Nicole Kidman was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, but she holds Australian nationality. She was raised in Sydney, Australia, and began her acting career in Australian films and television before gaining international fame.Nicole Kidman received her first Academy Award nomination for Best Actress for her outstanding performance in the 1995 film "To Die For." Her portrayal of a fame-obsessed weather reporter was critically acclaimed.In "The Hours," Nicole Kidman took on the role of the renowned author Virginia Woolf. Her stunning transformation and emotionally charged performance won her an Academy Award for Best Actress.Nicole Kidman was married to actor Tom Cruise from 1990 to 2001. They were one of Hollywood's power couples during their marriage, starring together in films like "Days of Thunder" and "Eyes Wide Shut."Nicole Kidman won an Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie for her portrayal of Celeste Wright in "Big Little Lies." Her nuanced performance as a woman in an abusive relationship earned critical acclaim.In "Cold Mountain," Nicole Kidman's character Ada Monroe falls in love with Inman, a wounded Civil War soldier played by Jude Law. The film explores their emotional journey amidst the backdrop of the American Civil War.In the musical "Moulin Rouge!," Nicole Kidman played Satine, a courtesan and the star performer at the Moulin Rouge nightclub. Her performance was praised for its vulnerability and singing talents.In "The Others," Nicole Kidman played Grace Stewart, a woman living in a remote house with her children, who believes her home is haunted. The film was praised for its atmospheric tension and Kidman's gripping performance.Nicole Kidman received widespread praise and an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress for her role as Becca Corbett in "Rabbit Hole." Her portrayal of a grieving mother was emotionally powerful."Eyes Wide Shut" was directed by the legendary Stanley Kubrick. The film, featuring Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, delves into themes of sexual desire and jealousy in a complex and surreal narrative.Nicole Kidman portrayed Grace Kelly in the biographical drama film "Grace of Monaco," which delves into the actress's life after she became Princess of Monaco. Kidman's elegant performance was well-received.Nicole Kidman won a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television for her role as Celeste Wright in "Big Little Lies." Her portrayal of an abused woman garnered praise from critics and audiences.Nicole Kidman played Mrs. Coulter in the film adaptation of Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials" series, titled "The Golden Compass." Her performance as a charismatic but dangerous antagonist was well-received.In "Australia," Nicole Kidman's character Lady Sarah Ashley becomes romantically involved with the cattle driver known as the Drover, played by Hugh Jackman. The film explores their journey amidst World War II.Nicole Kidman played the lead role of Isabel Archer, a headstrong and independent woman who becomes romantically entangled in a complex web of relationships in "The Portrait of a Lady."Você pontuou 0 de 15Você pontuou 1 de 15Você pontuou 2 de 15Você pontuou 3 de 15Você pontuou 4 de 15Você pontuou 5 de 15Você pontuou 6 de 15Você pontuou 7 de 15Você pontuou 8 de 15Você pontuou 9 de 15Você pontuou 10 de 15Você pontuou 11 de 15Você pontuou 12 de 15Você pontuou 13 de 15Você pontuou 14 de 15Você pontuou 15 de 15
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Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
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What is Nicole Kidman's nationality?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
Which film earned Nicole Kidman her first Academy Award nomination?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
In the film "The Hours," Nicole Kidman portrayed which famous author?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
Which of these celebrities was Nicole Kidman married to?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
Nicole Kidman won an Emmy Award for her role in which TV miniseries?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
In the movie "Cold Mountain," Nicole Kidman's character falls in love with a Civil War soldier played by which actor?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
Nicole Kidman played a courtesan in which famous musical film?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
Which horror film starred Nicole Kidman as Grace Stewart, a woman convinced her house is haunted?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
Nicole Kidman received critical acclaim for her role as Becca Corbett in which drama film?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
Which renowned director directed Nicole Kidman in the movie "Eyes Wide Shut" alongside Tom Cruise?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
In which film did Nicole Kidman play the role of Grace Kelly, the famous Hollywood actress and princess of Monaco?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
Nicole Kidman won a Golden Globe for her role as Celeste Wright in which TV series?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
Which famous fantasy film features Nicole Kidman as Mrs. Coulter, an elegant and sinister character?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
In the movie "Australia," Nicole Kidman's character becomes involved with a cattle driver portrayed by which actor?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
Nicole Kidman portrayed a courtesan and painter in which historical drama film?
Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
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Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
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Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
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Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
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Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!
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Welcome to "15 Questions on Know About Nicole Kidman!" In this quiz, we will test your knowledge about one of Hollywood's most renowned actresses, Nicole Kidman. With her captivating performances and diverse roles, Nicole has left an indelible mark in the film industry. Get ready to delve into her life, career, and accomplishments as you answer these challenging questions. Let's see how well you know this talented actress!