The Muppet Show first aired on September 5, 1976. Created by Jim Henson, the show featured a mix of music, comedy, and a variety of guest stars, running for five seasons until 1981.Crazy Harry is a wild-eyed, unkempt Muppet with a love for explosions. He first appeared in the early seasons of The Muppet Show and has made appearances in various Muppet projects ever since.Frank Oz, a legendary puppeteer and voice actor, was the original performer of Miss Piggy. He began performing her character in 1976 and continued until his semi-retirement in 2000.Paul Williams, a songwriter and composer, created the music for the 1979 film The Muppet Movie, including the iconic song "Rainbow Connection" sung by Kermit the Frog.Camilla the Chicken is Gonzo's girlfriend and first appeared in the second season of The Muppet Show. She has a recurring presence in the Muppets universe and is often seen with Gonzo.In a 1980 episode of The Muppet Show, the Muppets spoofed the Broadway musical A Chorus Line in a sketch called "At the Dance." The performance included several Muppet characters singing "One," a song from the original musical.The Muppets Take Manhattan was released in 1984 and features the Muppets trying to produce a Broadway show. While treasure hunting is not the central theme, it plays a role in the film's plot.In The Muppet Christmas Carol, released in 1992, Michael Caine portrayed Charles Dickens' character Ebenezer Scrooge. This adaptation of the classic tale featured the Muppets as various characters from the story.Beaker is a Muppet character known for his high-pitched, almost unintelligible speech, often characterized by the word "meep." He serves as the hapless assistant to Dr. Bunsen Honeydew in the Muppet Labs sketches.Oscar the Grouch is a Muppet character who lives in a trash can on Sesame Street. Known for his grumpy personality, Oscar often provides humorous commentary and life lessons.Dr. Teeth is the leader of the Muppet band, Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem. He is known for his flamboyant attire, oversized sunglasses, and gold tooth, and often provides vocals and keyboards for the band.The Newsman is a Muppet character who serves as a news reporter, often appearing in sketches on The Muppet Show. Known for his signature trench coat and fedora, he typically delivers the news with a sense of urgency and mild hysteria.Floyd Pepper is a member of The Electric Mayhem and plays the bass guitar. He is known for his pink hair, sunglasses, and laid-back demeanor, and has been a member of the band since its inception.The Great Santa Claus Switch was the first Muppet special to air on television in 1970. It featured a story in which the Muppets helped to foil an evil magician's plan to switch places with Santa Claus.Muppets Most Wanted is the 2014 sequel to the 2011 film The Muppets. In this film, the Muppets find themselves caught up in an international crime caper while on a European tour, led by a Kermit the Frog look-alike named Constantine.Постигли сте 0 од 15Постигли сте 1 од 15Постигли сте 2 од 15 поенаПостигли сте 3 од 15 поенаПостигли сте 4 од 15Постигли сте 5 од 15Постигли сте 6 од 15Постигли сте 7 од 15Постигли сте 8 од 15Постигли сте 9 од 15Добили сте 10 од 15Постигли сте 11 од 15Постигли сте 12 од 15Постигли сте 13 од 15Постигли сте 14 од 15Добили сте 15 од 15
Започни квиз
СледећеСледећи квизНетачноТачноГенерисање вашег резултатаПокушајте поновоУпс, почетниче из Куиздицта! Не брините, и највећи мајстори квиза морали су негде да почну. Можда сте овог пута саплели, али свака грешка је прилика за учење и раст. Наставите да се питате, Куиздицт новајлију, и нека вас ваша жеђ за знањем води ка величини!Ура за покушај, Куиздицт истраживачу! Овај пут можда нисте успели у квизу, али сте као храбри авантуриста који шета кроз неистражене територије. Наставите да истражујете, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и нека ваш радознали дух буде ваш водич до богатства знања. Ко зна која вас чуда чекају у следећој мисији квиза?Велики труд, квиздикт авантуристе! Ти си као радознала мачка која истражује свет тривијалности са разрогаченим очима. Наставите да се питате, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и дозволите да вас ваш ентузијазам за знањем покрене ка успеху. Запамтите, чак и најискуснији шампиони квиза су негде почели. На путу сте ка величини!Ура што сте прихватили изазов Куиздицт! Можда овог пута нисте погодили џекпот, али сте попут смелог авантуристе који се креће кроз подмукли терен тривијалности. Наставите да истражујете, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и дозволите да вас ваша потрага за знањем води ка величини. Ко зна која блага вас чекају на следећој квиз авантури?Велики труд, Квиздикт авантуристе! Ти си као храбри ратник који се бори кроз тешке битке тривијалности. Настави са квизовима, фану Куиздицта, и нека твоја жеђ за знањем буде твој штит и мач. Свако питање је шанса да научите и растете, а ви сте на путу да постанете шампион тривијалности!Браво, истраживачу Куиздицта! Ви сте као храбри авантуриста који се упушта у непознате територије тривијалности. Наставите са квизовима, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и нека вас ваша љубав према учењу води ка успеху. Запамтите, сваки одговор вас доводи корак ближе томе да постанете прави мајстор квиза. Одлично ти иде!Честитамо, авантуристу Куиздицта! Ти си као вешт навигатор који плови узбурканим водама тривијалности. Наставите да се питате, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и нека вас ваша одлучност да научите води ка победи. Запамтите, сваки одговор је шанса да проширите своје знање и усавршите своје вештине. На путу сте да постанете прави зависник од квиза!Одличан посао, истраживачу Куиздицта! Ви сте као искусан авантуриста који стално напредује кроз изазовни пејзаж тривијалности. Наставите да се квизујете, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и дозволите да ваша страст за учењем подстакне ваше путовање ка успеху. Запамтите, свако питање је прилика за раст и побољшање. На путу сте да постанете прави зависник од квиза!Сјајан посао, авантуриста Куиздицта! Ви сте попут вештог истраживача који се бори на незгодном терену тривијалности. Наставите да се питате, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и дозволите да вас ваша страст за знањем покрене ка победи. Запамтите, свако питање је прилика за учење и раст. На добром сте путу да постанете прави зависник од квиза!Честитамо, мајсторе квиздикта! Ви сте попут вештог нинџе у квизу који сече кроз изазове тривијалности. Наставите са квизовима, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и нека вас ваша љубав према учењу води ка успеху. Запамтите, сваки одговор је корак ка томе да постанете прави зависник од квиза. Одлично ти иде!Дај пет, шампион у Квиздикту! Ти си као чаробњак за квиз који баца чини знања и просветљења. Наставите да се питате, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и дозволите да вас ваша љубав према тривијалности води ка победи. Запамтите, сваки одговор је шанса да проширите свој ум и изоштрите своје вештине. На добром сте путу да постанете прави зависник од квиза!Браво, Куиздицт гуру! Ти си као машина за квиз, која са лакоћом избацује тачне одговоре. Наставите да се питате, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и дозволите да вас ваша страст за тривијалношћу води ка величини. Запамтите, свако питање је прилика да покажете своје вештине и љубав према учењу. На добром сте путу да постанете прави зависник од квиза!Честитамо што сте прави квиздикт! Доказали сте да сте зависни од квизова и да имате све што је потребно да бисте били најбољи стрелац на нашем сајту. Наставите са одличним радом и наставите да тестирате своје знање уз Куиздицт - врхунску дестинацију за квиз за забаву. Једва чекамо да видимо шта ћете следеће постићи!Живјели, храбри витеже Квиздикта! Ваша потрага за знањем је попут племенитог ратника на епском путовању кроз царства мудрости. Док будете наставили да савладавате изазове тривијалности, ваш интелектуални оклоп ће блистати све светлије, изазивајући страхопоштовање код свих који сведоче. Напред, шампионе!Ти си права суперзвезда Куиздицта! Ваша зависност од квизова се исплатила, а на нашем сајту сте показали да сте сила на коју треба рачунати. Наставите са одличним радом и наставите да тестирате своје знање уз Куиздицт - врхунску дестинацију за квиз за забаву. Једва чекамо да видимо шта ћете следеће постићи!Одличан посао, ентузијаста Куиздицта! Разбијаш квизове као шампион дизача тегова који диже тешке тегове. Ваша ментална окретност и импресивно знање импресионирали су нас као мађионичар који вади зеца из шешира. Наставите да се питате, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и нека ваш интелект сија као светионик сјаја!Браво, сјајни зависник од Куиздицта! Доказао си се као прави шампион у квизу као суперхерој који спашава дан. Ваше безгранично знање и брзи рефлекси заслепили су нас као ватромет у летњој ноћи. Наставите да се питате, обожаватељу Куиздицта, и нека ваш интелект сија као сјајно светло да га сви виде!Ура, фантастични обожаватељ Куиздицта! Показали сте своје мајсторство у нашим квизовима као вешт мађионичар који изводи мађионичарски трик. Ваш интелект блиста попут сјајне звезде у галаксији Куиздицт, а ми једва чекамо да видимо где ће вас ваш сјај следеће одвести. Наставите да питате као шампион!О мој, феноменални Куиздицт квиз! Све сте нас запањили својом невероватном памети и муњевитим рефлексима. Ваши тријумфи на нашим тривијалним изазовима чине да пожелимо да викнемо "Еурека!" и заплеши јиг! Наставите да нас заслепљујете својим интелектом и нека Куиздицт буде ваше игралиште мудрости. Ти си право чудо!Вау, невероватан Квиздикт! Прегледали сте наше тривијалности као брзи кенгур на мисији. Ваша памет осветљава Куиздицт попут блиставог ватромета! Наставите да скачете са једног квиза на други, ширећи своју памет и инспиришући нас све својим знањем. Ти си права тривијална суперзвезда!Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Само нам реците ко сте да бисте видели своје резултате!
What year did The Muppet Show first air on television?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Which Muppet character is known for their love of blowing things up?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Who was the original performer of Miss Piggy?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Who composed the music for the original Muppet Movie in 1979?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
What is the name of Gonzo's chicken girlfriend?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
What Broadway musical did the Muppets spoof in a 1980 episode of The Muppet Show?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Which Muppet film was released in 1984 and featured the Muppets on a treasure hunt?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Which actor portrayed Charles Dickens in The Muppet Christmas Carol?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Which Muppet character is known for saying "meep"?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Which Muppet character lives in a trash can on Sesame Street?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Who is the leader of the Muppet band, Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
What is the name of the news reporter Muppet who wears a trench coat and fedora?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
What instrument does Floyd Pepper play in The Electric Mayhem?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
What was the name of the first Muppet special to air on television?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
What is the title of the 2014 sequel to the 2011 film The Muppets?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Честитамо, завршили сте! Ево вашег резултата:
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Честитамо, завршили сте! Ево вашег резултата:
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Честитамо, завршили сте! Ево вашег резултата:
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Честитамо, завршили сте! Ево вашег резултата:
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Честитамо, завршили сте! Ево вашег резултата:
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!