Ursula, the sea witch, is the primary antagonist in "The Little Mermaid." As a cunning and manipulative villain, Ursula desires to control the underwater kingdom and usurp King Triton's throne. By striking a deal with Ariel, she puts her plan into motion, further showcasing her deceitful nature and quest for power.Gaston, the antagonist in "Beauty and the Beast," is known for his incredible strength and unparalleled ego. He is obsessed with marrying Belle, believing her to be the most beautiful woman in town, and becomes determined to defeat the Beast. Gaston's narcissism and arrogance drive him to extreme lengths in his pursuit of Belle and control.In "Aladdin," Jafar is the power-hungry Grand Vizier of Agrabah, who will stop at nothing to take control of the city. As a master manipulator and cunning sorcerer, Jafar plots to overthrow the Sultan and seize the throne. His obsession with power and control ultimately leads to his downfall.In "Aladdin," Jafar is the power-hungry Grand Vizier of Agrabah, who will stop at nothing to take control of the city. As a master manipulator and cunning sorcerer, Jafar plots to overthrow the Sultan and seize the throne. His obsession with power and control ultimately leads to his downfall.In "The Lion King," Scar, the envious and scheming brother of Mufasa, forms an alliance with hyenas to execute his plan to take over the throne. These hyenas, led by Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed, serve as Scar's loyal henchmen, assisting him in his sinister plot to overthrow Mufasa and become the ruler of the Pride Lands.Hades, the god of the Underworld, serves as the primary antagonist in Disney's "Hercules." As the vengeful and manipulative brother of Zeus, Hades plots to overthrow his sibling and seize control of Mount Olympus. Hades' cunning plans and his control over the Underworld's dark forces make him a formidable foe for Hercules.In "101 Dalmatians," the extravagant and obsessive Cruella de Vil is fixated on creating a luxurious fur coat made from the soft fur of Dalmatian puppies. Her sinister plan involves kidnapping 99 Dalmatian puppies, placing them in grave danger. Cruella's obsession with fashion and disregard for the lives of the puppies make her a truly wicked villain.Captain Hook, the fearsome pirate and nemesis of Peter Pan, is the main antagonist in Disney's "Peter Pan." His primary goal is to exact revenge on Peter for cutting off his hand and feeding it to a crocodile. Captain Hook's desire for vengeance and his ruthless determination to rule Neverland make him a dangerous adversary.Doctor Facilier, also known as the Shadow Man, is a sinister witch doctor and the main antagonist in "The Princess and the Frog." He uses his dark voodoo magic and manipulation of shadows to achieve his wicked goals. Doctor Facilier's cunning nature and his desire for power over New Orleans make him a formidable villain in the film.In "Tangled," Mother Gothel kidnaps Rapunzel as a baby because of the magical properties of her golden hair, which can heal wounds and grant eternal youth. By using Rapunzel's hair, Mother Gothel maintains her youth and beauty, keeping Rapunzel locked away in a tower for years. Her selfishness and willingness to exploit Rapunzel for her own gain make her a truly despicable villain.Maleficent, the malevolent fairy from "Sleeping Beauty," has a pet raven named Diablo who serves as her loyal companion and spy. Diablo plays a crucial role in helping Maleficent execute her evil plans, including cursing Princess Aurora and keeping a watchful eye on her enemies. This sinister duo proves to be a formidable force in the world of Disney villains.In "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," Judge Claude Frollo is the cruel and ruthless antagonist who becomes obsessed with capturing the beautiful gypsy, Esmeralda. Frollo's villainy is evident in his abuse of power and his willingness to persecute those he deems unworthy, ultimately making him one of Disney's darkest villains.Commander Lyle Tiberius Rourke is the main antagonist in "Atlantis: The Lost Empire." As a seemingly respectable military leader, Rourke hides his true intentions of stealing the powerful crystal from the lost city of Atlantis to sell it for personal profit. His greed and disregard for the well-being of others make him a truly treacherous villain.Commander Lyle Tiberius Rourke is the main antagonist in "Atlantis: The Lost Empire." As a seemingly respectable military leader, Rourke hides his true intentions of stealing the powerful crystal from the lost city of Atlantis to sell it for personal profit. His greed and disregard for the well-being of others make him a truly treacherous villain.In "The Emperor's New Groove," Yzma is a cunning and power-hungry character who poses as the Royal Vizier in the kingdom of the Incas. However, her true intention is to overthrow the young and naive Emperor Kuzco and seize the throne for herself. Yzma's manipulative nature and willingness to use any means necessary to achieve her goals make her a memorable Disney villain.15点中0点でした15点中1点を獲得しました15点中2点でした15点中3点でした15点中4点でした15点中5点でした15点中6点でした15点中7点でした15点中8点でした15点中9点でした15点満点中10点でした15点中11点でした15点中12点でした15点中13点でした15点満点中14点でした15点満点中15点でした
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Who is the villain in "The Little Mermaid"?
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
In "Beauty and the Beast," Gaston is known for his:
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
Which villain desires to control the city of Agrabah in "Aladdin"?
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
Can you identify the villain who cursed Princess Aurora in "Sleeping Beauty"?
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
What animal does Scar command to aid his wicked plans in "The Lion King"?
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
Which Disney villain is associated with the Underworld in "Hercules"?
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
In "101 Dalmatians," Cruella de Vil intends to make a fur coat out of:
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
What's the name of the pirate villain in "Peter Pan"?
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
In which movie does Doctor Facilier, the Shadow Man, appear?
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
Mother Gothel kidnaps Rapunzel for her magical:
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
Which Disney villain has a pet raven named Diablo?
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
In "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," what is the name of the villainous judge?
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
Which villain tries to exploit the magical powers of the crystal in "Atlantis: The Lost Empire"?
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
What is the main weapon used by Shan Yu, the leader of the Huns, in "Mulan"?
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
Who poses as the Royal Vizier in the kingdom of the Incas in "The Emperor's New Groove"?
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!
Dive into the world of Disney and test your knowledge on the most iconic and notorious villains! From cunning sorcerers to power-hungry pirates, these dastardly characters have captured our imaginations and challenged our heroes. Are you up for the challenge to recognize and remember these infamous Disney adversaries? Take this exciting quiz to find out just how well you know the dark side of Disney magic! Good luck, and beware of the villains lurking around the corner!