Jaime Lannister said this line before pushing Bran Stark out of a tower window, demonstrating his love for his sister Cersei and his willingness to protect their secret relationship. This moment is a turning point in Jaime's character arc, as it sets him on a path of redemption and self-reflection."The night is dark and full of terrors" is a phrase commonly used by Melisandre, a Red Priestess of the Lord of Light, to emphasize the dangers that lurk in the darkness. It reflects the show's exploration of supernatural and mystical themes.Tywin Lannister, the patriarch of House Lannister, spoke this line to his son Jaime, emphasizing the importance of focusing on power and prestige rather than the opinions of others. It reflects the Lannisters' pride and ambition, as well as their disdain for those they consider beneath them.Daenerys uttered this line to reassure the people of Meereen that she would protect them from the Sons of the Harpy. It highlights her strength and determination to protect those who have sworn loyalty to her, and also showcases her claim to be the rightful heir to the Targaryen dynasty.The line "The North remembers." is a common phrase in the North, referring to the region's long memories and strong sense of loyalty to their own. Sansa Stark uses this line to remind the northern lords of their duty to avenge the Starks and fight against the Boltons.After Eddard Stark's death, Robb Stark was declared the King in the North by his bannermen, signaling their intention to fight for the independence of the North from the Seven Kingdoms. This moment is a pivotal one in the show's narrative, as it sets the stage for the conflict between the Stark and Lannister families.Eddard Stark believed that a ruler who orders executions without carrying them out personally loses sight of the consequences of their actions. This quote reflects Eddard's strong sense of honor and justice, and his belief that rulers must be accountable for their decisions.This quote highlights Littlefinger's manipulative and cunning nature, as he advises Sansa Stark to always keep her enemies guessing. It reflects the show's exploration of political intrigue and the use of deception to gain power.This line is a declaration of Daenerys' determination to claim the Iron Throne and rule the Seven Kingdoms. It also alludes to her dragons, which she believes are the key to achieving her goal. This quote showcases Daenerys' strength and resolve as a leader, and her willingness to use force if necessary.Cersei spoke this line to her brother Tyrion, expressing her belief that love makes one vulnerable and weak. This line reflects Cersei's cynical and manipulative nature, as well as her reluctance to form emotional connections that might compromise her power. It also showcases the show's exploration of the destructive effects of power and ambition.Euron Greyjoy declares this line in the show to showcase his arrogance and ambition, as he seeks to become the ruler of the Iron Islands and conquer Westeros. This quote also highlights his love for chaos and destruction, and his willingness to use any means necessary to achieve his goals.Tyrion is known for his intelligence and wit, and often uses his love of books to gain knowledge and stay ahead of his enemies. This quote emphasizes the importance of education and self-improvement, and highlights Tyrion's belief that knowledge is just as valuable as physical strength.Jaime Lannister said this line to Eddard Stark, who accused him of dishonorable actions. It reflects Jaime's reputation as a dishonorable man and his rejection of the traditional concept of honor in the world of Game of Thrones. This line also showcases Jaime's wit and ability to disarm his opponents with sharp words.Tywin Lannister said this line to his grandson Joffrey, criticizing Joffrey's need to constantly assert his power and authority. It reflects Tywin's belief in the importance of strength, dignity, and respect in leadership, and his disdain for those who rely on empty titles and bluster.This line is one of the most famous quotes from the show, emphasizing the high stakes and cutthroat nature of the struggle for power in Westeros. It reflects Cersei's ambition and ruthlessness, as well as the show's exploration of themes such as politics, power, and morality.15点中0点でした15点中1点を獲得しました15点中2点でした15点中3点でした15点中4点でした15点中5点でした15点中6点でした15点中7点でした15点中8点でした15点中9点でした15点満点中10点でした15点中11点でした15点中12点でした15点中13点でした15点満点中14点でした15点満点中15点でした
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Who famously stated, "The things I do for love."?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Which character said, "The night is dark and full of terrors."?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Who proclaimed, "A lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep."?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Which character declared, "I am the dragon's daughter, and I swear to you that those who would harm you will die screaming."?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Which character said, "The North remembers."?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Who claimed, "The king in the North!"?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Which character stated, "A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is."?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Who said, "A man with no motive is a man no one suspects. Always keep your foes confused."?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Which character exclaimed, "I will take what is mine with fire and blood."?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Which character declared, "The more people you love, the weaker you are."?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Which character uttered, "I am the storm, my lord. The first storm, and the last."?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Who proclaimed, "A man needs books like a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge."?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Which character declared, "I am not questioning your honor, I am denying its existence."?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Who stated, "Any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king."?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Which character said, "When you play the game of thrones, you win, or you die."?
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!
Do you consider yourself a true "Game of Thrones" aficionado? If so, this quiz is just what you've been looking for! Dive deep into the world of Westeros and test your knowledge of the legendary TV series by identifying which character uttered each memorable line. With 20 challenging questions spanning across all seasons, only a genuine Westerosi expert can hope to achieve a perfect score. So, grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to embark on a thrilling journey through the Seven Kingdoms. Let's find out if you have what it takes to overcome the challenge and claim your place on the Iron Throne of "Game of Thrones" trivia!