Selena Gomez's middle name is Isabella. It adds a touch of elegance to her full name and complements her first name perfectly.Selena Gomez gained widespread recognition for her role as Alex Russo in the Disney Channel TV series "Wizards of Waverly Place." Her performance showcased her acting talent and charm."Crying in the Club" is not a single by Selena Gomez. It is a song by Camila Cabello. Selena has released hit singles like "Bad Liar" and "Love You like a Love Song."Selena Gomez's band is called The Scene. She formed the band in 2009 and released several successful albums with them before transitioning to a solo career.Selena Gomez does not appear in "The Princess Switch." The film stars Vanessa Hudgens. Selena has acted in movies like "Spring Breakers" and "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song."Selena Gomez's debut solo album is titled "Stars Dance." It marked a significant milestone in her career as she ventured into a solo music career apart from her band.Selena Gomez released the song "Bad Liar" in 2017. The song received critical acclaim for its unique sound and introspective lyrics. It showcased Selena's artistic growth and experimentation with a more mature sound.The song "Good for You" by Selena Gomez features a collaboration with rapper A$AP Rocky. The track showcases Selena's sultry vocals and marks a departure from her earlier sound.Selena Gomez released her first Spanish-language EP titled "Revelación" in 2021. The EP showcases Selena's embrace of her Latin roots and features hit singles like "Baila Conmigo" and "De Una Vez."Selena Gomez provided the voice for the character Mavis, a vampire, in the animated film "Hotel Transylvania." She reprised the role in the film's sequels, showcasing her talent in voice acting.The hit song "Come & Get It" by Selena Gomez was originally intended for fellow Disney star Demi Lovato. However, Selena fell in love with the track and decided to record it herself, making it a chart-topping success.The song "Hands to Myself" is featured on Selena Gomez's album "Revival." The track became a fan favorite for its catchy pop sound and infectious chorus.Selena Gomez made her acting debut in the popular children's television series "Barney & Friends." She portrayed the character Gianna, showcasing her talent from a young age.Selena Gomez served as an executive producer for the Netflix series "13 Reasons Why." The show addressed important social issues and sparked conversations about mental health and bullying.The song "Wolves" by Selena Gomez features a collaboration with rapper Cardi B. The track combines Selena's captivating vocals with Cardi B's fiery rap verses, creating a dynamic and memorable collaboration.Hai ottenuto 0 su 15Hai ottenuto 1 su 15Hai ottenuto 2 su 15Hai ottenuto 3 punti su 15Hai ottenuto 4 su 15Hai ottenuto 5 su 15Hai ottenuto 6 su 15Hai ottenuto 7 su 15Hai ottenuto un punteggio di 8 su 15Hai ottenuto 9 su 15Hai ottenuto un punteggio di 10 su 15Hai ottenuto 11 su 15Hai ottenuto 12 su 15Hai ottenuto 13 punti su 15Hai ottenuto 14 su 15Hai ottenuto 15 su 15
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Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Per visualizzare i risultati, dicci semplicemente chi sei!

What is Selena Gomez's middle name?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Which Disney Channel TV series propelled Selena Gomez to fame?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Which of the following songs is NOT a single by Selena Gomez?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
What is the name of Selena Gomez's band?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Which of the following movies does Selena Gomez NOT appear in?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
What is the title of Selena Gomez's debut solo album?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
In which year did Selena Gomez release the song "Bad Liar"?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Which Selena Gomez song features the collaboration with rapper A$AP Rocky?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Selena Gomez released her first Spanish-language EP in 2021. What is the title of this EP?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
In which film did Selena Gomez voice the character Mavis, a vampire?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Selena Gomez's hit song "Come & Get It" was initially intended for which artist?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Which Selena Gomez album features the song "Hands to Myself"?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Selena Gomez made her acting debut in which children's television series?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Selena Gomez served as an executive producer for which popular Netflix series?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Which Selena Gomez song features the collaboration with rapper Cardi B?
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Congratulazioni, hai finito! Ecco il tuo risultato:
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Congratulazioni, hai finito! Ecco il tuo risultato:
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Congratulazioni, hai finito! Ecco il tuo risultato:
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Congratulazioni, hai finito! Ecco il tuo risultato:
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!
Congratulazioni, hai finito! Ecco il tuo risultato:
Welcome to the "How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?" quiz! Selena Gomez is a multi-talented artist known for her music, acting, and philanthropy. Are you a true Selenator? Test your knowledge and see how well you know Selena Gomez and her remarkable career. This quiz consists of 20 questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and read the 50-word explanation to learn fascinating facts about Selena Gomez. Good luck!