Bentley, a British manufacturer of luxury cars and SUVs, is headquartered in Crewe, England. It is a subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group since 1998.The Spirit of Ecstasy is the bonnet ornament on Rolls-Royce cars. It is in the form of a woman leaning forwards with her arms outstretched behind and above her, billowing cloth running from her arms to her back, resembling wings.The Aventador is a model of luxury car produced by Italian manufacturer Lamborghini. It's known for its distinctive design, powerful engine, and high-speed performance.The Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+ was the first production car to break the 300 miles per hour barrier. This was achieved in 2019 with a top speed recorded at 304.773 mph.The Range Rover, launched in 1970, is widely considered the world's first luxury SUV. Its perfect blend of on-road comfort and off-road capability set a new standard for luxury SUVs.BMW stands for Bavarian Motor Works. It's a German multinational company known for producing luxury vehicles and motorcycles. The company was founded in 1916 and has its headquarters in Munich, Bavaria, Germany.Audi, a German luxury automobile manufacturer, introduced the Multi Media Interface (MMI) system. This system integrates entertainment, communication, and car system control capabilities.Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. is an Italian brand and manufacturer of luxury sports cars and SUVs based in Sant'Agata Bolognese. The company is owned by the Volkswagen Group through its subsidiary Audi.In the Mercedes-Benz vehicle lineup, "S" stands for "Sonderklasse," a German word meaning "special class." It's indeed special as the S-Class often introduces many of the company's latest innovations.The iconic logo of Ferrari is a black prancing horse on a yellow background. The horse was originally the symbol of Count Francesco Baracca, a flying ace in the Italian air force during World War I.The Mercedes-Benz logo, a three-pointed star, represents their mission to produce vehicles across the land, sea, and air. Mercedes-Benz, a German company, is known globally for its luxury cars, buses, and trucks.Bentley Motors Limited is owned by the Volkswagen Group. The company was purchased in 1998 and has been a subsidiary of Volkswagen since then.The Rolls-Royce Phantom is a full-sized luxury saloon manufactured by Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. It is one of the most iconic luxury vehicles in the world, known for its comfort and exquisite craftsmanship.Cadillac, an American luxury car brand, introduced the world's first V16 engine in the 1930s. The V16 engine was used in a variety of Cadillac models and is considered an engineering marvel of its time.Audi's logo of four interlocked rings symbolizes the merger of four previously independent motor-vehicle manufacturers: Audi, DKW, Horch, and Wanderer. The brand is known for its high-quality and well-designed vehicles.Zdobyłeś 0 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 1 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 2 z 15 punktówZdobyłeś 3 z 15 punktówZdobyłeś 4 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 5 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 6 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 7 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 8 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 9 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 10 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 11 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 12 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 13 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 14 na 15 punktówZdobyłeś 15 na 15 punktów
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Powiedz nam, kim jesteś, aby zobaczyć swoje wyniki!
Which country is Bentley headquartered in?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
What is the symbol of the Rolls-Royce?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
What car company makes the Aventador?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
Which car was the first production car to break 300 miles per hour?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
What is considered the world's first luxury SUV?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
What does BMW stand for?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
Which luxury car brand introduced the "infotainment" system called MMI?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
In which country is the luxury car manufacturer Lamborghini based?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
The Mercedes-Benz S-Class is known as a technological leader in the car industry. What does the "S" stand for?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
Which luxury car brand has a prancing horse as its logo?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
Which luxury car manufacturer is renowned for its three-pointed star symbol?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
Bentley Motors Limited is a British luxury automaker. Who owns it?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
Which car manufacturer produces the luxury model known as the Phantom?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
Which luxury car brand introduced the world's first V16 engine?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
Which luxury car brand has a logo that features four interlocked rings?
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
Gratulacje, skończyłeś! Oto twój wynik:
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
Gratulacje, skończyłeś! Oto twój wynik:
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
Gratulacje, skończyłeś! Oto twój wynik:
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!
Gratulacje, skończyłeś! Oto twój wynik:
Are you a fan of luxury automobiles? Do you follow the latest releases from leading manufacturers like Rolls Royce, Bentley, and Mercedes-Benz? This quiz will test your knowledge about the world of luxury cars, from their origins and history to their key features and iconic models. Whether you are a car enthusiast or just someone interested in the finer things in life, this quiz is for you. Get ready to start your engines!