Cadillac is a luxury vehicle brand that is known for producing high-end cars. It was founded in 1902 and has been a subsidiary of General Motors since 1909. Some of its popular models include the Escalade SUV and the CT6 sedan.Porsche is a German sports car brand that was founded in 1931. It is known for producing high-performance sports cars, such as the 911 and the Boxster. The brand has a rich motorsports history and has won numerous races, including the 24 Hours of Le Mans.Tesla is an American electric vehicle brand that was founded in 2003. It is known for producing environmentally friendly vehicles, such as the Model S and the Model X. The brand has been at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution and has been instrumental in making electric vehicles more accessible to the general public.Land Rover is a British car brand that specializes in producing rugged off-road vehicles. It was founded in 1948 and has produced iconic models such as the Defender and the Range Rover. The brand is known for its ability to produce vehicles that can handle even the toughest terrain.Hyundai is a South Korean car brand that is known for producing reliable vehicles. It was founded in 1967 and has since become one of the largest automobile manufacturers in the world. Some of its popular models include the Sonata sedan and the Santa Fe SUV.Chevrolet is an American car brand that is known for producing affordable vehicles. It was founded in 1911 and has produced iconic models such as the Corvette and the Camaro. The brand is popular among budget-conscious car buyers who are looking for a reliable vehicle that won't break the bank.Lamborghini is an Italian car brand that is known for producing high-end exotic cars. It was founded in 1963 and has produced iconic models such as the Countach and the Aventador. The brand is popular among car enthusiasts who are looking for a car that combines style, speed, and luxury.Chevrolet is an American car brand that is known for producing powerful muscle cars. It was founded in 1911 and has produced iconic models such as the Camaro and the Corvette. The brand is popular among car enthusiasts who are looking for a car that combines speed and power.Toyota is a Japanese car brand that is known for producing reliable pickup trucks. It was founded in 1937 and has produced popular models such as the Tacoma and the Tundra. The brand is popular among pickup truck enthusiasts who are looking for a reliable and durable vehicle that can handle tough jobs.
Infiniti is a luxury car brand that is known for producing luxury SUVs. It was founded in 1989 and has produced popular models such as the QX50 and the QX80. The brand is popular among car buyers who are looking for a luxury SUV that combines style and performance.Mercedes-Benz is a German car brand that is known for producing high-tech vehicles. It was founded in 1926 and has produced popular models such as the S-Class sedan and the GLE SUV. The brand is popular among car buyers who are looking for a car that combines cutting-edge technology with luxury and performance.11 명 중 0 점을 얻었습니다당신은 11 명 중 1 점을 얻었습니다11 명 중 2 점을 얻었습니다당신은 11 명 중 3 점을 얻었습니다당신은 11 명 중 4 점을 얻었습니다11 명 중 5 점을 얻었습니다11 명 중 6 점을 얻었습니다11 명 중 7 점을 얻었습니다11 명 중 8 점을 얻었습니다11 명 중 9 점을 얻었습니다11 명 중 10 점을 얻었습니다당신은 11 점 만점에 11 점을 얻었습니다
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Do you love cars? Think you know all the car brands out there? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test! With each question, you'll be presented with a logo or image related to a car brand, and it will be up to you to correctly identify the brand or answer a related question. So, whether you're a car enthusiast or just love the thrill of a good quiz, this quiz is for you. Get ready to test your skills and see if you can name all of these car brands!
결과를 보려면 본인이 누구인지 알려주세요!

Which of the following car brands is known for producing luxury vehicles?
Do you love cars? Think you know all the car brands out there? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test! With each question, you'll be presented with a logo or image related to a car brand, and it will be up to you to correctly identify the brand or answer a related question. So, whether you're a car enthusiast or just love the thrill of a good quiz, this quiz is for you. Get ready to test your skills and see if you can name all of these car brands!
Which car brand is known for producing high-performance sports cars?
Do you love cars? Think you know all the car brands out there? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test! With each question, you'll be presented with a logo or image related to a car brand, and it will be up to you to correctly identify the brand or answer a related question. So, whether you're a car enthusiast or just love the thrill of a good quiz, this quiz is for you. Get ready to test your skills and see if you can name all of these car brands!
Which of these car brands is known for producing environmentally friendly vehicles?
Do you love cars? Think you know all the car brands out there? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test! With each question, you'll be presented with a logo or image related to a car brand, and it will be up to you to correctly identify the brand or answer a related question. So, whether you're a car enthusiast or just love the thrill of a good quiz, this quiz is for you. Get ready to test your skills and see if you can name all of these car brands!
Which car brand is known for producing rugged off-road vehicles?
Do you love cars? Think you know all the car brands out there? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test! With each question, you'll be presented with a logo or image related to a car brand, and it will be up to you to correctly identify the brand or answer a related question. So, whether you're a car enthusiast or just love the thrill of a good quiz, this quiz is for you. Get ready to test your skills and see if you can name all of these car brands!
Which of these car brands is known for producing reliable vehicles?
Do you love cars? Think you know all the car brands out there? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test! With each question, you'll be presented with a logo or image related to a car brand, and it will be up to you to correctly identify the brand or answer a related question. So, whether you're a car enthusiast or just love the thrill of a good quiz, this quiz is for you. Get ready to test your skills and see if you can name all of these car brands!
Which car brand is known for producing affordable vehicles?
Do you love cars? Think you know all the car brands out there? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test! With each question, you'll be presented with a logo or image related to a car brand, and it will be up to you to correctly identify the brand or answer a related question. So, whether you're a car enthusiast or just love the thrill of a good quiz, this quiz is for you. Get ready to test your skills and see if you can name all of these car brands!
Which of these car brands is known for producing high-end exotic cars?
Do you love cars? Think you know all the car brands out there? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test! With each question, you'll be presented with a logo or image related to a car brand, and it will be up to you to correctly identify the brand or answer a related question. So, whether you're a car enthusiast or just love the thrill of a good quiz, this quiz is for you. Get ready to test your skills and see if you can name all of these car brands!
Which of these car brands is known for producing powerful muscle cars?
Do you love cars? Think you know all the car brands out there? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test! With each question, you'll be presented with a logo or image related to a car brand, and it will be up to you to correctly identify the brand or answer a related question. So, whether you're a car enthusiast or just love the thrill of a good quiz, this quiz is for you. Get ready to test your skills and see if you can name all of these car brands!
Which car brand is known for producing reliable pickup trucks?
Do you love cars? Think you know all the car brands out there? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test! With each question, you'll be presented with a logo or image related to a car brand, and it will be up to you to correctly identify the brand or answer a related question. So, whether you're a car enthusiast or just love the thrill of a good quiz, this quiz is for you. Get ready to test your skills and see if you can name all of these car brands!
Which of these car brands is known for producing luxury SUVs?
Do you love cars? Think you know all the car brands out there? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test! With each question, you'll be presented with a logo or image related to a car brand, and it will be up to you to correctly identify the brand or answer a related question. So, whether you're a car enthusiast or just love the thrill of a good quiz, this quiz is for you. Get ready to test your skills and see if you can name all of these car brands!
Which car brand is known for producing high-tech vehicles?
Do you love cars? Think you know all the car brands out there? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test! With each question, you'll be presented with a logo or image related to a car brand, and it will be up to you to correctly identify the brand or answer a related question. So, whether you're a car enthusiast or just love the thrill of a good quiz, this quiz is for you. Get ready to test your skills and see if you can name all of these car brands!
축하합니다, 완료했습니다! 결과는 다음과 같습니다.
Do you love cars? Think you know all the car brands out there? This quiz will put your knowledge to the test! With each question, you'll be presented with a logo or image related to a car brand, and it will be up to you to correctly identify the brand or answer a related question. So, whether you're a car enthusiast or just love the thrill of a good quiz, this quiz is for you. Get ready to test your skills and see if you can name all of these car brands!