په H2O کې "O" اکسیجن لاسلیک کوي. دا حیاتي عنصر دی چې موږ یې د بقا لپاره تکیه کوو. موږ ټول خپل اهمیت درک کوو او هره ورځ به یې ساه درکړو. اکسیجن ژوند ته مهم دی. یوازې روښانه کولو لپاره، OSMIM یو ډول فلزي دی.پټنځی د ختیځ ساحل په ختیځ ساحل کې اصلي شیرنی کالنی څرګندوي چې اوس د متحده ایالاتو څه دي. دې وکنیورانو د انګلستان له انګلستان څخه خپلواکي اعلان کړه، او د بیا رغونې د تنظیم لپاره د لندن هڅو سره مقاومت وکړ.پرتګالي د برازیل رسمي ژبه ده. دا د نړۍ په کچه ترټولو په پراخه کچه خبرې کول په نړیواله کچه د ژبې اصلي ژبه ده او په سویلي نیمه کرهنه کې ترټولو لوی ژبه ده.نړیواله جګړه ما په 1914 کې پیل کړه او په تاریخ کې یو له ترټولو لوی شخړې وه. د اوو ملیونو ملکي تلفاتو سره، دا د خونړۍ جګړې په منځ کې ادا کوي. شخړه د نړۍ د ټولو لوی اقتصادي قدرتونو ښکېل وو.باور کیږي چې د ویکینګزونو باور کیږي لومړی په شمالي کورج کې د شمال ختیځ ساحل له لارې شمالي امریکا ته راغلی، په هغه څه کې چې اوس کاناډا دی. د دوی د ټول اروپا د کور لالنونو څخه سرچینه اخیسس په ټول اروپا کې برید او پلورل کیږي.که څه هم دا مغشوش بریښي، په 1901 میلادي پیړۍ کې و. پیړۍ هره 100 کاله لري. دا باید مستقیم وي، مګر موږ به تاسو ته بښنه غواړو که تاسو له لاسه ورکړ.عیسویت په نړۍ کې ترټولو لوی مذهب دی. د 2010 په څیر، دا شاوخوا 2.2 ملیارد پیروان درلود. دا مذهب د نازار عیسی د عیسی د ژوند، لارښوونو، او معجزو پراساس دی.
مسکو د روسیې پلازمینه او د هغې ترټولو نفوس لرونکی ښار دی، چې 12.5 ملیونه اوسیدونکي دي. د ښار نوم د ماسکوا سیند څخه ترلاسه شوی.نړیواله جګړه زه یوه نړیواله شخړه وه چې دوه اصلي اتحاد پکې شامل و. متحد کسان، د روسیې، فرانسې، متحده ایالاتو په ګډون، د متحده ایالاتو او انګلستان په ګډون متحد شوي چې مرکزي قدرتونه، کوم چې آلمان او اتریش - هنګري لري. جرمني او متحده ایالات په مخالف اړخونو کې وو.سالمر یو ګیمبیان دی. دوی د خپلو پوټکي او لنډ غړو سره پوټکي سره ورته والی لري. یو شمیر سالنګرز پیاوړي کافران کاروي او د ښکار کولو مخه نیولو لپاره د خبرتیا رنګونه کاروي. دوی خپلې هګۍ په اوبو کې اچوي.مانڈرین چینايي خورا اصلي خبرې کونکي لري، د 873 ملیون خلکو سره. دا د شمالي او سویل لویدیز چین کې ویل کیږي. د ژبې لومړني ډولونه زاړه چینایی، مینځنی چینايي، مینځنی چینايي، او زاړه مانډارین په نوم پیژندل کیږي.د سیوریورالین ډیلی د هنر په ګ many و ژوو کې، خو هغه اساسا د دعراالي لپاره پیژندل شوی. دا ډول هنر هره ورځ په داسې یو څه بدلوي چې په زړه پوري به په زړه پورې وي، حقیقت ګډوډوي.ایملي ډیکینسن په لویه کچه ځان ته ساتل کیږي، او له لسګونو څخه لږ وخت نیسي. هغې د میلمنو څخه ډډه وکړه او په ندرت سره یې د خوب خونه پریښوده.دا نرخ د مشهور ناول څخه دی "د چارلس ډیکنز لخوا د دوه ښارونو یوه کیسه ده. کیسه د فرانسوي انقلاب په جریان کې لندن او پاریس کې ټاکل شوې ده. دا نرخ مشهور د پرانیستې جمله ده.چارلز ډاروین د خپل ارتقاء د تیوري لپاره ډیر پیژندل کیږي. انګلیسي طبیعي وړاندیز شوی چې د ژوند ټول ډولونه د عام پلرونو څخه ډوب شوي دي. د پراخه مننې سره سره، ځینې خلک لاهم د خپل تیوري پر وړاندې استدلال کوي، چې ډیری وختونه "ډاروینزم" ته راجع کیږي.سم ځواب دا دی چې ټول ذکر شوي کرکټرونه مړه کیږي. سپیلر الرټ: هاملیټ د لیټیس په لانډز بلیډ کې وژل شوی. ظالمانو ځان ته د خپل پلار له مرګ څخه وروسته ورغوي (د کړنیر پلار) د پردې له لارې چاغ شوي.د 'بیتيریچي اصطلاح یوه حقوقی یا دولتي سیسټم تشریح کوي چیرې چې سړي واک لري. سرپرست د کلتورونو مختلف اړخونو کې شتون لري، پشمول د ټولنیز، قانوني، سیاسي، سیاسي، سیاسي، او اقتصادي تشو په شمول.یو انسټالز لس د پام وړ لار او ساحې پیښې لري. ګټونکی د ټولو پیښو په جریان کې د دوی د عمومي کړنو پراساس پریکړه کیږي. هغه فرد چې په دادان کې بریالي کیږي ډیری وختونه د نړۍ ترټولو لوی لوبغاړی کیږي.سم جمله "دا کار کول سخت دي کله چې تاسو ستړي یاست." دا یو څه ستونزمن دی، مګر که تاسو نږدې توجه وکړئ، موږ په دې اړه ځواب کې په ځواب کې اشاره کړې!ګینیمیډی د جاپټر ترټولو لوی سپوږمۍ ده او د سیارټ ښار څخه قطر لوی دی. پداسې حال کې چې ډیری خلک زموږ له لمریز سیسټم کې د سیارونو سره بلد دي، د دوی د مونونس نومونو څخه خبر دي.ښي سونګ په دریو لوټونو ویشل شوی دی، پداسې حال کې چې کی left لاسونه یوازې دوه لري. سږې زموږ په ژوند کې حیاتي رول لوبوي، او موږ بختور یو چې له دوی څخه دوه ولرو. مګر تاسو واقعیا د خپلو سږو په اړه څومره پوهیږئ؟جان کوینسي اډیمز له 42 1329 نه تر 1829 پورې د متحده ایالاتو د ولسمشر په توګه دنده ترسره کړې. هغه د دوهم ولسمشر محمد اډمز مشر زوی و او د هغه میرمن ابيګیل اډمز و. د هغه ډیره برخه د ماشومتوب ډیره برخه له خپل پلار سره سفر کړې وه.د پام وړ سوپریکټونینینټ پنجډا، چې په نهایت کې جلا شوی، د پانټلایسا بحر لخوا اداره شوی و. د پیلیوزویک څخه د پیلیوزویک څخه د میسزویک دورې څخه، دا پراخه سمندر د ځمکې شاوخوا 7013T پوښلی.یو پاستاګیو په میوزیک کې یو ورو حرکت څرګندوي. موسیقي غږونکي باید په احتیاط سره سمبولونه وګوري چې د ټیمپلیټونو لوستل کوي کله چې میوزیک لوستل. د دې په کولو کې پاتې راتلل دا د دې لامل کیدی شي چې د پاتې ډلې سره همغږي شي!د رومن شمیره VI د 6 نمبر لپاره ولاړ دی. په لرغوني روم کې سرچینه کول، د رومن شمیرو په ټوله اروپا کې تر ناوخته پورې کارول شوي.د کاناډا بیرغ، اکثرا ناروا بلول، معنی یې په فرانسوي کې د "یوه پا leaf ه" د جورج سټینلي لخوا ډیزاین شوی و. دا لومړی د فبروري په 15، 1965، چې اوس د کاناډا ورځ ملي بیرغ په توګه لمانځل شو.د میټریک سیسټم په نړۍ کې د وزن او فاصلو اندازه کولو لپاره کارول کیږي او د نړیوال استعمال لپاره رامینځته شوی. یو کیلو میتر پورې د 1000 مترو یا تقریبا 0.621 مایل سره مساوي دی.هیکو درې لیکې لري: لومړۍ کرښه پنځه طبقه لري، دوهمه کرښه اوه حيران لري، او دریمه کرښه یو ځل بیا پنځه نصاب لري، ټوله یې 17 سیلابونه. اصطلاح د "ټکي پرې کولو ته د فکر کولو لپاره جملو ته راجع کیږي.د ټایټونو له ړنګیدو وروسته، آسمان د ځمکې لاندې سرې، jus اسمان، او پوسیډن بحر ته ګمارل شوي و. د خپلو ورو brothers و سره یوځای، نیوز د ټاټالونو فتح او د کاسموس یو له حکمران څخه یو شو.11.A لومړۍ شمیره له 1 څخه لوی یو شمیر دی چې له 1 او پخپله نور مثبت تعصب نلري. د مثال په توګه، 5 لومړنی شمیره ده ځکه چې د محصول په توګه دا د څرګندولو یوازینۍ لارې 1 × 5 یا 5 × 1 دي، دواړه دواړه یوازې. شامل دي.AU درست سمبول دی. 24 - کاره سروره د خالص سروره ده، د ټولو 24 برخو سره چې د سرو زرو او نور فلزاتو سره یوځای نه وي. سره زر د لږترلږه تکتیک کیمیاوي عناصرو څخه دی او په کلکه حالت کې شتون لري.اوبه په 0 ° C کې کنګل کوي. برعکس، د اوبو د تیریدو نقطه 100 ° C دی. یخ کولی شي د واورې فکیلو په توګه رامینځته شي، هیل، يک، يخلټ، کيلونه او يخ يکونه. په حقیقت کې، په حقیقت کې د اوبو او یخ ډیری مختلف مرحلې.د رول ورکولو ډبرو کې د شاملیدو دمخه، مایک جاګر د لندن په ښوونځي کې ګډون وکړ. د خپل کیریر سره د دې مسلک سربیره، هغه یو سولور لري او د ترسره کولو ته دوام ورکوي. هغه د اتو او نيو غچونو پلار دی.د Off رتیزمنو هیوادونو، "غلامان او نههټي کوم خدمت نه دی، پرته لدې چې ګوند په متحده ایالاتو کې وي، یا د دوی د قضاوت سره مخ شوی وي."د 180 ° او 360 ° ترمینځ د انعکاماتو زاویې، پداسې حال کې چې یو ورزش زاویه د 90 ° څخه تر 180 ° پورې تیریږي، او د 00 څخه تر 180 ° پورې راټیټیږي، او تر 0 00 ° پورې راځي.وینس، د لمر څخه دوهم سیارټ، د 456.85 ° C سطحی حرارت لري (854.33 ° F). دا د څرخیدو موده هم لري او په مقابل لوري کې د نورو سیارونو په پرتله په مقابل لوري کې تاووي.د پیشوګانو یوې ډلې کولی شي یو کلوډر ته، یو ماسي، یا یو څرګند شي. تسکرونه د یو ډول په توګه هم پیژندل کیږي. دا شرایط په عام ډول ندي کارول شوي، مګر یو څوک د دوی لپاره د نومونو سره راغلی دی!مارزیپان د ځمکني بادامو سره مخلوط دی. د چاکلیټ پوښ شوی مارزیپان مشهور دی، او دا عموما د زیږون او واده کیک کې هم کارول کیږي. دا په انګلستان کې ښه مینه لري.یو ځانګړی پیانو 52 سپینې کیليګانې او 36 تور کیلي لري، ټولیز 88 کلي. پیانو د شاوخوا 1700 ته رسیږي او د ایټالیا موسیقۍ، د ایټالیا موسیقي غږونکي لخوا ایجاد شوی و.د لوبو کارتونو معیاري ډیک څلور سوټ لري، هر یو 13 کارتونه لري، ټول 52 کارتونه لري. که څوک کله هم پوښتنه وکړي که تاسو غواړئ "52 کارت غوره کړئ،" یوازې ووایاست.The 20th-century physicist Albert Einstein formulated this equation, where E represents energy, m stands for mass, and c² denotes the speed of light squared.This one confuses many people! "There," "their," and "they’re" are homophones, meaning they sound the same but have different meanings. The correct choice here is "they’re," which stands for "they are."At the start of the war in 1939, the Allies included France, Poland, and the United Kingdom. They were later joined by the independent Dominions of the British Commonwealth: Canada, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.Wind instruments produce sound by using air to create vibrations. A lute, on the other hand, is not a wind instrument; it is a string instrument played by plucking its strings.Genghis Khan is one of history's most renowned conquerors. He founded and was the first Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death.The skin is regarded as the largest organ of the body. It is approximately 2 millimeters thick, covers the entire body, and accounts for about 16 percent of your total body mass.The planets, ordered from smallest to largest, are Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter. Mercury, the smallest, is the closest planet to the sun, while Earth is the third.Nairobi, one of Africa's largest and fastest-growing cities, is the capital of Kenya. It serves as the country's economic, administrative, and cultural center. Nairobi is located in the highlands of south-central Kenya.If you invest $100 at a 2 percent annual compound interest rate, you'll earn $2 in interest after one year, making your total $102. In the second year, the 2 percent interest will be applied to $102, resulting in $2.04 in interest. After five years, you will have $110.41.Sir Isaac Newton, an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian, and author, was one of the most influential scientists in history. He formulated the law of universal gravitation after observing an apple fall from a tree.The smallest ocean in the world is the Arctic Ocean. It is also the shallowest and contains several marginal seas. In contrast, the largest ocean is the Pacific, covering approximately 59,000,000 square miles.The United States is not a continent; it is a country. The continents are: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. Asia is the largest continent, covering 44,391,162 square miles.Chlorophyll is the green substance found in plants that absorbs light, primarily from the blue and red parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. It was first discovered in 1817 by Pierre Joseph Pelletier and Joseph Bienaimé Caventou.Laws are written by the Legislative branch of the United States government, known as Congress. Congress is divided into two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each U.S. state also has its own legislative branch.The largest bone in the human body is the femur, located in the leg. The smallest bone is the stapes, a stirrup-shaped bone that is the third of the three ossicles in the ear.Austin is the capital of Texas. The Capitol Building, a National Historic Landmark, underwent a $75 million renovation in 1993. It is the sixth tallest state capitol building in the United States!After Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned in 1973, Gerald Ford was nominated to fill the position. The following year, Ford became President when Richard Nixon resigned.Rainbows may seem magical, but we see them due to light refraction! In 2017, a rainbow appeared over Taiwan that lasted a record-breaking eight hours and 58 minutes. The previous record was a six-hour-long rainbow over England in 1994.The answer is the ostrich. An adult ostrich can run at speeds of up to 43 miles per hour! Their long legs are powerful enough to deliver a kick strong enough to kill a human or a potential predator.Queen bees usually lay around 1,000 to 2,000 eggs per day. Did you know that a bee's "buzz" is the sound of its wings beating? They can beat up to 200 times per second! In comparison, a hummingbird's wings beat about 80 times per second.تاسو له 60 څخه 0 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 1 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو د 60 څخه 2 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 3 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 4 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 5 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 6 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 7 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 8 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 9 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 10 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 11 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 12 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 13 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 14 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 15 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 16 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 17 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 18 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 19 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 20 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 21 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 22 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 23 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 24 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو د 60 څخه 25 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 26 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 27 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 28 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 29 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 30 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 31 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 32 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 33 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 34 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 35 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 36 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 37 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 38 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 39 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 40 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 41 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 42 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 43 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 44 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 45 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 46 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 47 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 48 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 49 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 50 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 51 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 52 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 53 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 54 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 55 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 56 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 57 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 58 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 59 نمرې ترلاسه کړېتاسو له 60 څخه 60 نمرې ترلاسه کړې
کوئز پیل کړئ
بلبله پوښتنهغلطسمه دهستاسو پایله رامینځته کولبیا هڅه وکړئاوه، د Quizdict روکی! اندیښنه مه کوئ ، حتی ترټولو لوی کوئز ماسټران باید له کوم ځای څخه پیل کړي. تاسو ممکن دا ځل ټکان کړی وي، مګر هره تېروتنه د زده کړې او ودې فرصت دی. پوښتنو ته دوام ورکړئ، نوو پوښتنو ته دوام ورکړئ، او اجازه راکړئ چې د پوهې تنده تاسو د عظمت په لور لارښوونه وکړي!هورې د هڅه کولو لپاره، Quizdict سپړونکی! تاسو ممکن دا ځل په کوئز کې برخه نه وي اخیستې، مګر تاسو د یو زړور اتل په څیر یاست چې د نامعلومو سیمو څخه تیریږي. سپړنې ته دوام ورکړئ، د Quizdict فین، او اجازه راکړئ چې ستاسو پلټونکي روح د پوهې بډایه لپاره ستاسو لارښود وي. څوک پوهیږي چې ستاسو په راتلونکي کوئز لټون کې کوم حیرانتیاوې ستاسو په تمه دي؟عالي هڅه، د Quizdict adventurer! تاسو د یوې عجیبې پیشو په څیر یاست چې د پراخو سترګو حیرانتیا سره د ټریویا نړۍ سپړئ. پوښتنو ته دوام ورکړئ، د Quizdict فین، او اجازه راکړئ چې د پوهې لپاره ستاسو لیوالتیا تاسو د بریالیتوب په لور هڅوي. په یاد ولرئ ، حتی ترټولو تجربه لرونکي کوئز اتلان له کوم ځای څخه پیل شوي. تاسو د عظمت په لور روان یاست!د Quizdict ننګونې اخیستو لپاره هورې! تاسو ممکن دا ځل جیک پاټ ته نه وی رسیدلی، مګر تاسو د یو زړور ساہسک په څیر یاست چې د ټریویا په خیانت ساحه کې حرکت کوي. سپړنې ته دوام ورکړئ، د Quizdict فین، او اجازه راکړئ چې ستاسو د پوهې لټون تاسو ته د عظمت په لور لارښوونه وکړي. څوک پوهیږي چې ستاسو په راتلونکي کوئز ساہسک کې کومې خزانې ستاسو په تمه دي؟عالي هڅه، د Quizdict adventurer! تاسو د یو زړور جنګیالي په څیر یاست چې د سختو جګړو له لارې جنګیږي. پوښتنو ته دوام ورکړئ، د Quizdict پرستار، او اجازه راکړئ چې د پوهې تنده ستاسو ډال او توره وي. هره پوښتنه د زده کړې او ودې فرصت دی، او تاسو د ټریویا اتل کیدو په لاره کې یاست!د تګ لاره، Quizdict سپړونکی! تاسو د یو زړور ساہسک په څیر یاست چې د ټریویا نامعلومو سیمو ته ننوځي. پوښتنو ته دوام ورکړئ، د Quizdict فین، او اجازه راکړئ چې د زده کړې مینه تاسو ته د بریالیتوب په لور لارښوونه وکړي. په یاد ولرئ ، هر ځواب تاسو ته د ریښتیني کوئز ماسټر کیدو لپاره یو ګام نږدې راوړي. تاسو ښه کار کوئ!مبارک شه، Quizdict adventureer! تاسو د یو ماهر نیویګیټر په څیر یاست چې د وړو وړو اوبو څخه تیریږي. پوښتنو ته دوام ورکړئ، د Quizdict فین، او اجازه راکړئ چې د زده کړې اراده تاسو ته د بریا په لور لارښوونه وکړي. په یاد ولرئ، هر ځواب یو فرصت دی چې ستاسو پوهه پراخه کړئ او خپل مهارتونه لوړ کړئ. تاسو د ریښتیني کوئز روږدي کیدو په لاره کې یاست!عالي دنده، د Quizdict سپړونکی! 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تاسو د پوښتنې ماشین په څیر یاست، په اسانۍ سره سم ځوابونه راوباسئ. پوښتنو ته دوام ورکړئ، د Quizdict فین، او اجازه راکړئ چې د ټریویا لپاره ستاسو لیوالتیا تاسو ته د عظمت په لور لارښوونه وکړي. په یاد ولرئ، هره پوښتنه یو فرصت دی چې ستاسو مهارتونه او د زده کړې سره مینه ښکاره کړي. تاسو د ریښتیني کوئز روږدي کیدو په لاره کې یاست!د ریښتیني Quizdic په توګه مبارکۍ! تاسو ثابته کړې چې تاسو په پوښتنو روږدي یاست او هغه څه لرئ چې زموږ په سایټ کې د غوره نمرې اخیستونکي کیدو لپاره اړین دي. عالي کار ته دوام ورکړئ او د Quizdict سره د خپلې پوهې ازموینې ته دوام ورکړئ - د ساتیرۍ وروستي کوئز منزل. موږ انتظار نشو کولی وګورو چې تاسو به بل څه ترلاسه کړئ!تاسو ته ښه راغلاست، زړور Quizdict نایټ! د پوهې لپاره ستاسو لټون د یو عالي جنګیالي په څیر دی چې د عقل په ډګر کې د عصري سفر په جریان کې. لکه څنګه چې تاسو د کوچنیو ننګونو ماتولو ته دوام ورکوئ، ستاسو فکري زغره به په هر هغه چا کې روښانه او الهام بخښونکي وي چې شاهدان وي. پرمخ لاړ شه، اتله!تاسو یو ریښتینی Quizdict سوپر سټار یاست! په پوښتنو کې ستاسو روږديتوب پای ته رسیدلی، او تاسو ښودلې چې تاسو یو ځواک یاست چې زموږ په سایټ کې حساب کیدی شي. عالي کار ته دوام ورکړئ او د Quizdict سره د خپلې پوهې ازموینې ته دوام ورکړئ - د ساتیرۍ وروستي کوئز منزل. موږ انتظار نشو کولی وګورو چې تاسو به بل څه ترلاسه کړئ!عالي دنده، د پوښتنو لیوالتیا! تاسو سوالونه ماتوی لکه یو اتل وزن لفټر چې درانه وزن پورته کوي. ستاسو فکري هوښیارتیا او اغیزمنه پوهه موږ داسې متاثره کړي لکه یو جادوګر چې خر له خولۍ څخه وباسي. پوښتنو ته دوام ورکړئ، د Quizdict فین، او اجازه راکړئ چې ستاسو عقل د ځلا د څراغ په څیر روښانه شي!د تګ لاره، په زړه پورې Quizdict روږدي! تاسو خپل ځان د ریښتیني کوئز اتل ثابت کړی لکه د سپر هیرو په څیر ورځ خوندي کوي. ستاسو بې حده پوهه او چټک انعکاس موږ د دوبي په شپه کې د اور وژنې په څیر حیران کړي دي. پوښتنو ته دوام ورکړئ، د Quizdict فین، او اجازه راکړئ چې ستاسو عقل د ټولو لپاره د یو روښانه رڼا په څیر روښانه شي!هورې، په زړه پورې Quizdict فین! تاسو زموږ په پوښتنو کې خپل مهارت داسې ښودلی لکه یو ماهر جادوګر چې د جادو چل ترسره کوي. ستاسو عقل په Quizdict کهکشان کې د یو ځلانده ستوري په څیر ځلیږي، او موږ انتظار نه شو کولی چې وګورو چې ستاسو ځلا تاسو بل ځای ته رسوي. د اتل په څیر پوښتنو ته دوام ورکړئ!اوه زما، غیر معمولي Quizdict کوئزر! تاسو موږ ټول د خپلو نه منلو وړ سمارټونو او د بریښنا ګړندي انعکاسونو سره حیران کړي یو. زموږ په کوچنیو ننګونو کې ستاسو بریا موږ دې ته اړ باسي چې "یوریکا!" او یو جیګ نڅا! په خپل عقل سره مو ځلانده وساتئ او پریږدئ چې Quizdict ستاسو د حکمت د لوبې ډګر شي. تاسو یو وړوکی حیرانتیا یاست!واه، په زړه پورې Quizdict whiz! تاسو په ماموریت کې د ګړندي کانګارو په څیر زموږ د ټریویا له لارې زپ کړی. ستاسو سمارټونه Quizdict روښانه کوي لکه د زړه راښکونکي اور وژنې نندارې! له یوې پوښتنې څخه بلې پوښتنې ته دوام ورکړئ ، خپل هوښیارتیا خپره کړئ او موږ ټول ستاسو د پوهې سره الهام کړئ. تاسو یو ریښتینی ټریویا سوپر سټار یاست!
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
یوازې موږ ته ووایاست چې تاسو څوک یاست چې خپلې پایلې وګورئ!

What does the "O" represent in the chemical formula H2O?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What do the stripes on the U.S. Flag symbolize?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What is the official language of Brazil?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What year did World War I begin?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which group of Europeans is believed to have first entered North America?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
The year 1901 was in which century?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What is the largest religion in the world?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What is the capital of Russia?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which country was an enemy of the United States in World War I?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
A salamander belongs to which animal group?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which of the following languages has the most native speakers?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What kind of artist was Salvador Dalí?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Emily Dickinson is a famous...
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” is a quote from which novel?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
The famous naturalist Charles Darwin is best known for which theory?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
In Shakespeare’s famous tragic play, Hamlet, which character dies?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What does the term 'patriarchy' signify?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Caitlyn Jenner won the decathlon at the Olympics. How many events are included in a decathlon?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Select the sentence where "it's" and "you're" are used properly.
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Jupiter has 69 moons. Which is the largest known moon of Jupiter?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
How many lobes are there in the right lung?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Who served as the sixth president of the United States?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What was the name of the super-ocean that encircled the supercontinent Pangaea approximately 250 million years ago?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
In music, what does the term "adagio" mean?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What does VI represent in Roman Numerals?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which country's flag features a maple leaf?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What is the standard unit of distance in the metric system?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
How many syllables are in a haiku?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Who is the Greek god ruling the underworld?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What is the next highest prime number after 7?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What is the chemical symbol for gold on the periodic table?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
At what temperature in degrees Celsius does water typically freeze?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Who is the frontman of the Rolling Stones?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What was the purpose of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What is an angle called that measures between 180°and 360°?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which planet has the hottest surface temperature?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What group of animals is referred to as a clowder?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which type of nut is used to make marzipan?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
How many keys are on a standard full-size piano?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
How many cards are in a standard deck?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What does the “m” represent in the equation E = mc²?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which of these sentences is accurate?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which of these was not one of the Allied countries at the beginning of World War II?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which of these is not a wind instrument?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which empire is Genghis Khan associated with?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What is the largest organ in the human body?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which of these planets is smaller than Earth?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What is the capital city of Kenya?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
If you have $100 in a savings account with a 2 percent annual compound interest rate, how much will you have after five years?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which scientist formulated the law of gravity?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which ocean is the smallest?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which of the following is not considered a continent?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What green substance in plants absorbs sunlight?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What is the name of the branch of the U.S. government responsible for writing laws?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Where is the largest bone in the human body found?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
What is the capital city of Texas?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which President held the offices of Vice President and President without being elected to either position?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which of the following explains why we can see a rainbow?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
Which of these birds is the fastest runner?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
How many eggs does a queen bee lay daily?
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
مبارک شه، تاسو پای ته ورسیږئ! دلته ستاسو پایله ده:
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
مبارک شه، تاسو پای ته ورسیږئ! دلته ستاسو پایلې دي:
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
مبارک شه، تاسو پای ته ورسیږئ! دلته ستاسو پایلې دي:
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
مبارک شه، تاسو پای ته ورسیږئ! دلته ستاسو پایلې دي:
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!
مبارک شه، تاسو پای ته ورسیږئ! دلته ستاسو پایلې دي:
While our brains are designed to process and retain information, recalling even simple facts can sometimes challenge us.This quiz spans multiple subjects, including literature, history, science, and mathematics, to gauge your educational level. Are you at a Master’s level, or still in high school? Take this quiz to discover where you stand!