائیں کہ آپ اپنے نتائج دیکھنے کے لیے کون ہیں!

This car came with a variety of customization choices.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car is famous for its distinctive headlight design.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car took its name from a luminous star.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
Jay Leno describes this car as "misunderstood and undervalued."
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was distinguished by its external woodgrain trim.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
The name of this car drew inspiration from mythological figures from Ancient Greece and Rome.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
The "gull-wing" doors on this car are unmistakable.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was offered in three versions: base, luxury, and sport.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car featured air-cooled engines up until the late 1990s.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was among the most expensive of the 1970s.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was among the pioneers in utilizing advanced aerodynamics.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
The most significant update to this car was the introduction of "rack and pinion" steering.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was exclusively available on the East Coast in the United States.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was among the most affordable and versatile sports cars of the 1970s.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This unique model was exclusively available in 1970.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
Only 1,359 of these exist.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car featured a playful "beep-beep" horn sound.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
The front-end styling of this car tends to divide opinions; people either love it or hate it.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
When this car was released, it was the fastest on the road.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
In the 1970s, this affordable and lightweight sports car was a strong seller.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car made its debut in the United States in January 1975.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was a joint venture between Volkswagen and Porsche.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car is rare to come by today.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was manufactured from 1972 to 1983.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This classic car was featured in a Burt Reynolds movie.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This vehicle was released in 1970.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was once the priciest model offered by its manufacturer.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was an upgrade from the Fairlane.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This model was a bestseller.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car made the "Italian Wedge" design famous.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was dubbed "the first wide small car."
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This vehicle was one of the most successful models produced by its manufacturer.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
The car was recognized for its affordability.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
Between 500 and 600 of these cars were produced.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was known for blowing up.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was released in 1973.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car stood out as quite different from the rest.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car continues to be produced today.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was the most popular in America during the sixties and seventies.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was available with a range of modifications.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This French car was the first to employ a Jetronic system.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This was first introduced at the 1971 Geneva Motor Show.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
It claimed victory in the Safari Rally races in both 1971 and 1973.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
Its forged aluminum pistons were introduced in Turin, Italy, in 1973.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car, designed by Bertone of Italy, was specifically crafted for the US markets.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This "Shark" was inspired by Lamborghini and Alfa Romeo.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
Initially, she did not comply with US emission laws.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
The getaway car for the Duke boys in "The Dukes of Hazzard"
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
One of the smallest muscle cars ever to come out of Detroit.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
These cars were manufactured in 1969 but didn't go on sale until 1970.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This was dubbed the company's "King of the Hill."
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was categorized as a "Pony" car in the 1970s.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
Its hood was likened to the landing deck of an aircraft carrier.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was made by a company renowned for its shifters.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
It was driven on ski slopes during a Winter Olympics for promotional purposes.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This "family" car introduced turbocharging in the 70s.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
More than 5 million of these were produced over a span of five years.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
For a decade, this car was exclusively available as a two-door model.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This British car was equipped with a Chrysler V8 engine.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
This car was hand-built in the 70s.
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
مبارک ہو، آپ نے ختم کر دیا! یہاں آپ کا نتیجہ ہے:
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
مبارک ہو، آپ نے ختم کر دیا! یہاں آپ کا نتیجہ ہے:
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
مبارک ہو، آپ نے ختم کر دیا! یہاں آپ کا نتیجہ ہے:
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
مبارک ہو، آپ نے ختم کر دیا! یہاں آپ کا نتیجہ ہے:
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!
مبارک ہو، آپ نے ختم کر دیا! یہاں آپ کا نتیجہ ہے:
Step back in time to the 1970s, an era when cars were more than just transportation—they were statements. This was the golden age of muscle cars, with vehicles like the Ford Mustang, Pontiac Trans-Am, and Chevrolet Chevelle dominating the roads with their bold designs and powerful engines. The decade also saw its share of challenges, like the Oil Crisis, which shaped automotive history in its own right. Do you have what it takes to identify these iconic 1970s cars from just a photo? Let’s find out if you can spot these classic beauties!