Leto first gained widespread recognition for his role as Jordan Catalano in the TV series "My So-Called Life" (1994-1995), which became a teen cult classic.Leto won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 2014 for his role as Rayon, a transgender woman, in "Dallas Buyers Club." His performance was praised for its depth and humanity.Jared Leto is the lead vocalist for the rock band Thirty Seconds to Mars, which he formed with his brother Shannon Leto. The band has released several successful albums since its formation in 1998.For his role in “Chapter 27” as Mark David Chapman, the man who assassinated John Lennon, Leto gained 67 pounds. This drastic physical transformation significantly impacted his health.Shannon Leto, Jared's older brother, is the drummer for Thirty Seconds to Mars. The brothers have a close relationship and have been making music together for many years.Jared Leto portrayed the infamous character The Joker in the 2016 film "Suicide Squad." His take on the character was noted for its unique and intense interpretation.The debut album of Thirty Seconds to Mars, self-titled, was released in 2002. It marked the band's entry into the music scene and established their alternative rock sound.In the 2009 science fiction drama "Mr. Nobody," Leto played the lead role of Nemo Nobody, a character that ages in reverse and lives multiple lives.Leto is set to play iconic artist Andy Warhol in a biopic, showcasing Warhol's life and his profound impact on the art world.In "Dallas Buyers Club", Jared Leto played the character Rayon, a transgender woman diagnosed with HIV. This role earned him critical acclaim, showcasing his incredible range and deep commitment to his characters.Jared Leto was born on December 26, 1971, in Bossier City, Louisiana, USA. He has managed to maintain a youthful appearance that often surprises people when they learn his actual age.30 Seconds to Mars was formed in 1998 by brothers Jared and Shannon Leto. The band has since released several albums and is known for its energetic live performances."The Love Parade" is not a movie directed by Jared Leto. He has directed several music videos and the documentary "Artifact", often under the pseudonym Bartholomew Cubbins.In "American Psycho", Jared Leto played Paul Allen, a colleague of the main character Patrick Bateman. This dark and violent movie is based on the novel by Bret Easton Ellis.In "Mr. Nobody", Leto played the character Nemo Nobody, who is the last mortal human on Earth in a world where immortality is the norm. The film is a complex narrative that weaves various timelines and realities.Anda mendapat 0 daripada 15Anda mendapat 1 daripada 15Anda mendapat 2 daripada 15Anda mendapat 3 daripada 15Anda mendapat 4 daripada 15Anda mendapat 5 daripada 15Anda mendapat 6 daripada 15Anda mendapat 7 daripada 15Anda mendapat 8 daripada 15Anda mendapat 9 daripada 15Anda mendapat 10 daripada 15Anda mendapat 11 daripada 15Anda mendapat 12 daripada 15Anda mendapat 13 daripada 15Anda mendapat 14 daripada 15Anda mendapat 15 daripada 15
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Anda seperti ahli sihir kuiz yang melafazkan ilmu dan pencerahan. Teruskan membuat kuiz, peminat Quizdict, dan biarkan cinta anda terhadap trivia membawa anda ke arah kemenangan. Ingat, setiap jawapan adalah peluang untuk mengembangkan minda anda dan mempertajam kemahiran anda. Anda sedang dalam perjalanan untuk menjadi penagih kuiz sejati!Selamat maju jaya, guru Quizdict! Anda umpama mesin kuiz, menghasilkan jawapan yang betul dengan mudah. Teruskan membuat kuiz, peminat Quizdict, dan biarkan keghairahan anda untuk perkara-perkara kecil membimbing anda ke arah kehebatan. Ingat, setiap soalan adalah peluang untuk mempamerkan kemahiran dan minat anda untuk belajar. Anda sedang dalam perjalanan untuk menjadi penagih kuiz sejati!Tahniah kerana menjadi Quizdict sejati! Anda telah membuktikan bahawa anda ketagih dengan kuiz dan mempunyai apa yang diperlukan untuk menjadi penjaring terbanyak di tapak kami. 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Teruskan kuiz seperti seorang juara!Ya ampun, kuiz Kuiz yang luar biasa! Anda telah mengejutkan kami semua dengan kepintaran anda yang luar biasa dan refleks sepantas kilat anda. Kejayaan anda dalam cabaran trivia kami membuatkan kami ingin menjerit "Eureka!" dan menari jig! Terus mempesonakan kami dengan intelek anda dan jadikan Quizdict sebagai taman permainan kebijaksanaan anda. Anda adalah keajaiban trivia!Wah, ahli Quizdict yang menakjubkan! Anda telah membuka zip melalui trivia kami seperti kanggaru yang pantas dalam misi. Kecerdasan anda menyala Quizdict seperti pertunjukan bunga api yang mempesonakan! Teruskan melompat dari satu kuiz ke kuiz yang lain, sebarkan kepandaian anda dan beri inspirasi kepada kami semua dengan pengetahuan anda. Anda seorang superstar trivia sejati!
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
Hanya beritahu kami siapa anda untuk melihat keputusan anda!

In which TV show did Jared Leto first gain recognition?
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
For which film did Jared Leto win an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor?
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
Which band is Jared Leto the lead vocalist of?
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
For his role in “Chapter 27,” Leto gained how much weight?
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
What is the name of Jared Leto's brother, who is also a member of Thirty Seconds to Mars?
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
In which movie did Leto play the iconic character, The Joker?
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
What is the title of Thirty Seconds to Mars' debut album?
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
In which movie does Leto play a character named Nemo Nobody?
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
Which famous artist did Jared portray in a biopic?
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
What is the name of the character Leto played in "Dallas Buyers Club"?
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
What year was Jared Leto born?
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
Jared Leto and his brother Shannon formed 30 Seconds to Mars in which year?
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
Which of these is NOT a movie that Jared Leto has directed?
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
In which film did Jared Leto play a character named Paul Allen?
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
Leto played a lead role in the 2009 science fiction drama film titled:
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
Tahniah, anda selesai! Inilah hasil anda:
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
Tahniah, anda selesai! Inilah hasil anda:
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
Tahniah, anda selesai! Inilah hasil anda:
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
Tahniah, anda selesai! Inilah hasil anda:
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.
Tahniah, anda selesai! Inilah hasil anda:
Jared Leto is a multi-talented American actor and musician. With his chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Leto has captivated audiences in a variety of film genres, from dramas to superhero flicks. He is also the lead vocalist of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. This quiz will test your knowledge of Jared Leto's life, career, and talents. Are you a casual fan or a Leto aficionado? Let's find out how well you really know this Academy Award-winning actor and rock star frontman.