Socotra is an archipelago situated in the Arabian Sea and belongs to Yemen. Known for its unique biodiversity, it has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Socotra is home to various endemic plant species, such as the Dragon's Blood Tree, making it an ecological treasure.The Juan Fernández Islands are a small archipelago located in the South Pacific Ocean and belong to Chile. These islands are famous for their endemic flora and fauna, with a high level of species found nowhere else on Earth. The islands were the inspiration for Daniel Defoe's novel, "Robinson Crusoe."Ellesmere Island is part of the Qikiqtaaluk Region in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. As Canada's third-largest island, it is known for its polar desert ecosystem and the presence of several glaciers. Due to its extreme northern location, Ellesmere experiences harsh environmental conditions.Gotland is a Swedish island located in the Baltic Sea. It is the largest island in Sweden and a popular tourist destination known for its rich cultural heritage, medieval churches, and unique landscape, including the limestone rock formations called "rauks."The Lofoten Islands are a Norwegian archipelago situated above the Arctic Circle. Known for their dramatic landscapes, the islands feature steep mountains, deep fjords, and sandy beaches. They are also famous for their fishing villages and the distinctive red fisherman's cabins called "rorbu."The Faroe Islands are an archipelago located in the North Atlantic Ocean and are a self-governing territory of Denmark. The islands are known for their dramatic landscapes, with steep cliffs, green valleys, and a rich cultural heritage dating back to the Viking Age.Yap is an island in the Caroline Islands and belongs to the Federated States of Micronesia. The island is well-known for its large stone discs called "rai stones," which were historically used as a form of currency. Yap is also famous for its vibrant marine life and traditional cultures.The Dodecanese Islands are a group of islands in the Aegean Sea, located in southeastern Greece. The name "Dodecanese" means "twelve islands," although there are actually 15 larger islands and numerous smaller ones. They are known for their rich history, medieval castles, and sun-drenched beaches.Roatán is an island in the Caribbean Sea and belongs to Honduras. The island is part of the Bay Islands and is a popular destination for scuba diving enthusiasts, thanks to its stunning coral reefs and diverse marine life. Roatán is also known for its beautiful white sandy beaches.The Îles du Salut, also known as the Salvation Islands, are a group of three small islands in the Atlantic Ocean, located off the coast of French Guiana. The most famous of these islands is Devil's Island, which was once a notorious penal colony where prisoners were sent from France.Iturup is the largest island of the Kuril Islands and is under Russian control. However, it is also claimed by Japan. The island is known for its volcanic activity, hot springs, and diverse wildlife. The territorial dispute over the island has caused diplomatic tensions between Russia and Japan.The Kerguelen Islands are a group of islands in the southern Indian Ocean and are a part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands. They are remote and uninhabited, with the exception of a French scientific research station. The islands are known for their rugged landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, and harsh climate.Baffin Island is located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and is the largest island in Canada. The island is known for its stunning landscapes, including fjords, glaciers, and Arctic tundra. Baffin Island is also home to a variety of wildlife, such as polar bears, Arctic foxes, and narwhals.The Tristan da Cunha islands are a group of remote volcanic islands in the South Atlantic Ocean and are a British Overseas Territory. These islands have a very small permanent population and are considered some of the most remote inhabited islands in the world.Svalbard is an archipelago located in the Arctic Ocean and is under Norwegian sovereignty. The islands are known for their stunning glaciers, fjords, and polar landscapes. Svalbard is also home to unique wildlife, such as polar bears, Arctic foxes, and walruses, and hosts the Global Seed Vault, a secure facility that stores plant seeds from around the world.15点中0点でした15点中1点を獲得しました15点中2点でした15点中3点でした15点中4点でした15点中5点でした15点中6点でした15点中7点でした15点中8点でした15点中9点でした15点満点中10点でした15点中11点でした15点中12点でした15点中13点でした15点満点中14点でした15点満点中15点でした
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To which country does the island of Socotra belong?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
To which country do the Juan Fernández Islands belong?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
Which country does the island of Ellesmere belong to?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
Which country does the island of Gotland belong to?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
To which country do the Lofoten Islands belong?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
To which country do the Faroe Islands belong?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
Which country does the island of Yap belong to?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
To which country do the Dodecanese Islands belong?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
Which country does the island of Roatán belong to?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
To which country do the Îles du Salut belong?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
Which country does the island of Iturup belong to?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
To which country do the Kerguelen Islands belong?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
Which country does the island of Baffin belong to?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
To which country do the Tristan da Cunha islands belong?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
Which country does the island of Svalbard belong to?
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!
Welcome to the quiz "Do You Know Which Countries These Islands Belong To?"! Our world is full of beautiful islands, and some of them are less known than others. As a globetrotter, you might have come across some obscure or remote islands during your travels. This quiz will test your knowledge about these lesser-known islands and the countries they belong to. With 20 challenging questions, this quiz will put your geographic skills to the test! So, get ready to explore the world from the comfort of your home and learn more about these fascinating islands and their unique features. Good luck, and let's get started!