In "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," Snow White's prince is named Prince Florian, although he is often referred to as the unnamed prince in the film. His name was revealed later in various Disney publications and media.Pocahontas was inspired by a real-life Native American woman named Matoaka, who was famously associated with the English settlers in Jamestown, Virginia. She was the daughter of Powhatan, the paramount chief of a network of tribes in the Tsenacommacah.In "The Little Mermaid," Princess Ariel lives under the sea with her father, King Triton, and her six sisters. Ariel dreams of living on land and becoming a human, leading to her eventual adventure.Gaston is the main antagonist in "Beauty and the Beast." He is an arrogant and self-absorbed hunter who tries to win Belle's affections, eventually leading a mob to attack the Beast's castle.In "Mulan," the character's dragon sidekick is named Mushu. He is a small, red dragon who serves as Mulan's guardian and guide, providing comic relief and assistance throughout her journey."Aladdin" takes place in the fictional city of Agrabah, a Middle Eastern-inspired kingdom that is home to a variety of characters, including Aladdin, Jasmine, and the evil Jafar.Pocahontas sings the song "Colors of the Wind" in her self-titled film. The song, which is a plea for understanding and harmony between different cultures, won an Academy Award for Best Original Song.In the movie "Frozen," the king of the trolls is named Grand Pabbie. He is a wise and gentle troll who has the power to heal and provide guidance to the protagonists, Anna and Elsa.In the film "Moana," the titular character lives on the island of Motunui, a lush and beautiful Polynesian island that faces various challenges and ultimately sends Moana on her adventurous journey."Tangled," Rapunzel's chameleon friend is named Pascal. He is a loyal and protective companion who stays by her side throughout her journey, providing support and humor along the way.In "The Princess and the Frog," the main antagonist is Dr. Facilier, also known as the Shadow Man. He is a sinister voodoo practitioner who uses his dark magic to manipulate and deceive others for his own gain.In the 1992 animated film "Aladdin," Princess Jasmine is voiced by actress Linda Larkin. Lea Salonga, another choice in the options, provided the singing voice for Jasmine in the film.In the classic film "Sleeping Beauty," the prince who rescues Aurora from her cursed sleep is named Prince Philip. He is a brave and valiant character who faces numerous challenges to save the princess.In the classic Disney film "Cinderella," the Fairy Godmother transforms a pumpkin into a magical coach to take Cinderella to the royal ball, showcasing the Fairy Godmother's magical abilities and creativity.In "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," the main antagonist is the Evil Queen, also known as Queen Grimhilde. Driven by jealousy, she seeks to eliminate Snow White, who is considered the fairest of them all.Сіз 15 ұпайдан 0 ұпай алдыңызСіз 15 ұпайдан 1 ұпай алдыңызСіз 15 ұпайдан 2 ұпай алдыңызСіз 15 ұпайдан 3 ұпай алдыңызСіз 15 ұпайдан 4 ұпай алдыңызСіз 15-тен 5 ұпай жинадыңызСіз 15 ұпайдан 6 ұпай алдыңызСіз 15 ұпайдан 7 ұпай алдыңызСіз 15-тен 8 ұпай жинадыңызСіз 15-тен 9 ұпай жинадыңызСіз 15-тен 10 ұпай алдыңызСіз 15 ұпайдан 11 ұпай жинадыңызСіз 15 ұпайдан 12 ұпай жинадыңызСіз 15 ұпайдан 13 ұпай алдыңызСіз 15 ұпайдан 14 ұпай алдыңызСіз 15-тен 15 ұпай жинадыңыз
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Сіз нағыз тривиа супержұлдызысыз!If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
Нәтижелеріңізді көру үшін бізге кім екеніңізді айтыңыз!
What is the name of the prince in "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
Which Disney Princess was inspired by a real person?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
In which movie does the princess live under the sea?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
Who is the villain in "Beauty and the Beast"?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
What is the name of Mulan's dragon sidekick?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
What is the name of the city where "Aladdin" takes place?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
Which Disney Princess sings "Colors of the Wind"?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
In "Frozen," who is the king of the trolls?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
What is the name of the island where Moana lives?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
What is the name of Rapunzel's chameleon friend in "Tangled"?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
Who is the villain in "The Princess and the Frog"?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
Who is the voice of Princess Jasmine in the 1992 animated film "Aladdin"?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
What is the name of Sleeping Beauty's prince?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
What animal does Cinderella's Fairy Godmother transform into a coach?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
Who is the villain in "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"?
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
Құттықтаймыз, аяқтадыңыз! Міне сіздің нәтиже:
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
Құттықтаймыз, аяқтадыңыз! Міне сіздің нәтиже:
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
Құттықтаймыз, аяқтадыңыз! Міне сіздің нәтиже:
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
Құттықтаймыз, аяқтадыңыз! Міне сіздің нәтиже:
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!
Құттықтаймыз, аяқтадыңыз! Міне сіздің нәтиже:
If you think you know everything there is to know about the magical world of Disney Princesses, this quiz is for you. With several enchanting questions and four options to choose from, this quiz will take you on a magical journey through the world of Disney. Do you have what it takes to ace this Disney Trivia Quiz and earn the title of an official Disney Princess? Dive in and find out!