The historical epic "Gladiator", directed by Ridley Scott and featuring stellar performances from actors like Russell Crowe, won the Best Picture at the 73rd Academy Awards held in 2001. The film, set in Roman times, showcases an intriguing plot that has been appreciated by critics and audiences alike.In the espionage thriller "The Bourne Identity", Matt Damon plays the character of Jason Bourne, a secret agent who suffers from severe memory loss. The movie, along with its sequels, are well-known for their gripping narrative, intense action sequences, and excellent portrayal of the main character.Christopher Nolan, known for his intricate storytelling and visual mastery, directed "The Dark Knight" in 2008. The movie, featuring Heath Ledger's unforgettable portrayal of the Joker, is often considered one of the greatest superhero movies of all time due to its exploration of complex themes and captivating performances.In "Gladiator", Russell Crowe brilliantly portrayed the character of Maximus Decimus Meridius. A former Roman General, Maximus becomes a gladiator in a quest to avenge the murder of his family, fighting for justice against the tyrant who caused his downfall.In "Pearl Harbor", Kate Beckinsale stars as Nurse Lieutenant Evelyn Johnson. The historical drama depicts the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor and explores the experiences of soldiers and civilians alike during the conflict, with Beckinsale's performance being a memorable aspect of the film.Steven Spielberg's sci-fi drama "A.I. Artificial Intelligence" features an advanced android child named David, portrayed by Haley Joel Osment. David's longing to become a real boy and experience human emotions forms the emotional core of the movie, driving its narrative and themes."Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" introduces audiences to the ghost ship The Black Pearl, commanded by Captain Hector Barbossa. The ship plays a central role in the swashbuckling adventure, further solidifying the movie's place in popular culture.The character of Samwise Gamgee, portrayed by Sean Astin in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, embodies unwavering loyalty and courage. As Frodo Baggins' friend and gardener, Sam accompanies him on the perilous journey to Mordor to destroy the One Ring, showcasing the power of friendship and perseverance.Known for his unique visual style and vibrant storytelling, Baz Luhrmann directed the 2001 musical film "Moulin Rouge!". The movie's lively aesthetics, combined with compelling performances and a passionate love story, offer a distinct cinematic experience, which is a hallmark of Luhrmann's directorial style.This profound line, spoken by the older Rose in "Titanic", perfectly encapsulates the film's central themes of love, loss, and memory. The story of Rose and Jack, as portrayed by Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio, has left a lasting impact on cinema.In the whimsical French film "Amélie", Audrey Tautou plays Amélie Poulain, a waitress in a café in Montmartre. The movie delves into her imaginative world where she decides to help those around her in unique ways. Tautou's charm as the kind-hearted Amélie gives the film its warmth and endearing quality.Peter Parker, the alter ego of Spider-Man, is one of the most iconic characters in comic book history. In the 2002 "Spider-Man" movie, Tobey Maguire brings this character to life, showing how Parker uses his superpowers to fight crime and bring justice to New York Gerard Butler gave a memorable performance as King Leonidas in the movie "300". Set in 480 B.C., the film is a fantastical retelling of the Battle of Thermopylae where King Leonidas leads 300 Spartans against a vastly larger Persian army, showcasing bravery and resilience.In "Inglourious Basterds", Christoph Waltz gives a riveting performance as Hans Landa, a SS officer. The film, directed by Quentin Tarantino, features Waltz's character as a cunning and ruthless villain. Waltz's portrayal was critically acclaimed, earning him an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.In the animated adventure "Finding Nemo", the young clownfish Nemo is taken to Sydney after being captured by a diver. The journey of his father Marlin across the ocean to find Nemo makes for a heartwarming story, with Sydney Harbour playing a significant role in the film's climax.15点中0点でした15点中1点を獲得しました15点中2点でした15点中3点でした15点中4点でした15点中5点でした15点中6点でした15点中7点でした15点中8点でした15点中9点でした15点満点中10点でした15点中11点でした15点中12点でした15点中13点でした15点満点中14点でした15点満点中15点でした
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Which movie won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2000?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
What is the name of the main character in "The Bourne Identity"?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
Who directed the "The Dark Knight" (2008)?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
Which movie features the character Maximus Decimus Meridius?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
Who is the female lead in the movie "Pearl Harbor" (2001)?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
What's the name of the artificial intelligence in "A.I. Artificial Intelligence" (2001)?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
What was the name of the ship in "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" (2003)?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
What is the name of Frodo's gardener and friend in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
Who directed the 2001 musical film "Moulin Rouge!"?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
What's the last line in the movie "Titanic" (1997), spoken by Rose in her old age in the final scene of the 2005 remastered version?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
What is the profession of Amélie Poulain in "Amélie" (2001)?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
What's the superhero name of the character Peter Parker in the "Spider-Man" (2002) movie?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
Who played King Leonidas in the movie "300" (2006)?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
Which actor plays the villainous character Hans Landa in "Inglourious Basterds" (2009)?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
In "Finding Nemo" (2003), which Australian city is Nemo taken to?
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!
Welcome to 'Only The Biggest '00s Movie Fans Out There Can Dominate This Quiz'. This is your chance to test your knowledge and see if you can claim the title of ultimate '00s movie buff! We've curated a selection of 15 questions that will take you on a journey through some of the most iconic films of this fantastic decade. From epic blockbusters and superhero sagas to award-winning dramas and heart-warming animations, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated cinephiles. So, are you ready to stroll down memory lane and prove your mastery of '00s cinema? Let's get started!