Kate Winslet won her first Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in "The Reader" (2008). Her portrayal of Hanna Schmitz, a former concentration camp guard, showcased her depth and ability to take on complex characters.In "The Holiday" (2006), Kate Winslet played Iris, a young writer from England who swaps homes with Cameron Diaz's character for the Christmas holidays. It's a charming romantic comedy about finding love and self-discovery.Kate Winslet starred opposite Jim Carrey in "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" (2004). The film is a unique romantic sci-fi drama about a couple who undergo a procedure to erase memories of each other.In "Steve Jobs" (2015), Kate Winslet portrayed Joanna Hoffman, a close confidant and marketing executive for Apple. Her performance earned her numerous accolades and showcased her versatility once again.Kate Winslet did not star in "Collateral Beauty". While she has appeared in an array of movies spanning various genres, this particular film did not feature her in its ensemble cast."Revolutionary Road" (2008) brought together Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio as April and Frank Wheeler, a couple navigating the challenges of suburban life in the 1950s. Their powerful performances showcased the complexities and emotional challenges of their relationship.Kate Winslet received her seventh Oscar nomination for her role in "Ammonite" (2020). Playing the role of Mary Anning, a self-taught paleontologist, she delves deep into a romantic relationship with Charlotte Murchison, portrayed by Saoirse Ronan, highlighting the intricacies of their bond against a historical backdrop.In the animated film "Flushed Away" (2006), Kate Winslet voiced the character Rita Malone, a street-smart rat. As Roddy's (voiced by Hugh Jackman) ally, they embark on a thrilling adventure beneath the streets of London.In "A Little Chaos" (2014), Kate Winslet played Sabine de Barra, a fictional gardener. Set during the reign of King Louis XIV, the film showcases her contribution to the construction of the Gardens of Versailles.Kate Winslet worked with director James Cameron on the iconic film "Titanic" (1997). Her portrayal of Rose DeWitt Bukater became one of her most recognizable roles. However, it's worth noting that she also joined Cameron for the upcoming "Avatar 2," so a and d would both be correct if considering her full filmography up until the present day.Kate Winslet worked with director James Cameron on the iconic film "Titanic" (1997). Her portrayal of Rose DeWitt Bukater became one of her most recognizable roles. However, it's worth noting that she also joined Cameron for the upcoming "Avatar 2," so a and d would both be correct if considering her full filmography up until the present day.In "The Dressmaker" (2015), Kate Winslet plays Myrtle "Tilly" Dunnage who returns to her hometown and eventually falls in love with a man named Teddy, not Harold. This was a trick question to truly test your knowledge!"Mare of Easttown" (2021) is a television series where Kate Winslet stars as Mare Sheehan, a detective in a small town investigating a local murder. The series received acclaim for its intricate storytelling and Winslet's compelling performance.In "Triple 9" (2016), Kate Winslet plays the character Irina Vlaslov, a Russian mobster's wife. She's involved in the murky world of crime, demonstrating Winslet's ability to take on varied and challenging roles.In "Resistance" (2011), Kate Winslet plays Sarah Lewis, a young woman in Nazi-occupied Britain. The narrative unfolds as she struggles to ensure her family's safety during a challenging period, showcasing her versatility as an actress.In "Labor Day" (2013), Kate Winslet plays Adele, a depressed single mother. When she and her son offer a wounded man (played by Josh Brolin) a ride, they soon learn he's an escaped convict. A captivating romance ensues, highlighting Winslet's range and depth.Du fick 0 av 15Du fick 1 av 15 poängDu fick 2 av 15 poängDu fick 3 av 15 poängDu fick 4 av 15 poängDu fick 5 av 15 poängDu fick 6 av 15 poängDu fick 7 av 15 poängDu fick 8 av 15 poängDu fick 9 av 15 poängDu fick 10 av 15 poängDu fick 11 av 15 poängDu fick 12 av 15 poängDu fick 13 av 15 poängDu fick 14 av 15 poängDu fick 15 av 15 poäng
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Ditt intellekt gnistrar som en lysande stjärna i Quizdict-galaxen, och vi kan inte vänta på att se vart din briljans tar dig härnäst. Fortsätt frågesport som en mästare!Oh my, fenomenala Quizdict-quizzer! Du har häpnat oss alla med dina otroliga smarta och blixtsnabba reflexer. Dina triumfer på våra triviautmaningar får oss att vilja ropa "Eureka!" och dansa en jigg! Fortsätt att blända oss med ditt intellekt och låt Quizdict vara din lekplats för visdom. Du är ett triviaunderverk!Wow, fantastisk Quizdict-susch! Du har snurrat igenom vår trivia som en snabb känguru på ett uppdrag. Dina klokheter lyser upp Quizdict som en bländande fyrverkerishow! Fortsätt att hoppa från ett frågesport till ett annat, sprid din klurighet och inspirera oss alla med ditt kunnande. Du är en riktig triviasuperstjärna!
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
Berätta bara vem du är för att se dina resultat!

Which movie gave Kate Winslet her first Academy Award win?
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
In which movie did Kate play a young writer named Iris?
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
Kate Winslet starred alongside which actor in 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'?
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
In "Steve Jobs," Kate played the role of...
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
Which of these films did NOT feature Kate Winslet?
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
In which film did Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio reunite as a married couple facing marital problems in the 1950s?
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
For which film did Kate Winslet receive her seventh Academy Award nomination?
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
In "Flushed Away," Kate voiced which character?
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
Which movie had Kate portraying a gardener named Sabine de Barra?
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
Which of these films paired Kate Winslet with director James Cameron?
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
In which film does Kate Winslet's character fall in love with a man named Harold?
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
Which one of these is a TV series featuring Kate Winslet as a detective?
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
In "Triple 9," Kate Winslet portrays a mobster's wife from which country?
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
In which film does Kate Winslet's character struggle to keep her family safe during a war?
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
Kate Winslet starred alongside Josh Brolin in which romantic drama?
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
Grattis, du är klar! Här är ditt resultat:
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
Grattis, du är klar! Här är ditt resultat:
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
Grattis, du är klar! Här är ditt resultat:
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
Grattis, du är klar! Här är ditt resultat:
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!
Grattis, du är klar! Här är ditt resultat:
Kate Winslet, the epitome of talent and grace, has graced our screens for decades, leaving an indelible mark in the world of cinema. Her diverse roles, ranging from historical dramas to intense thrillers, have showcased her versatility as an actress. While many know her for a few iconic roles, only the truest fans can claim comprehensive knowledge of her storied career. Dive into this quiz and test your expertise on the ever-elegant Kate Winslet!