In "Hook", Glenn Close made an unrecognizable cameo as Gutless, a male pirate. In her brief scene, Close was put in "The Boo Box" by Captain Hook, played by Dustin Hoffman.Will Smith has a surprising, uncredited cameo in "Winter's Tale" as Lucifer, making an unexpected appearance at a gathering of supernatural beings.Tom Cruise made a memorable cameo in "Tropic Thunder" as Les Grossman, a profanity-spewing Hollywood executive. His role was hilarious, showing Cruise's comedic range and stealing many scenes.Brad Pitt had a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo in "Deadpool 2" as The Vanisher, a member of X-Force whose power is invisibility. His brief appearance, when The Vanisher is electrocuted, was a clever cameo that delighted fans.In "Zombieland", Bill Murray makes an unforgettable cameo as himself, having survived the zombie apocalypse by disguising as a zombie. His appearance provides some of the film's funniest and most surprising moments. Matt Damon had a small, uncredited role in "EuroTrip" as Donny, a punk rock singer. His performance of the song "Scotty Doesn't Know" is one of the film's most memorable moments.Johnny Depp makes a surprise cameo in "21 Jump Street", reprising his role as Officer Tom Hanson from the original television series, in a twist that was a treat for fans of the show.Stan Lee's cameo in "The Amazing Spider-Man" as a librarian oblivious to a battle happening behind him is one of his most memorable appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.David Bowie has a hilarious cameo in "Zoolander" as the judge of the "walk-off" contest between Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller) and Hansel (Owen Wilson). His appearance added a delightful touch to the fashion-themed comedy.Cate Blanchett makes an uncredited cameo in "Hot Fuzz" as Janine, Nicholas Angel's ex-girlfriend. Her entire scene takes place in a crime scene suit, making her nearly unrecognizable.Danny DeVito portrays Max Medici, a circus ringmaster, in the 2019 Disney live-action remake of "Dumbo". His character tries to keep his struggling circus afloat while dealing with the extraordinary baby elephant, Dumbo.In "The Interview", Eminem makes a shocking (and fictional) admission about his sexuality while portraying himself. His cameo adds an unexpected twist to the comedy's beginning.Hugh Jackman has a cameo in "Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb" where he plays himself in a dream sequence. In a fun twist, he uses his Wolverine persona from the X-Men movies as a disguise.In "The Hangover", Mike Tyson plays himself. The group finds a tiger in their hotel room, which turns out to belong to Tyson. His unexpected cameo heightens the comedy's wild narrative.Ryan Reynolds made a surprise cameo in "Hobbs & Shaw" as CIA agent Locke. His comic timing and banter with Dwayne Johnson added humor to the high-action movie.Zdobōłeś 0 na 15Zdobōłeś 1 na 15Zdobōłeś 2 na 15Zdobōłeś 3 na 15Zdobōłeś 4 na 15Zdobōłeś 5 na 15Zdobōłeś 6 na 15Zdobōłeś 7 na 15Zdobōłeś 8 na 15Zdobōłeś 9 na 15Zdobōłeś 10 na 15Zdobōłeś 11 na 15Zdobōłeś 12 na 15Zdobōłeś 13 na 15Zdobōłeś 14 na 15Zdobōłeś 15 na 15
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Jesteś na drōdze do srogości!Hooray za przijyńcie wyzwanio Quizdict! Możliwe, iże tym razym niy ôsiōngnōłeś jackpota, ale jesteś jak ôdwożny przigodnik, kery nawiguje bez zdradzliwy teryn trywialności. Durch eksplorować, fan Quizdict, i niech twoje poszukowanie wiedze kludzi ci w kerōnku srogości. Kto wie, jake skarby czekajōm na ciebie we twojij nastympnyj przigodzie quizowyj?Srogi wysiłek, przigodnik Quizdict! Jesteś jak brawy wojownik, kery walczy bez ciynżke batalije ô trywialności. Durch quizy, fan Quizdict, i niech twoja szmag po wiedze bydzie twojim szczytym i mieczym. Kożde pytanie je szansōm na uczynie sie i rozrost, a ty jesz na drōdze do ôstanio majsterym trywialności!Do ôdpoczynku, ôdkrywca Quizdict! Jesteś jak brawy przigodnik, kery ôdwołuje sie do niyznōmych terytoriōw trywialności. Durch quizy, fan Quizdict, i niech twoje zamiyłowanie do uczynio sie kludzi ci do sukcesu. Pamiytaj, iże kożdo ôdpowiydź przibliżo ci ô krok ôstanio prawdziwym mistrzym quizōw. Radzisz sie świetnie!Gratulujōm, przigodnik Quizdict! Jesteś jak wykwintny nawigatōr, kery żegluje po skurczōnych wodach trywialności. Durch quizy, fan Quizdict, i niech twoja decyzyjo do uczynio sie kludzi ci do zwyciynstwa. Pamiytaj, iże kożdo ôdpowiydź je szansōm na rozszyrzynie swojij wiedze i usprawniynie swojich umiyjyntności. Jesteś na drōdze do ôstanio prawdziwym narkomanōm quizōw!Świetno robota, ôdkrywca Quizdict! Jesteś jak doświadczōny przigodnik, kery robi stały postymp w wymagajōncym landszafcie trywialności. Durch quizy, fan Quizdict, i pozwol, coby twoja pasyjo do uczynio sie podsyco twoja rajza w kerōnku sukcesu. Pamiytaj, iże kożde pytanie je szansōm na rozrost i poprawa. Jesteś na drōdze do ôstanio prawdziwym narkomanōm quizōw!Niyôbyczajno robota, przigodnik Quizdict! Jesteś jak wykwintny ôdkrywca, kery ôdważo sie przez dziwaczny teryn trywialności. Durch quizy, fan Quizdict, i pozwol, coby twoja pasyjo do wiedze napyndza ci do zwyciynstwa. Pamiytaj, iże kożde pytanie je szansōm na uczynie sie i rozrost. Jesteś na dobryj sztrece do ôstanio prawdziwym narkomanōm quizōw!Gratulujōm, mistrz Quizdict! Jesteś jak wykwintny ninja quizu, co przecino wyzwania trywialności. Durch quizy, fan Quizdict, i niech twoje zamiyłowanie do uczynio sie kludzi ci do sukcesu. Pamiytaj, iże kożdo ôdpowiydź je krokym w kerōnku stowanio sie prawdziwym narkomanōm quizōw. Radzisz sie świetnie!Wysoko piyńć, majster Quizdict! Jesteś jak czarownik quizōw, co rzuco czarta wiedze i ôświycenio. Durch quizy, fan Quizdict, i niech twoje zamiyłowanie do trywialności kludzi ci do zwyciynstwa. Pamiytaj, iże kożdo ôdpowiydź je szansōm na rozszyrzynie swojigo umysłu i zaôstrzynie swojich umiyjyntności. Jesteś na dobryj drōdze do ôstanio prawdziwym narkomanōm quizōw!Do ôdpoczynku, guru Quizdyktu! Jesteś jak maszina quizōw, co z łatwościōm wydowosz noleżne ôdpowiedzi. Durch quizy, fan Quizdict, i niech twojo pasyjo do trywialności kludzi ci w kerōnku srogości. Pamiytaj, iże kożde pytanie je szansōm na przekozanie swojich umiyjyntności i zamiyłowanio do uczynio sie. Jesteś na dobryj drōdze do ôstanio prawdziwym narkomanym quizōw!Gratulujōm, iże sōm prawy Quizdyct! Dowiōdłeś, iże jesteś uzależniōny ôd quizōw i masz to, co potrzebne, coby być nojlepszym zdobywcōm na naszym stronie. Kōntynuuj szumno robota i kōntynuuj testowanie swojij wiedze ze Quizdict - ôstatecznym cylym szpasu quizōw. Niy mogymy czekać, co ôsiōngniesz dalij!Pozdrowiajōm ci, ôdwożny rycerz Quizdict! Woje poszukowanie wiedze je jak zocny wojownik na epicznyj rajzie bez krōlestwa mōndrości. Kej durch pokōnujesz wyzwania trywialności, twoja intelektualno zbroja błyszczy coroz jaśnij, inspirujōnc powdziyńcie wszyskich, co sōm świodkami. Kludź dalij, majster!Jesteś prawdziwōm supergwiozdōm Quizdict! Twoja ôdporność na quizy spłaciyła sie, a ty pokozałeś, iże jesteś siyłōm, z kerōm noleży sie liczić na naszyj strōnie. Kōntynuuj szumno robota i kōntynuuj testowanie swojij wiedze ze Quizdict - ôstatecznym cylym szpasu quizōw. Niy mogymy czekać, co ôsiōngniesz dalij!Świetno robota, yntuzjasta Quizdict! Gnieś quizy jak majster dźwigacz, kery dźwigo ciynżke wogi. Twoja psychiczno szybkość i wrażajōnco wiedza zrobiyły na nos wrażynie, jak magicz, kery wyciōngo krōlika z kapelusza. Durch quizy, fan Quizdict, i niech twōj intelekt błyszczy jak latarni błynszcz!Do ôdpoczynku, fantastyczny narkoman Quizdict! Dokozałeś sie prawy majster quizōw, jak superbohater, kery ratuje dziyń. Waszo bezgraniczno wiedza i gibke refleksy ôślepiały nos jak fajerwerki w letnij nocy. Durch quizy, fan Quizdict, i niech twōj intelekt błyszczy jak jasne światło, coby wszyjscy go zoboczyli!Ura, fantastyczny fan Quizdyktu! Wykozałeś swoje majsterstwo nad naszymi quizami jak wykwintny magik wykōnujōncy magiczny kōnszt. Wosz intelekt błyszczy jak ljyszczōnco gwiozda w galaktyce Quizdict, a my niy mogymy czekać, coby zoboczyć, kaj ci dalij zabierze twoja geniusza. Durch quizować jak majster!Och mōj, fenomenalny quizōr Quizdict! Ôgłupiōłeś nos wszyskich swojimi niesamowitymi inteligyncyjami i błynōtnymi ôdruchami. Wosze triumfy na naszych trywialnych wyzwaniach sprawiajōm, iże chcymy krzyczeć "Eureka!" i tańcuj jig! Durch ôślepiaj nos swojim intelektym i niech Quizdict bydzie twojim placym szpilu mōndrości. Jesteś cudem trywialnym!Wow, niyôbyczajny wiz Quizdict! Przejzdrzołeś sie bez nasze trywia jak gibki kangur w misji. Twoje smarts rozjaśniajōm Quizdict jak ôszalywajōncy przedstawiynie fejerwerkōw! Durch skokaj z jednego quizu na drugi, rozprzestrzyniajōnc swoja sprytność i inspirujōnc nos wszyskich swojim know-howym. Jesteś prawdziwōm supergwiozdōm trywiōw!Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
Powiedz nōm, fto jesteś, coby zoboczyć swoje wyniki!
Which movie featured a cameo by Glenn Close dressed as a male pirate?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
In which movie does Will Smith portray a superhero attending a superhero support group meeting?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
Which film does Tom Cruise make an appearance as a foul-mouthed movie executive?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
Which movie features Brad Pitt as an invisible man?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
In which movie does Bill Murray appear as himself during a zombie apocalypse?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
Which film features a surprise appearance by Matt Damon as an animal-loving rock star?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
In which movie does Johnny Depp reprise his TV role as an undercover cop?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
Which film does Stan Lee cameo as a skeptical librarian?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
Which film features David Bowie as a judge for a walk-off?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
In which film does Cate Blanchett portray an elderly woman sharing her life's story?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
Which film features Danny DeVito as a circus ringmaster?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
In which movie does Eminem appear as himself, discussing his alter ego?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
Which film does Hugh Jackman play a hacker's disguise?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
Which film does Mike Tyson play himself, leading to a surprise in a hotel room?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
In which movie does Ryan Reynolds appear as an actor taking on a superhero role?
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
Gratulujōm, skōńczyłeś! Ôto twoje wyniki:
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
Gratulujōm, skōńczyłeś! Ôto twoje wyniki:
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
Gratulujōm, skōńczyłeś! Ôto twoje wyniki:
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
Gratulujōm, skōńczyłeś! Ôto twoje wyniki:
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!
Gratulujōm, skōńczyłeś! Ôto twoje wyniki:
Greetings, movie enthusiasts! Are you up for an exciting challenge? Our latest quiz, "Can You Identify These Movies From a Celebrity Cameo?", is here to test your observation skills and cinematic knowledge. Often in films, A-list celebrities appear in blink-and-you-miss-it roles, adding a surprise element for the viewers. This quiz is all about identifying those movies from the description of such starry cameos. So, are you ready to dive in and prove you're not just a movie-goer but a true movie buff? Lights, camera, action!