Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor was born on February 27, 1932, in Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, England to American parents. The family moved back to the United States when she was seven years old due to World War II.Elizabeth Taylor was famously married eight times, twice to the same man, Richard Burton. Her other husbands were Conrad Hilton Jr., Michael Wilding, Mike Todd, Eddie Fisher, John Warner, and Larry Fortensky.Elizabeth Taylor won her first Academy Award for Best Actress in 1960 for her performance in "BUtterfield 8". She portrayed the role of Gloria Wandrous, a model and call girl.Taylor had a genetic mutation called distichiasis, which caused her to have double eyelashes. This made her eyes appear even more striking and contributed to her famous beauty.Elizabeth Taylor was a tireless advocate in the fight against AIDS. She co-founded the American Foundation for AIDS Research, contributed significantly to AIDS research, and publicly supported people who were HIV positive, including her close friend, Rock Hudson.Elizabeth Taylor launched her perfume line with the fragrance "White Diamonds" in 1991. It became one of the best-selling celebrity fragrances of all time, contributing significantly to her wealth.Pop artist Andy Warhol painted a series of portraits of Elizabeth Taylor. These paintings are considered significant works in his celebrity portraits series.Elizabeth Taylor had four children. She had two sons with Michael Wilding, one daughter with Mike Todd, and adopted another daughter in 1964.While James Dean was a co-star in "Giant" with Elizabeth Taylor, they never had a romantic relationship. She was, however, romantically linked to Frank Sinatra, Richard Burton, and Eddie Fisher.Elizabeth Taylor made her screen debut at the age of 10 in the Universal Pictures film "There's One Born Every Minute" in 1942.After her initial film with Universal Pictures, Elizabeth Taylor signed a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) at age 11. She would become one of the studio's biggest stars.Elizabeth Taylor's first leading role was in the 1944 film "National Velvet", where she played a young girl who trains a horse for the Grand National Steeplechase.Elizabeth Taylor won her second Academy Award for Best Actress in 1966 for her role as Martha in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?".Elizabeth Taylor was married to John Warner, a United States Senator from Virginia, from 1976 to 1982. This was Taylor's seventh marriage.
Elizabeth Taylor's final theatrical film was "The Flintstones" in 1994, where she played the character Pearl Slaghoople.Je hebt 0 van de 15 punten gescoordJe hebt 1 uit 15 gescoordJe hebt 2 van de 15 punten gescoordJe hebt een 3 uit 15 gescoordJe hebt een 4 uit 15 gescoordJe hebt een 5 uit 15 gescoordJe hebt een 6 uit 15 gescoordJe hebt een 7 uit 15 gescoordJe hebt een 8 uit 15 gescoordJe hebt een 9 uit 15 gescoordJe hebt een 10 uit 15 gescoordJe hebt een 11 uit 15 gescoordJe hebt een 12 uit 15 gescoordJe hebt een 13 uit 15 gescoordJe hebt een score van 14 uit 15 behaaldJe hebt een 15 uit 15 gescoord
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Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
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Where was Elizabeth Taylor born?
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
How many times was Elizabeth Taylor married?
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
For which film did Elizabeth Taylor win her first Academy Award for Best Actress?
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
Elizabeth Taylor is known for her distinctive physical feature, which is:
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
What significant role did Taylor play in the fight against AIDS?
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
Which of these perfumes was launched by Elizabeth Taylor?
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
Which artist famously painted a portrait of Elizabeth Taylor?
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
How many children did Elizabeth Taylor have?
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
Which of these famous men did NOT have a romantic relationship with Elizabeth Taylor?
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
How old was Elizabeth Taylor when she first appeared onscreen?
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
Which studio signed Taylor to a contract when she was just a child?
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
Elizabeth Taylor's first film in a leading role was...
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
Taylor won a second Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in which film?
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
Which famous American politician did Taylor marry?
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
What was the title of Taylor’s final film, released in 1994?
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
Gefeliciteerd, je bent klaar! Dit is je resultaat:
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
Gefeliciteerd, je bent klaar! Dit is je resultaat:
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
Gefeliciteerd, je bent klaar! Dit is je resultaat:
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
Gefeliciteerd, je bent klaar! Dit is je resultaat:
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!
Gefeliciteerd, je bent klaar! Dit is je resultaat:
Welcome to our exciting quiz on one of the most glamorous and iconic actresses in Hollywood history, Elizabeth Taylor! This remarkable woman was not only known for her exceptional talent and beauty but also for her tumultuous personal life, philanthropy work, and her successful business ventures. Test your knowledge about this film industry legend and her legendary life in our 15-question quiz. Can you get all the answers right? Let's find out!