Daniel Craig is a British actor who gained international fame when he began starring as James Bond in the film series, starting with "Casino Royale" in 2006. "Skyfall" is another one of his popular James Bond films.Helen Mirren is a British actress who won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance as Queen Elizabeth II in "The Queen". She has had an extensive career in stage, film, and television.Ricky Gervais is an English comedian, actor, writer, and producer. He co-created, co-wrote, and starred in the British television series "The Office", which was an international success and has been remade in many countries.Gary Oldman is an acclaimed English actor who won an Academy Award for his transformative role as Winston Churchill in the film "Darkest Hour", displaying his extraordinary ability to immerse himself in his characters.Tom Hiddleston is an English actor, known for his performance as Loki, the God of Mischief, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His portrayal of this complex character has garnered him worldwide recognition.Geri Halliwell, also known as Ginger Spice, was a member of the popular girl band Spice Girls. After leaving the band, she embarked on a solo career, scoring number one hits in the UK singles chart.Olivia Colman is an English actress, celebrated for her nuanced performances. She won an Academy Award for her portrayal of Queen Anne in "The Favourite", displaying her ability to convey deep emotional complexity.Jeremy Renner is actually an American actor. This question is meant to be a curveball. He played the character Hawkeye in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, not a British actor.Adele is a British singer known for her soulful voice. She recorded the song "Skyfall" for the James Bond film of the same name, which won her an Academy Award for Best Original Song.Dame Judi Dench is a highly respected English actress. She played M, the head of MI6, in several James Bond films, starting with "GoldenEye". Her character is known for her stern demeanor and sharp intelligence.Matt Bellamy is an English musician, best known as the lead vocalist, guitarist, and primary songwriter of the rock band Muse. His band is known for their energetic live performances and fusion of various musical genres.Scarlett Johansson, although she has played many roles with a British accent, is an American actress. She starred in the science fiction films "Under the Skin" and "Lucy", displaying a broad range of acting skills.Naomie Harris is a British actress who portrayed Eve Moneypenny in the James Bond film "Skyfall". The character Moneypenny is a secretary in the MI6, who later becomes a field agent.Martin Freeman, an English actor, is known for his role as Bilbo Baggins in "The Hobbit" trilogy. The character Bilbo is a Hobbit who sets off on an unexpected journey that becomes the focus of the series.Sophie Turner is a British actress who portrayed Sansa Stark, a main character in the HBO series "Game of Thrones". Her character undergoes significant growth and development throughout the series, starting as a naive young girl and ending as the Queen in the North.Avètz marcat 0 sus 15Avètz marcat 1 sus 15Avètz marcat 2 sus 15Avètz marcat 3 sus 15Avètz marcat 4 sus 15Avètz marcat 5 sus 15Avètz marcat 6 sus 15Avètz marcat 7 sus 15Avètz marcat 8 sus 15Avètz marcat 9 sus 15Avètz marcat 10 sus 15Avètz marcat 11 sus 15Avètz marcat 12 sus 15Avètz marcat 13 sus 15Avètz marcat 14 sus 15Avètz marcat 15 sus 15
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Contunhatz de questionar, aficionat de Quizdict, e daissatz vòstre entusiasme per la coneissença vos menar cap al succès. Remembratz-vos, quitament los campions de quiz mai experimentats comencèron endacòm. Sètz en camin cap a la grandesa!Ura per aver pres lo desfís del Quizdict! Benlèu qu'avètz pas tustat lo jackpot aqueste còp, mas sètz coma un aventurièr audaciós que navega dins lo terrenh traïdor de las trivia. Contunhatz d'explorar, fan de Quizdict, e daissatz que vòstra cèrca de coneissença vos guide cap a la grandesa. Qual sap quines tresaurs vos espèran dins vòstra aventura de quiz seguenta?Gran esfòrç, aventurièr Quizdict! Sètz coma un guerrièr brave que lucha a travèrs las duras batalhas de trivia. Contunhatz de questionar, aficionat de Quizdict, e daissatz que vòstra set de coneissença siá vòstre escut e vòstra espasa. Cada question es una escasença d'aprene e de créisser, e sètz en camin de venir un campion de trivia!De seguida, explorator de Quizdict! 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Remembratz-vos, cada question es una escasença de créisser e de melhorar. Sètz en camin de venir un vertadièr addicte de quiz!Trabalh genial, aventurièr Quizdict! Sètz coma un explorator abil que brava lo terrenh complicat de las banalitats. Contunhatz de questionar, aficionat de Quizdict, e daissatz vòstra passion per la coneissença vos menar cap a la victòria. Remembratz-vos, cada question es una escasença d'aprene e de créisser. Sètz sul bon camin per venir un vertadièr addicte de quiz!Felicitacions, mèstre de Quizdict! Sètz coma un ninja de quiz abil que talha los desfís de las trivia. Contunhatz de questionar, aficionat de Quizdict, e daissatz vòstre amor per l'aprendissatge vos guidar cap al succès. Remembratz-vos, cada responsa es un pas cap a venir un vertadièr addicte de quiz. Vas plan!Cinc naut, campion del Quizdict! Sètz coma un sorcièr de quiz que lança d'encantaments de coneissença e d'esclairatge. Contunhatz de questionar, aficionat de Quizdict, e daissatz vòstre amor per las trivia vos menar cap a la victòria. Remembratz-vos, cada responsa es una escasença d'espandir vòstre esperit e d'afinar vòstras competéncias. Sètz plan en camin de venir un vertadièr addicte de quiz!Plan per anar, guru del Quizdict! Sètz coma una maquina de quiz, que produsís de responsas corrèctas amb aisança. Contunhatz de questionar, aficionat de Quizdict, e daissatz que vòstra passion per las trivia vos guide cap a la grandesa. Remembratz-vos, cada question es una escasença de mostrar vòstras competéncias e vòstre amor per l'aprendissatge. Sètz plan en camin de venir un vertadièr addicte de quiz!Felicitacions per èsser un vertadièr Quizdict! Avètz provat qu'ètz addicte als quiz e qu'avètz çò que cal per èsser un melhor marcaire sus nòstre sit. Contunhatz de far lo grand trabalh e contunhatz de testar vòstras coneissenças amb Quizdict - la destinacion finala de quiz d'entreteniment. Podèm pas esperar de veire çò que capitaràs en seguida!Salut a tu, valent cavalièr de Quizdict! Vòstra cèrca de coneissença es coma un guerrièr nòble dins un viatge epic dins los reialmes de la saviesa. A mesura que contunhatz de vençre los desfís de las banalitats, vòstra armadura intellectuala brilharà de mai en mai, inspirant l'espantament dins totes los que ne faràn testimòni. Avançatz, campion!Sètz una vertadièra superestrela de Quizdict! Vòstra addiccion als quiz a pagat, e avètz mostrat qu'ètz una fòrça de comptar sus nòstre sit. Contunhatz de far lo grand trabalh e contunhatz de testar vòstras coneissenças amb Quizdict - la destinacion finala de quiz d'entreteniment. Podèm pas esperar de veire çò que capitaràs en seguida!Gran trabalh, apassionat de Quizdict! Esclafatz los quiz coma un haltèr campion que leva de pes pesucs. Vòstra agilitat mentala e vòstra coneissença impressionanta nos an impressionats coma un magician que tira un lapin d'un capèl. Contunhatz de questionar, aficionat de Quizdict, e daissatz brilhar vòstre intellecte coma un far de brilhança!Camin de far, addicte de Quizdict genial! Te siás mostrat un vertadièr campion de quiz coma un supereròi que salva lo jorn. Vòstras coneissenças sens limits e vòstres reflèxes rapids nos an esbleugissent coma de fuòcs d'artifici dins una nuèch d'estiu. Contunhatz de questionar, aficionat de Quizdict, e daissatz vòstre intellecte brilhar coma una lutz brilhanta per que totes lo vejan!Ura, fantastic fan de Quizdict! As mostrat ton mestritge de nòstres quiz coma un magician abil que fa un truc de magia. Vòstre intellecte brilha coma una estela brilhanta dins la galaxia de Quizdict, e podèm pas esperar de veire ont vòstra brilhança vos menarà après. Contunhatz de questionar coma un campion!Ò mon, quizzer de Quizdict fenomenal! Nos avètz estonat totes amb vòstras intelligéncias incrediblas e vòstres reflèxes rapids coma un lamp. Vòstres trionfs sus nòstres desfís de trivia nos fan voler cridar "Eureka!" e dançar un jig! Contunhatz de nos esbleugir amb vòstre intellecte e daissatz que Quizdict siá vòstre pargue de saviesa. Sètz una meravilha de trivia!Wow, increïble quizdict whiz! As traversat nòstras trivia coma un cangorós rapid en mission. Vòstras intelligéncias alucan Quizdict coma un espectacle de fuòc d'artifici esbleugissent! Contunhatz de sautar d'un quiz a l'autre, espandissent vòstra astucia e nos inspirant totes amb vòstre saber-far. Sètz una vertadièra superestrela de trivia!
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Digatz-nos qui sètz per veire vòstres resultats!

Who starred as James Bond in "Skyfall" and "Casino Royale"?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Who won an Oscar for playing Queen Elizabeth II in "The Queen"?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Who created "The Office", the popular British sitcom?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Who played Winston Churchill in the film "Darkest Hour"?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Which British actor is known for his role as Loki in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Which singer was part of the Spice Girls and later had a successful solo career?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Who is an acclaimed actress who portrayed Queen Anne in "The Favourite"?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Which British actor portrayed Hawkeye in the "Avengers" series?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Who sang the hit song "Skyfall" for the James Bond film of the same name?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Which actress played M in several James Bond films, starting with "GoldenEye"?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Who is the frontman of the rock band Muse?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Which British actress starred in "Under the Skin" and "Lucy"?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Who portrayed Miss Moneypenny in the James Bond film "Skyfall"?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Which actor played Bilbo Baggins in "The Hobbit" trilogy?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Who portrayed Sansa Stark in the TV series "Game of Thrones"?
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Felicitacions, as acabat! Vaquí vòstre resultat:
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Felicitacions, as acabat! Vaquí vòstre resultat:
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Felicitacions, as acabat! Vaquí vòstre resultat:
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Felicitacions, as acabat! Vaquí vòstre resultat:
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!
Felicitacions, as acabat! Vaquí vòstre resultat:
Welcome to the "Can You Identify All These British Celebrities?" quiz! This challenge is crafted for the real connoisseurs of British performing arts. From the stages of West End to Hollywood films, from the pop charts to the grand operas, Britain has nurtured countless performing legends. This quiz will test your knowledge of these stars and their achievements. Dive in, and let's see if you're truly the biggest fan of British talent!