The Muppet Show first aired on September 5, 1976. Created by Jim Henson, the show featured a mix of music, comedy, and a variety of guest stars, running for five seasons until 1981.Crazy Harry is a wild-eyed, unkempt Muppet with a love for explosions. He first appeared in the early seasons of The Muppet Show and has made appearances in various Muppet projects ever since.Frank Oz, a legendary puppeteer and voice actor, was the original performer of Miss Piggy. He began performing her character in 1976 and continued until his semi-retirement in 2000.Paul Williams, a songwriter and composer, created the music for the 1979 film The Muppet Movie, including the iconic song "Rainbow Connection" sung by Kermit the Frog.Camilla the Chicken is Gonzo's girlfriend and first appeared in the second season of The Muppet Show. She has a recurring presence in the Muppets universe and is often seen with Gonzo.In a 1980 episode of The Muppet Show, the Muppets spoofed the Broadway musical A Chorus Line in a sketch called "At the Dance." The performance included several Muppet characters singing "One," a song from the original musical.The Muppets Take Manhattan was released in 1984 and features the Muppets trying to produce a Broadway show. While treasure hunting is not the central theme, it plays a role in the film's plot.In The Muppet Christmas Carol, released in 1992, Michael Caine portrayed Charles Dickens' character Ebenezer Scrooge. This adaptation of the classic tale featured the Muppets as various characters from the story.Beaker is a Muppet character known for his high-pitched, almost unintelligible speech, often characterized by the word "meep." He serves as the hapless assistant to Dr. Bunsen Honeydew in the Muppet Labs sketches.Oscar the Grouch is a Muppet character who lives in a trash can on Sesame Street. Known for his grumpy personality, Oscar often provides humorous commentary and life lessons.Dr. Teeth is the leader of the Muppet band, Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem. He is known for his flamboyant attire, oversized sunglasses, and gold tooth, and often provides vocals and keyboards for the band.The Newsman is a Muppet character who serves as a news reporter, often appearing in sketches on The Muppet Show. Known for his signature trench coat and fedora, he typically delivers the news with a sense of urgency and mild hysteria.Floyd Pepper is a member of The Electric Mayhem and plays the bass guitar. He is known for his pink hair, sunglasses, and laid-back demeanor, and has been a member of the band since its inception.The Great Santa Claus Switch was the first Muppet special to air on television in 1970. It featured a story in which the Muppets helped to foil an evil magician's plan to switch places with Santa Claus.Muppets Most Wanted is the 2014 sequel to the 2011 film The Muppets. In this film, the Muppets find themselves caught up in an international crime caper while on a European tour, led by a Kermit the Frog look-alike named Constantine.Dosegli ste 0 od 15Dosegli ste 1 od 15Dosegli ste 2 od 15Dosegli ste 3 od 15Dosegli ste 4 od 15Dosegli ste 5 od 15Dosegli ste 6 od 15Dosegli ste 7 od 15Dosegli ste 8 od 15Dosegel si 9 od 15Dosegel si 10 od 15Dosegli ste 11 od 15Dosegel si 12 od 15Dosegel si 13 od 15Dosegel si 14 od 15Dosegel si 15 od 15
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NaprejNaslednji kvizNepravilnoPravilnoUstvarjanje vašega rezultataPoskusite znovaUps, Quizdict novinec! Brez skrbi, tudi največji mojstri kviza so morali nekje začeti. Morda ste se tokrat spotaknili, a vsaka napaka je priložnost za učenje in rast. Nadaljuj s kviziranjem, Quizdict novinec, in naj te žeja po znanju vodi k veličini!Hura za poskus, Quizdict explorer! Morda tokrat niste uspešno rešili kviza, vendar ste kot pogumen pustolovec, ki se sprehaja po neznanih ozemljih. Nadaljuj z raziskovanjem, oboževalec Quizdict, in naj bo tvoj radovedni duh vodnik do bogastva znanja. Kdo ve, kakšni čudeži vas čakajo na vašem naslednjem kvizu?Velik trud, Quizdict pustolovec! Ste kot radovedna mačka, ki s široko odprtimi začudenjem raziskuje svet malenkosti. Nadaljuj s kviziranjem, oboževalec Quizdicta, in naj te tvoje navdušenje nad znanjem vodi k uspehu. Ne pozabite, tudi najbolj izkušeni prvaki kviza so nekje začeli. Ste na poti k veličini!Hura, ker ste sprejeli izziv Quizdict! Morda tokrat niste zadeli jackpota, vendar ste kot drzen pustolovec, ki pluje po zahrbtnem terenu malenkosti. Nadaljuj z raziskovanjem, oboževalec Quizdict, in naj te iskanje znanja vodi k veličini. Kdo ve, kakšni zakladi vas čakajo na vaši naslednji kviz avanturi?Velik trud, Quizdict pustolovec! Ste kot pogumen bojevnik, ki se bori skozi težke bitke malenkosti. Nadaljuj s kviziranjem, oboževalec Quizdict, in naj bo tvoja želja po znanju tvoj ščit in meč. Vsako vprašanje je priložnost za učenje in rast, poleg tega ste na dobri poti, da postanete prvak v trivialnosti!Bravo, Quizdict explorer! Ste kot pogumen pustolovec, ki se podaja na neznana ozemlja malenkosti. Nadaljujte s kviziranjem, oboževalec Quizdict, in naj vas ljubezen do učenja vodi do uspeha. Ne pozabite, da vas vsak odgovor pripelje korak bližje temu, da postanete pravi mojster kviza. Super ti gre!Čestitke, pustolovec Quizdict! Ste kot spreten navigator, ki pluje po nemirnih vodah malenkosti. Nadaljuj s kvizom, oboževalec Quizdict, in naj te tvoja odločenost, da se naučiš, vodi do zmage. Ne pozabite, da je vsak odgovor priložnost, da razširite svoje znanje in izpopolnite svoje sposobnosti. Ste na dobri poti, da postanete pravi odvisnik od kviza!Odlično, Quizdict explorer! Ste kot izkušen pustolovec, ki vztrajno napreduje skozi zahtevno pokrajino malenkosti. Nadaljuj s kviziranjem, oboževalec Quizdict, in naj tvoja strast do učenja spodbuja tvojo pot do uspeha. Ne pozabite, da je vsako vprašanje priložnost za rast in izboljšave. Ste na dobri poti, da postanete pravi odvisnik od kviza!Odlično delo, Quizdict pustolovec! Ste kot spreten raziskovalec, ki se podaja na zahteven teren malenkosti. Nadaljuj s kviziranjem, oboževalec Quizdicta, in naj te strast do znanja vodi k zmagi. Ne pozabite, da je vsako vprašanje priložnost za učenje in rast. Ste na pravi poti, da postanete pravi odvisnik od kviza!Čestitke, Quizdict mojster! Ste kot izkušen ninja kvizov, ki reže skozi izzive malenkosti. Nadaljuj s kviziranjem, oboževalec Quizdict, in naj te ljubezen do učenja vodi k uspehu. Ne pozabite, da je vsak odgovor korak k temu, da postanete pravi odvisnik od kviza. Super ti gre!Daj pet, prvak Quizdicta! Ste kot čarovnik za kviz, ki urokuje znanje in razsvetljenje. Nadaljuj s kviziranjem, oboževalec Quizdict, in naj te ljubezen do malenkosti vodi do zmage. Ne pozabite, da je vsak odgovor priložnost, da razširite svoj um in izostrite svoje sposobnosti. Ste na dobri poti, da postanete pravi odvisnik od kviza!Bravo, Quizdict guru! Ste kot stroj za kviz, ki z lahkoto izvablja pravilne odgovore. Nadaljuj s kviziranjem, oboževalec Quizdict, in naj te strast do malenkosti vodi k veličini. Ne pozabite, da je vsako vprašanje priložnost, da pokažete svoje sposobnosti in ljubezen do učenja. Ste na dobri poti, da postanete pravi odvisnik od kviza!Čestitamo, ker ste pravi kvizdik! Dokazali ste, da ste zasvojeni s kvizi in imate vse, kar je potrebno, da postanete najboljši strelec na našem spletnem mestu. Nadaljujte z odličnim delom in še naprej preizkušajte svoje znanje s Quizdictom – najboljšo destinacijo za zabavne kvize. Komaj čakamo, da vidimo, kaj boste naslednjič dosegli!Na zdravje, pogumni vitez Quizdict! Vaše iskanje znanja je kot plemeniti bojevnik na epskem potovanju skozi kraljestva modrosti. Ko boste še naprej premagovali izzive malenkosti, bo vaš intelektualni oklep zasijal vedno močneje in vzbujal strahospoštovanje pri vseh, ki so priče. Naprej, prvak!Ti si prava zvezda Quizdicta! Tvoja zasvojenost s kvizi se je obrestovala in dokazal si, da si na našem spletnem mestu močan. Nadaljujte z odličnim delom in še naprej preizkušajte svoje znanje s Quizdictom – najboljšo destinacijo za zabavne kvize. Komaj čakamo, da vidimo, kaj boste naslednjič dosegli!Odlično, Quizdict navdušenec! Rešujete kvize kot šampion, ki dviguje težke uteži. Vaša mentalna spretnost in impresivno znanje sta nas navdušila kot čarovnik, ki vleče zajca iz klobuka. Nadaljujte s kviziranjem, oboževalec Quizdict, in naj vaš intelekt zasije kot svetilnik briljantnosti!Bravo, super odvisnik od Quizdicta! Izkazali ste se kot pravi prvak v kvizu, kot superjunak, ki je rešil dan. Vaše brezmejno znanje in hitri refleksi so nas zaslepili kot ognjemet v poletni noči. Nadaljuj s kviziranjem, oboževalec Quizdict, in naj tvoj intelekt zasije kot svetla luč, da jo vsi vidijo!Hura, fantastičen oboževalec Quizdicta! Pokazali ste, da obvladate naše kvize kot spreten čarovnik, ki izvaja čarovniški trik. Vaš intelekt se iskri kot sijoča zvezda v galaksiji Quizdict in komaj čakamo, da vidimo, kam vas bo vaša briljantnost popeljala naprej. Nadaljujte s kviziranjem kot šampion!O moj, fenomenalni kviz Quizdict! Vse ste nas osupnili s svojo neverjetno pametjo in bliskovito hitrimi refleksi. Zaradi vaših zmag na naših trivialnih izzivih želimo vzklikniti "Eureka!" in zapleši jig! Še naprej nas osupujte s svojim intelektom in naj bo Quizdict vaše igrišče modrosti. Ti si čudežna malenkost!Vau, neverjeten Quizdict! Brskali ste po naših zanimivostih kot hiter kenguru na misiji. Vaša pamet zasveti Quizdict kot bleščeč ognjemet! Kar naprej skakujte od enega kviza do drugega, širite svojo bistroumnost in nas vse navdihujte s svojim znanjem in izkušnjami. Ti si prava trivialna superzvezda!Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Samo povejte nam, kdo ste, da si ogledamo rezultate!
What year did The Muppet Show first air on television?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Which Muppet character is known for their love of blowing things up?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Who was the original performer of Miss Piggy?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Who composed the music for the original Muppet Movie in 1979?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
What is the name of Gonzo's chicken girlfriend?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
What Broadway musical did the Muppets spoof in a 1980 episode of The Muppet Show?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Which Muppet film was released in 1984 and featured the Muppets on a treasure hunt?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Which actor portrayed Charles Dickens in The Muppet Christmas Carol?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Which Muppet character is known for saying "meep"?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Which Muppet character lives in a trash can on Sesame Street?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Who is the leader of the Muppet band, Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
What is the name of the news reporter Muppet who wears a trench coat and fedora?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
What instrument does Floyd Pepper play in The Electric Mayhem?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
What was the name of the first Muppet special to air on television?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
What is the title of the 2014 sequel to the 2011 film The Muppets?
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Čestitke, končali ste! Tukaj je vaš rezultat:
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Čestitke, končali ste! Tukaj je vaš rezultat:
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Čestitke, končali ste! Tukaj je vaš rezultat:
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Čestitke, končali ste! Tukaj je vaš rezultat:
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!
Čestitke, končali ste! Tukaj je vaš rezultat:
Welcome to the "Can You Pass This Quiz All About the Muppets?" challenge! This 20-question quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the Muppets and their world. From the original Muppet Show to Sesame Street and the Muppet movies, the iconic characters have made their mark in pop culture for decades. Now, it's time to put your Muppets knowledge to the test with a series of questions that only true fans will be able to answer. Are you ready to embark on this journey of trivia and fun? Let's get started!