Angelina Jolie was born Angelina Jolie Voight. She later dropped 'Voight', her father Jon Voight's last name, and opted to go by her middle name Jolie.Angelina Jolie won her first and only Academy Award for her role in "Girl, Interrupted" (1999). She received the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her portrayal of Lisa Rowe.Angelina Jolie played the character Lara Croft in two movies: "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" (2001) and "Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life" (2003).Angelina Jolie's father is the acclaimed actor Jon Voight. Despite having a strained relationship for many years, they have reportedly reconciled.Angelina Jolie has been a Special Envoy for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) since 2012. Her work includes advocating on behalf of refugees and displaced persons worldwide.Angelina Jolie made her directorial debut with the war film "In the Land of Blood and Honey" (2011). The film is set during the Bosnian War and explores the complexities of love amidst the backdrop of ethnic conflict.Angelina Jolie is a mother to six children. Three of them, Maddox, Pax, and Zahara, were adopted internationally, while Shiloh, Vivienne, and Knox are her biological children.Angelina Jolie has a multitude of tattoos, including a Bengal tiger, co-ordinates of her children's birthplaces, and a dragon. However, as of my last update in September 2021, she does not have a snake tattoo.Angelina Jolie's mother is Marcheline Bertrand, an actress and humanitarian. Jolie has spoken about her mother's influence on her own life and career.Angelina Jolie underwent a preventive double mastectomy because she carries a mutation of the BRCA1 gene, which greatly increases her risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.Angelina Jolie's full name is Angelina Jolie Voight, where "Jolie" is actually her middle name. Her mother chose "Jolie" (French for "pretty") as her middle name, which Angelina later took as her stage name.Angelina Jolie played the role of Maleficent, a sinister fairy, in the 2014 film "Maleficent" and its 2019 sequel "Maleficent: Mistress of Evil". Her performance received positive reviews for its complex portrayal of the iconic villain.Angelina Jolie has been nominated for an Academy Award twice. She won Best Supporting Actress for "Girl, Interrupted" in 2000 and was nominated for Best Actress for "Changeling" in 2008.In the biographical drama "A Mighty Heart" (2007), Angelina Jolie portrayed Mariane Pearl, the wife of journalist Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped and murdered by terrorists in Pakistan."In the Land of Blood and Honey," directed by Angelina Jolie, was nominated for a Golden Globe in the Best Foreign Language Film category. The film was shot in two versions – English and Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian.Avètz marcat 0 sus 15Avètz marcat 1 sus 15Avètz marcat 2 sus 15Avètz marcat 3 sus 15Avètz marcat 4 sus 15Avètz marcat 5 sus 15Avètz marcat 6 sus 15Avètz marcat 7 sus 15Avètz marcat 8 sus 15Avètz marcat 9 sus 15Avètz marcat 10 sus 15Avètz marcat 11 sus 15Avètz marcat 12 sus 15Avètz marcat 13 sus 15Avètz marcat 14 sus 15Avètz marcat 15 sus 15
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Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Digatz-nos qui sètz per veire vòstres resultats!

What is Angelina Jolie's full name?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
In which film did Angelina Jolie win her first and only Oscar till date?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Angelina Jolie has played the character of Lara Croft in how many movies?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Who is Angelina Jolie's famous actor father?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Angelina Jolie is known for her humanitarian efforts. She is a special envoy for which organization?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Angelina Jolie made her directorial debut with which film?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
How many children does Angelina Jolie have?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Which of these tattoos does Angelina Jolie NOT have?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
What is the name of Angelina's mother?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Angelina Jolie underwent a preventive double mastectomy in 2013. What was the reason?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
What is Angelina Jolie's middle name?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
In which film did Angelina Jolie play a sinister fairy?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Angelina Jolie has been nominated for an Oscar how many times?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Who did Angelina Jolie play in the biographical drama "A Mighty Heart"?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Angelina Jolie's directorial debut "In the Land of Blood and Honey" was nominated for a Golden Globe in which category?
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Felicitacions, as acabat! Vaquí vòstre resultat:
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Felicitacions, as acabat! Vaquí vòstre resultat:
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Felicitacions, as acabat! Vaquí vòstre resultat:
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Felicitacions, as acabat! Vaquí vòstre resultat:
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!
Felicitacions, as acabat! Vaquí vòstre resultat:
Welcome to "How Well Do You Know Angelina Jolie?"! A Hollywood icon, Angelina Jolie has left her mark with a compelling blend of talent, philanthropy, and activism. From her Oscar-winning roles to her work with the United Nations, Jolie is a multifaceted figure who defies conventions. Are you a true fan of Angelina Jolie? Can you ace this quiz about her life and career? These 15 questions will test your knowledge on her films, humanitarian efforts, and personal life. Good luck!