Ingrid Bergman was born on August 29, 1915, in Stockholm, Sweden. She lived in Sweden until she began her acting career in Hollywood.Ingrid Bergman's first English-speaking film was "Intermezzo" in 1939. She had previously starred in the Swedish version of the same film.Ingrid Bergman won three Academy Awards during her illustrious career - Best Actress for "Gaslight" (1944) and "Anastasia" (1956), and Best Supporting Actress for "Murder on the Orient Express" (1974).In the iconic 1942 film "Casablanca", Ingrid Bergman's character, Ilsa Lund, asks the pianist to play the song "As Time Goes By". The line is often misquoted as "Play it again, Sam".In 1949, Bergman began an affair with director Roberto Rossellini while he was still married. When she became pregnant, the ensuing scandal led to her being shunned by Hollywood for nearly a decade.Ingrid Bergman had three children - Pia Lindström from her first marriage with Petter Lindström, and Roberto Ingmar Rossellini and Isabella Rossellini from her second marriage with Roberto Rossellini.In the 1956 film "Anastasia", Ingrid Bergman played the role of Anastasia Romanov, the rumored surviving daughter of the last Tsar of Russia. This role won her a second Best Actress Academy Award.Ingrid Bergman worked with the legendary director Alfred Hitchcock on three films: "Spellbound" (1945), "Notorious" (1946), and "Under Capricorn" (1949).In "Casablanca", Ingrid Bergman starred alongside Humphrey Bogart. Their on-screen chemistry was a key factor in the film's lasting success.Ingrid Bergman passed away on August 29, 1982, her 67th birthday, after a long battle with breast cancer.Ingrid Bergman's last film was "A Woman Called Golda" (1982), where she portrayed Golda Meir, the Prime Minister of Israel. She posthumously won an Emmy for this role.Unlike many Hollywood stars, Ingrid Bergman did not change her name when she began her acting career. Her birth name was Ingrid Bergman.In the 1945 film "Spellbound", directed by Alfred Hitchcock, Ingrid Bergman played the role of Dr. Constance Petersen, a psychiatrist.Among her Academy Award-winning roles, only Greta Ohlsson from "Murder on the Orient Express" (1974) was based on a character from Agatha Christie's novel, while the rest were either entirely fictional or loosely based on real people.Ingrid Bergman was married three times. Her husbands were Petter Lindström, Roberto Rossellini, and Lars Schmidt.Anda mendapat skor 0 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 1 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 2 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 3 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 4 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 5 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 6 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 7 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 8 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 9 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 10 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 11 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 12 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 13 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 14 dari 15Anda mendapat skor 15 dari 15
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Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
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In what country was Ingrid Bergman born?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
What was Ingrid Bergman's first English-speaking film?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
How many Academy Awards did Ingrid Bergman win during her career?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
In which film did Ingrid Bergman utter the famous line, "Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By'"?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
What scandal derailed Bergman's Hollywood career in the late 1940s?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
How many children did Ingrid Bergman have?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
Who did Ingrid Bergman play in the film "Anastasia"?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
Which director did Ingrid Bergman frequently collaborate with?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
Who was Ingrid Bergman's co-star in "Casablanca"?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
In what year did Ingrid Bergman pass away?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
What was Ingrid Bergman's last film?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
What was Ingrid Bergman's birth name?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
In which film did Ingrid Bergman play a psychiatrist?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
Which of her Academy Award-winning roles was based on a real person?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
How many times was Ingrid Bergman married?
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
Selamat, Anda telah selesai! Berikut hasil Anda:
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
Selamat, Anda telah selesai! Berikut hasil Anda:
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
Selamat, Anda telah selesai! Berikut hasil Anda:
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
Selamat, Anda telah selesai! Berikut hasil Anda:
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!
Selamat, Anda telah selesai! Berikut hasil Anda:
Welcome to our compelling quiz about the life and career of Ingrid Bergman, one of the most talented and celebrated actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age. Known for her natural and authentic performances, this Swedish-born star is remembered for her roles in classic films like "Casablanca" and "Notorious". Explore the remarkable life, achievements, and struggles of this iconic actress in our 15-question quiz. How well do you know Ingrid Bergman? Let's dive in and find out!