Sheldon Cooper, played by Jim Parsons in the hit sitcom "The Big Bang Theory", uses "Bazinga!" as his signature catchphrase. Typically, this phrase follows a prank or joke he has executed, serving as a punchline to highlight his intellect and humor.This line is said by Walter White, portrayed by Bryan Cranston in "Breaking Bad". The character utters this phrase to assert his dominance and transformation from a meek schoolteacher into a ruthless drug kingpin.Michael Scott, played by Steve Carell in "The Office", frequently uses this phrase as a punchline for unintentional double entendre jokes. The phrase became a recurring joke throughout the series, often leading to awkward laughs."Live long and prosper" is a phrase commonly used by the character Spock in the "Star Trek" franchise. It's both a verbal and physical greeting among the Vulcan people, symbolizing their philosophy of logic and peace.This famous phrase is said by Fred Flintstone in the classic animated series "The Flintstones". It serves as Fred's catchphrase, expressing joy, enthusiasm, and celebration in his prehistoric world."D'oh!" is the iconic phrase often used by Homer Simpson in the animated series "The Simpsons". It has become synonymous with the character, expressing his frequent frustration, disappointment, or realization of a mistake.Donald Trump would often use the phrase "You're fired!" in the reality show "The Apprentice". As the boss, he would use it when eliminating contestants, adding a dramatic emphasis to the show.Chris Harrison famously said this line in a Vicks commercial, not a regular TV show. Although many people believe it's a line said by an actor playing a doctor, it's actually an advertising catchphrase used to promote the cough syrup.This phrase is said by Barney Stinson, a character in "How I Met Your Mother" portrayed by Neil Patrick Harris. It encapsulates Barney's grandiose and enthusiastic approach to life, becoming a memorable and funny part of the show's humor."Make it so" is a catchphrase used by Captain Picard, portrayed by Patrick Stewart in "Star Trek: The Next Generation". This is often used when Picard gives a command on the starship Enterprise, showcasing his leadership and decision-making.This phrase is from an episode of "Seinfeld", spoken by the character known as "The Soup Nazi". It was his response to customers who didn't follow his strict rules at his soup stand, becoming a comedic catchphrase that resonates with viewers.This phrase is often said by Kyle Broflovski in the animated show "South Park". It's a recurring line following the frequent, often absurd, deaths of the character Kenny McCormick.Arnold Jackson, played by Gary Coleman in the sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes", often used this phrase. It was usually his reaction to something confusing or unbelievable, often directed at his older brother Willis."How you doin'?" is the trademark pickup line of Joey Tribbiani, played by Matt LeBlanc in "Friends". This phrase has become synonymous with Joey's character, who is often seen using it as his fail-proof approach to attract women on the show."I pity the fool" is a catchphrase made famous by Mr. T, who played B. A. Baracus in "The A-Team". The line epitomizes his tough guy image while showing a no-nonsense approach to dealing with problems or people who don't behave sensibly.You scored 0 out of 15You scored 1 out of 15You scored 2 out of 15You scored 3 out of 15You scored 4 out of 15You scored 5 out of 15You scored 6 out of 15You scored 7 out of 15You scored 8 out of 15You scored 9 out of 15You scored 10 out of 15You scored 11 out of 15You scored 12 out of 15You scored 13 out of 15You scored 14 out of 15You scored 15 out of 15
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Možno ste tentoraz netrafili jackpot, ale ste ako odvážny dobrodruh prechádzajúci zradným terénom drobností. Pokračuj v skúmaní, fanúšik Quizdictu, a dovoľ, aby ťa honba za poznaním priviedla k veľkosti. Kto vie, aké poklady na vás čakajú pri vašom ďalšom kvízovom dobrodružstve?Veľké úsilie, Quizdict dobrodruh! Ste ako statočný bojovník, ktorý bojuje cez ťažké bitky maličkostí. Pokračuj v kvízoch, fanúšik Quizdictu, a nech je tvoj smäd po vedomostiach tvojím štítom a mečom. Každá otázka je šancou učiť sa a rásť a ste na dobrej ceste stať sa majstrom drobností!Len tak ďalej, kvízový prieskumník! Ste ako odvážny dobrodruh, ktorý sa púšťa do neznámych oblastí trivia. Pokračujte v kvízoch, fanúšik Quizdict, a nechajte sa svojou láskou k učeniu viesť k úspechu. Pamätajte, že každá odpoveď vás posunie o krok bližšie k tomu, aby ste sa stali skutočným majstrom kvízov. Ide ti to skvele!Gratulujeme, Quizdict dobrodruh! Ste ako skúsený navigátor plaviaci sa v rozbúrených vodách drobností. Pokračujte v kvízoch, fanúšik Quizdict, a nechajte svoje odhodlanie učiť sa, aby vás priviedlo k víťazstvu. Pamätajte, že každá odpoveď je šancou rozšíriť si svoje vedomosti a zdokonaliť svoje zručnosti. Ste na dobrej ceste stať sa skutočným závislým na kvízoch!Skvelá práca, Quizdict explorer! Ste ako skúsený dobrodruh, ktorý neustále napreduje cez náročnú krajinu drobností. Pokračujte v kvízoch, fanúšik Quizdict, a nechajte svoju vášeň pre učenie poháňať vašu cestu k úspechu. Pamätajte, že každá otázka je príležitosťou na rast a zlepšenie. Ste na dobrej ceste stať sa skutočným závislým na kvízoch!Skvelá práca, Quizdict dobrodruh! Ste ako skúsený prieskumník, ktorý sa zdoláva zložitým terénom drobností. Pokračujte v kvízoch, fanúšik Quizdict, a nechajte svoju vášeň pre vedomosti, aby vás poháňala k víťazstvu. Pamätajte, že každá otázka je príležitosťou učiť sa a rásť. Ste na správnej ceste stať sa skutočným závislým na kvízoch!Gratulujeme, majster Quizdict! Ste ako skúsený kvízový ninja, ktorý sa prediera cez maličkosti. Pokračujte v kvízoch, fanúšik Quizdict, a nechajte sa svojou láskou k učeniu viesť k úspechu. Pamätajte, že každá odpoveď je krokom k tomu, aby ste sa stali skutočným závislým na kvízoch. Ide ti to skvele!High five, Quizdict šampión! Ste ako kvízový čarodejník, ktorý vrhá kúzla vedomostí a osvietenia. Pokračujte v kvízoch, fanúšik Quizdictu, a nechajte sa svojou láskou k drobnostiam viesť k víťazstvu. Pamätajte si, že každá odpoveď je šancou rozšíriť si myseľ a zdokonaliť svoje schopnosti. Ste na dobrej ceste stať sa skutočným závislým na kvízoch!Len tak ďalej, kvízový guru! Ste ako stroj na kvízy a s ľahkosťou chrlíte správne odpovede. Pokračujte v kvízoch, fanúšik Quizdict, a nechajte sa svojou vášňou pre trivia viesť k veľkosti. Pamätajte, že každá otázka je príležitosťou ukázať svoje schopnosti a lásku k učeniu. Ste na dobrej ceste stať sa skutočným závislým na kvízoch!Gratulujeme, že ste skutočný Quizdikt! Dokázali ste, že ste závislí na kvízoch a máte na to, aby ste boli najlepším strelcom na našej stránke. Pokračujte v skvelej práci a pokračujte v testovaní svojich vedomostí s Quizdict - ultimátnou zábavnou destináciou pre kvízy. Už sa nevieme dočkať, čo dosiahnete nabudúce!Na zdravie, statočný Quizdikt rytier! Vaše pátranie po poznaní je ako vznešený bojovník na výpravnej ceste ríšami múdrosti. Keď budete pokračovať v prekonávaní výziev maličkostí, vaše intelektuálne brnenie bude žiariť stále jasnejšie a bude vzbudzovať úctu vo všetkých, ktorí svedčia. Kráčajte vpred, šampión!Si skutočná hviezda Quizdictu! Vaša závislosť na kvízoch sa vyplatila a na našej stránke ste ukázali, že ste sila, s ktorou sa musí počítať. Pokračujte v skvelej práci a pokračujte v testovaní svojich vedomostí s Quizdict - ultimátnou zábavnou destináciou pre kvízy. Už sa nevieme dočkať, čo dosiahnete nabudúce!Skvelá práca, nadšenec Quizdict! Drvíte kvízy ako šampión vzpierača, ktorý dvíha ťažké váhy. Vaša duševná bystrosť a pôsobivé vedomosti na nás zapôsobili ako kúzelník vyťahujúci zajaca z klobúka. Pokračujte v kvízoch, fanúšik Quizdict, a nechajte svoj intelekt žiariť ako maják lesku!Len tak ďalej, úžasný závislý na Quizdict! Dokázali ste sa ako skutočný šampión v kvízoch ako superhrdina, ktorý zachraňuje situáciu. Vaše neobmedzené vedomosti a rýchle reflexy nás oslnili ako ohňostroj v letnej noci. Pokračujte v kvízoch, fanúšik Quizdict, a nechajte svoj intelekt žiariť ako jasné svetlo, aby ho všetci videli!Hurá, fantastický fanúšik Quizdictu! Ukázali ste svoje majstrovstvo v našich kvízoch ako skúsený kúzelník predvádzajúci kúzelnícky trik. Váš intelekt sa leskne ako žiariaca hviezda v galaxii Quizdict a my sa nevieme dočkať, kam vás vaša brilantnosť zavedie nabudúce. Pokračujte v kvízoch ako šampión!Oh, fenomenálny kvízový kvíz! Všetkých ste nás ohromili svojou neuveriteľnou inteligenciou a bleskurýchlymi reflexmi. Vaše triumfy v našich vedomostných výzvach nás nútia kričať "Heuréka!" a tancuj jig! Stále nás oslňujte svojím intelektom a nechajte Quizdict byť vaším ihriskom múdrosti. Si maličký zázrak!Wow, úžasný Quizdict svišťanie! Prešli ste naše drobnosti ako rýchly klokan na misii. Vaše múdrosti rozžiaria Quizdict ako oslnivý ohňostroj! Preskakujte od jedného kvízu k druhému, šírte svoju šikovnosť a inšpirujte nás všetkých svojim know-how. Si skutočná hviezda drobností!Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
Ak chcete zobraziť výsledky, povedzte nám, kto ste!
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
"I am the one who knocks!"
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
"That's what she said."
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
"Live long and prosper."
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
"Yabba dabba doo!"
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
"You're fired!"
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
"I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV."
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
"It's gonna be legen...wait for it...dary!"
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
"Make it so."
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
"No soup for you!"
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
"Oh my God, they killed Kenny!"
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
"What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?"
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
"How you doin'?"
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
"I pity the fool."
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
Gratulujeme, skončili ste! Tu je váš výsledok:
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
Gratulujeme, skončili ste! Tu je váš výsledok:
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
Gratulujeme, skončili ste! Tu je váš výsledok:
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
Gratulujeme, skončili ste! Tu je váš výsledok:
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!
Gratulujeme, skončili ste! Tu je váš výsledok:
Welcome to "Who Said These Famous TV Catchphrases?" quiz! As you move through this quiz, you'll be transported into the world of television series, sitcoms, and animated shows that have made their mark in pop culture. These memorable phrases are ingrained in our minds, but do you remember who actually said them? This quiz aims to test your knowledge of some of the most well-known catchphrases from popular TV shows. So, sit back, relax, and let's see if you can match these memorable lines to their iconic characters. Let's see how well you know your TV trivia!