"I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith is a romantic power ballad released in 1998 as part of the Armageddon movie soundtrack. The song became one of the band's biggest hits, reaching number one on multiple charts and solidifying its place as a classic love song."Careless Whisper" by George Michael is a classic '80s ballad that features a memorable saxophone riff. Released in 1984, the song became a hit in multiple countries and is still widely recognized and loved today as one of the most iconic songs of the decade."Shape of You" by Ed Sheeran is an upbeat pop song released in 2017. It became one of the best-selling singles of all time and won multiple awards, solidifying Sheeran's place as one of the biggest names in modern pop music."I'm on the highway to hell" is a classic rock song by AC/DC that was released in 1979. The song has become an anthem for rebellion and the rock and roll lifestyle and is still widely recognized and loved today."Livin' on a Prayer" is a hit rock song by Bon Jovi released in 1986. It is a fan favorite and an iconic rock anthem about two young lovers and their struggle to make ends meet."Thriller" is a legendary song and music video by Michael Jackson that was released in 1984. It remains a cultural phenomenon and a classic of both pop music and horror cinema."Rolling in the Deep" is a hit song by Adele that was released in 2010. The song features Adele's powerful vocals and emotional lyrics and has become an anthem of heartbreak and empowerment for millions of fans worldwide."Smells Like Teen Spirit" is a legendary rock song by Nirvana that was released in 1991. The song is characterized by its raw energy, powerful vocals, and iconic guitar riffs, and has become an enduring cultural touchstone for a generation."Love Yourself" by Justin Bieber is a 2015 pop hit that features acoustic guitar and a catchy melody. The song encourages listeners to love and value themselves, and to let go of toxic relationships."Truth Hurts" is a song by American singer Lizzo, released in 2017 as part of her album "Cuz I Love You". The song became a viral hit in 2019, known for its empowering message and catchy lyrics.Du scoret 0 av 10Du scoret 1 av 10Du scoret 2 av 10Du scoret 3 av 10Du scoret 4 av 10Du scoret 5 av 10Du scoret 6 av 10Du scoret 7 av 10Du scoret 8 av 10Du scoret 9 av 10Du scoret 10 av 10
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Fortsett å spørre, Quizdict-fan, og la din vilje til å lære veilede deg mot seier. Husk at hvert svar er en sjanse til å utvide kunnskapen din og finpusse ferdighetene dine. Du er på vei til å bli en ekte quiz-avhengig!Flott jobbet, Quizdict explorer! Du er som en erfaren eventyrer som gjør jevn fremgang gjennom det utfordrende landskapet av trivia. Fortsett å spørre, Quizdict-fan, og la din lidenskap for læring brenne reisen din mot suksess. Husk at hvert spørsmål er en mulighet til å vokse og forbedre seg. Du er på vei til å bli en ekte quiz-avhengig!Fantastisk jobb, Quizdict-eventyrer! Du er som en dyktig oppdagelsesreisende som trosser det vanskelige terrenget med trivia. Fortsett å spørre, Quizdict-fan, og la din lidenskap for kunnskap drive deg mot seier. Husk at hvert spørsmål er en sjanse til å lære og vokse. Du er på rett vei til å bli en ekte quiz-avhengig!Gratulerer, Quizdict-mester! Du er som en dyktig quiz-ninja som skjærer gjennom utfordringene med trivia. 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Dine triumfer på våre trivia-utfordringer får oss til å ønske å rope "Eureka!" og dans en pilk! Fortsett å blende oss med ditt intellekt og la Quizdict være din lekeplass for visdom. Du er et trivia vidunder!Wow, fantastisk Quizdict-suster! Du har gått gjennom triviaene våre som en rask kenguru på oppdrag. Smarthetene dine lyser opp Quizdict som et blendende fyrverkeri! Fortsett å hoppe fra en quiz til en annen, spre dyktigheten din og inspirer oss alle med kunnskapen din. Du er en ekte trivia-superstjerne!
Welcome to the '90s Lyrics Matching Quiz! If you grew up listening to '90s music or simply love the sound of this iconic era, then this quiz is made just for you. Can you match these popular '90s song lyrics to their correct songs and albums? If you can, then you were definitely raised right! Get ready to test your knowledge and reminisce on some of the greatest hits of the '90s in this fun and challenging quiz.
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"I don't want to miss a thing, even when I dream of you." Which '90s song includes this romantic line?
Welcome to the '90s Lyrics Matching Quiz! If you grew up listening to '90s music or simply love the sound of this iconic era, then this quiz is made just for you. Can you match these popular '90s song lyrics to their correct songs and albums? If you can, then you were definitely raised right! Get ready to test your knowledge and reminisce on some of the greatest hits of the '90s in this fun and challenging quiz.
Which song includes the lyrics "I'm never gonna dance again, guilty feet have got no rhythm"?
Welcome to the '90s Lyrics Matching Quiz! If you grew up listening to '90s music or simply love the sound of this iconic era, then this quiz is made just for you. Can you match these popular '90s song lyrics to their correct songs and albums? If you can, then you were definitely raised right! Get ready to test your knowledge and reminisce on some of the greatest hits of the '90s in this fun and challenging quiz.
What song has the lyrics "I'm in love with the shape of you"?
Welcome to the '90s Lyrics Matching Quiz! If you grew up listening to '90s music or simply love the sound of this iconic era, then this quiz is made just for you. Can you match these popular '90s song lyrics to their correct songs and albums? If you can, then you were definitely raised right! Get ready to test your knowledge and reminisce on some of the greatest hits of the '90s in this fun and challenging quiz.
Complete the lyric, "I'm on the highway to ___________"
Welcome to the '90s Lyrics Matching Quiz! If you grew up listening to '90s music or simply love the sound of this iconic era, then this quiz is made just for you. Can you match these popular '90s song lyrics to their correct songs and albums? If you can, then you were definitely raised right! Get ready to test your knowledge and reminisce on some of the greatest hits of the '90s in this fun and challenging quiz.
Who sings the song "Livin' on a Prayer"?
Welcome to the '90s Lyrics Matching Quiz! If you grew up listening to '90s music or simply love the sound of this iconic era, then this quiz is made just for you. Can you match these popular '90s song lyrics to their correct songs and albums? If you can, then you were definitely raised right! Get ready to test your knowledge and reminisce on some of the greatest hits of the '90s in this fun and challenging quiz.
In what year was Michael Jackson's "Thriller" released?
Welcome to the '90s Lyrics Matching Quiz! If you grew up listening to '90s music or simply love the sound of this iconic era, then this quiz is made just for you. Can you match these popular '90s song lyrics to their correct songs and albums? If you can, then you were definitely raised right! Get ready to test your knowledge and reminisce on some of the greatest hits of the '90s in this fun and challenging quiz.
"We could have had it all, rolling in the deep." Which '90s song includes this powerful line?
Welcome to the '90s Lyrics Matching Quiz! If you grew up listening to '90s music or simply love the sound of this iconic era, then this quiz is made just for you. Can you match these popular '90s song lyrics to their correct songs and albums? If you can, then you were definitely raised right! Get ready to test your knowledge and reminisce on some of the greatest hits of the '90s in this fun and challenging quiz.
Which album does the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana appear on?
Welcome to the '90s Lyrics Matching Quiz! If you grew up listening to '90s music or simply love the sound of this iconic era, then this quiz is made just for you. Can you match these popular '90s song lyrics to their correct songs and albums? If you can, then you were definitely raised right! Get ready to test your knowledge and reminisce on some of the greatest hits of the '90s in this fun and challenging quiz.
"Cause if you like the way you look that much, oh baby, you should go and love yourself" is a lyric from which song?
Welcome to the '90s Lyrics Matching Quiz! If you grew up listening to '90s music or simply love the sound of this iconic era, then this quiz is made just for you. Can you match these popular '90s song lyrics to their correct songs and albums? If you can, then you were definitely raised right! Get ready to test your knowledge and reminisce on some of the greatest hits of the '90s in this fun and challenging quiz.
"I'm living life like I'm a beginner, and I'm loving life like I'm a winner" is a lyric from which song and album?
Welcome to the '90s Lyrics Matching Quiz! If you grew up listening to '90s music or simply love the sound of this iconic era, then this quiz is made just for you. Can you match these popular '90s song lyrics to their correct songs and albums? If you can, then you were definitely raised right! Get ready to test your knowledge and reminisce on some of the greatest hits of the '90s in this fun and challenging quiz.
Gratulerer, du er ferdig! Her er resultatet ditt:
Welcome to the '90s Lyrics Matching Quiz! If you grew up listening to '90s music or simply love the sound of this iconic era, then this quiz is made just for you. Can you match these popular '90s song lyrics to their correct songs and albums? If you can, then you were definitely raised right! Get ready to test your knowledge and reminisce on some of the greatest hits of the '90s in this fun and challenging quiz.