"The Godfather," directed by Francis Ford Coppola, was released in 1972. The movie follows the Corleone family, a powerful mafia clan in New York City, and stars Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, and James Caan."Titanic," directed by James Cameron, was released in 1997. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, the movie tells the story of a doomed romance between a poor artist and a wealthy socialite aboard the ill-fated Titanic."Singin' in the Rain," directed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen, was released in 1952. The movie stars Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, and Donald O'Connor, and follows the transition from silent films to "talkies" in Hollywood."Die Hard," directed by John McTiernan, was released in 1988. Starring Bruce Willis, the movie follows an off-duty police officer who becomes trapped in a skyscraper during a heist."The Good, the Bad and the Ugly," directed by Sergio Leone, was released in 1966. The movie stars Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, and Eli Wallach, and tells the story of three men who are searching for a hidden treasure during the American Civil War."One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," directed by Miloš Forman, was released in 1975. The movie stars Jack Nicholson and tells the story of a patient in a mental institution who rallies the other patients against the oppressive staff."Blade Runner," directed by Ridley Scott, was released in 1982. The movie stars Harrison Ford and is set in a dystopian future where replicants, bioengineered beings, are hunted down by special police units known as "blade runners.""The Shawshank Redemption," directed by Frank Darabont, was released in 1994. The movie stars Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman and follows a man who is wrongly convicted of murder and his experiences in prison."The Shining," directed by Stanley Kubrick, was released in 1980. The movie stars Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall and is based on a novel by Stephen King."West Side Story," directed by Jerome Robbins and Robert Wise, was released in 1961. The movie is a modern retelling of "Romeo and Juliet" set in New York City and stars Natalie Wood and Richard Beymer."The Blues Brothers," directed by John Landis, was released in 1980. The movie stars John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd as Jake and Elwood Blues, two brothers on a mission to save the orphanage where they were raised."Gone with the Wind," directed by Victor Fleming, was released in 1939. The movie stars Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable and is set during the American Civil War and Reconstruction period.You scored 0 out of 12You scored 1 out of 12You scored 2 out of 12You scored 3 out of 12You scored 4 out of 12You scored 5 out of 12You scored 6 out of 12You scored 7 out of 12You scored 8 out of 12You scored 9 out of 12You scored 10 out of 12You scored 11 out of 12You scored 12 out of 12
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You're on your way to greatness!Hooray for taking the Quizdict challenge! You may not have hit the jackpot this time, but you're like a daring adventurer navigating through the treacherous terrain of trivia. Keep exploring, Quizdict fan, and let your quest for knowledge guide you towards greatness. Who knows what treasures await you on your next quiz adventure?Great effort, Quizdict adventurer! You're like a brave warrior fighting through the tough battles of trivia. Keep on quizzing, Quizdict fan, and let your thirst for knowledge be your shield and sword. Every question is a chance to learn and grow, and you're on your way to becoming a trivia champion!Way to go, Quizdict explorer! You're like a brave adventurer venturing into the unknown territories of trivia. Keep on quizzing, Quizdict fan, and let your love for learning guide you towards success. Remember, every answer brings you one step closer to becoming a true quiz master. 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We can't wait to see what you'll achieve next!Great job, Quizdict enthusiast! You're crushing the quizzes like a champion weightlifter lifting heavy weights. Your mental agility and impressive knowledge have impressed us like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Keep quizzing, Quizdict fan, and let your intellect shine like a beacon of brilliance!Way to go, awesome Quizdict addict! You've proved yourself a true quiz champion like a superhero saving the day. Your boundless knowledge and quick reflexes have dazzled us like fireworks on a summer night. Keep on quizzing, Quizdict fan, and let your intellect shine like a bright light for all to see!Hooray, fantastic Quizdict fan! You've shown your mastery of our quizzes like a skilled magician performing a magic trick. Your intellect sparkles like a shining star in the Quizdict galaxy, and we can't wait to see where your brilliance takes you next. Keep quizzing like a champ!Oh my, phenomenal Quizdict quizzer! You've stunned us all with your incredible smarts and lightning-fast reflexes. Your triumphs on our trivia challenges make us want to shout "Eureka!" and dance a jig! Keep dazzling us with your intellect and let Quizdict be your playground of wisdom. You're a trivia marvel!Wow, amazing Quizdict whiz! You've zipped through our trivia like a speedy kangaroo on a mission. Your smarts light up Quizdict like a dazzling firework show! Keep hopping from one quiz to another, spreading your cleverness and inspiring us all with your know-how. You're a true trivia superstar!Movies have been a beloved source of entertainment for decades, with countless iconic films that have stood the test of time. But how well do you really know your movie history? This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most famous movies of all time by asking you to identify their release dates. From classic dramas to iconic comedies, see if you can accurately guess when these movies hit theaters. Get ready to put your movie knowledge to the test!
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When was the classic drama movie "The Godfather" released?
Movies have been a beloved source of entertainment for decades, with countless iconic films that have stood the test of time. But how well do you really know your movie history? This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most famous movies of all time by asking you to identify their release dates. From classic dramas to iconic comedies, see if you can accurately guess when these movies hit theaters. Get ready to put your movie knowledge to the test!
When was the iconic romance movie "Titanic" released?
Movies have been a beloved source of entertainment for decades, with countless iconic films that have stood the test of time. But how well do you really know your movie history? This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most famous movies of all time by asking you to identify their release dates. From classic dramas to iconic comedies, see if you can accurately guess when these movies hit theaters. Get ready to put your movie knowledge to the test!
When was the classic musical "Singin' in the Rain" released?
Movies have been a beloved source of entertainment for decades, with countless iconic films that have stood the test of time. But how well do you really know your movie history? This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most famous movies of all time by asking you to identify their release dates. From classic dramas to iconic comedies, see if you can accurately guess when these movies hit theaters. Get ready to put your movie knowledge to the test!
When was the iconic action movie "Die Hard" released?
Movies have been a beloved source of entertainment for decades, with countless iconic films that have stood the test of time. But how well do you really know your movie history? This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most famous movies of all time by asking you to identify their release dates. From classic dramas to iconic comedies, see if you can accurately guess when these movies hit theaters. Get ready to put your movie knowledge to the test!
When was the classic western movie "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" released?
Movies have been a beloved source of entertainment for decades, with countless iconic films that have stood the test of time. But how well do you really know your movie history? This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most famous movies of all time by asking you to identify their release dates. From classic dramas to iconic comedies, see if you can accurately guess when these movies hit theaters. Get ready to put your movie knowledge to the test!
When was the classic drama movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" released?
Movies have been a beloved source of entertainment for decades, with countless iconic films that have stood the test of time. But how well do you really know your movie history? This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most famous movies of all time by asking you to identify their release dates. From classic dramas to iconic comedies, see if you can accurately guess when these movies hit theaters. Get ready to put your movie knowledge to the test!
When was the iconic sci-fi movie "Blade Runner" released?
Movies have been a beloved source of entertainment for decades, with countless iconic films that have stood the test of time. But how well do you really know your movie history? This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most famous movies of all time by asking you to identify their release dates. From classic dramas to iconic comedies, see if you can accurately guess when these movies hit theaters. Get ready to put your movie knowledge to the test!
When was the classic drama movie "The Shawshank Redemption" released?
Movies have been a beloved source of entertainment for decades, with countless iconic films that have stood the test of time. But how well do you really know your movie history? This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most famous movies of all time by asking you to identify their release dates. From classic dramas to iconic comedies, see if you can accurately guess when these movies hit theaters. Get ready to put your movie knowledge to the test!
When was the iconic horror movie "The Shining" released?
Movies have been a beloved source of entertainment for decades, with countless iconic films that have stood the test of time. But how well do you really know your movie history? This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most famous movies of all time by asking you to identify their release dates. From classic dramas to iconic comedies, see if you can accurately guess when these movies hit theaters. Get ready to put your movie knowledge to the test!
When was the classic musical "West Side Story" released?
Movies have been a beloved source of entertainment for decades, with countless iconic films that have stood the test of time. But how well do you really know your movie history? This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most famous movies of all time by asking you to identify their release dates. From classic dramas to iconic comedies, see if you can accurately guess when these movies hit theaters. Get ready to put your movie knowledge to the test!
When was the iconic comedy movie "The Blues Brothers" released?
Movies have been a beloved source of entertainment for decades, with countless iconic films that have stood the test of time. But how well do you really know your movie history? This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most famous movies of all time by asking you to identify their release dates. From classic dramas to iconic comedies, see if you can accurately guess when these movies hit theaters. Get ready to put your movie knowledge to the test!
When was the classic drama movie "Gone with the Wind" released?
Movies have been a beloved source of entertainment for decades, with countless iconic films that have stood the test of time. But how well do you really know your movie history? This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most famous movies of all time by asking you to identify their release dates. From classic dramas to iconic comedies, see if you can accurately guess when these movies hit theaters. Get ready to put your movie knowledge to the test!
Congrats, you finished! Here is your result:
Movies have been a beloved source of entertainment for decades, with countless iconic films that have stood the test of time. But how well do you really know your movie history? This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most famous movies of all time by asking you to identify their release dates. From classic dramas to iconic comedies, see if you can accurately guess when these movies hit theaters. Get ready to put your movie knowledge to the test!