The line is from the 1950 movie "All About Eve". Davis played Margo Channing, a Broadway star. This line, reflecting her wit and sharpness, became one of the most memorable quotes in film history.Bette Davis won her first Oscar for her role in "Dangerous" (1935). She portrayed a troubled actress, which showcased her exceptional range and depth, earning her the coveted award.Bette Davis and Joan Crawford are renowned for their legendary Hollywood feud. Their rivalry reached its peak during the filming of "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?", where both actresses co-starred."Of Human Bondage" was based on a novel by W. Somerset Maugham. Davis's portrayal of the manipulative waitress Mildred earned her significant acclaim and showcased her prowess as a performer. Bette Davis was married four times in her life. Her marriages were with Harmon Nelson, Arthur Farnsworth, William Grant Sherry, and Gary Merrill."Dark Victory" (1939) features Davis as a socialite who learns she has a terminal brain tumor. It's one of her most memorable roles, capturing her ability to portray deep emotion.After working together in "All About Eve", Davis and Merrill fell in love and got married. Their marriage lasted ten years."Rebecca" is a 1940 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. While it's a classic of the Golden Era, it starred Joan Fontaine and Laurence Olivier, not Bette Davis. Bette Davis won two Academy Awards for Best Actress: first for "Dangerous" in 1935 and then for "Jezebel" in 1938.Davis and director William Wyler collaborated on several films, including "Jezebel" and "The Letter". Their professional relationship was known to be intense and productive.In "A Stolen Life" (1946), Davis took on the challenging task of playing both identical twin sisters, Kate and Patricia. The film revolves around themes of love, betrayal, and mistaken identity. Her portrayal was a testament to her versatility, as she effectively conveyed the contrasting personalities of the two women."Bette Davis Eyes" is a song performed by Kim Carnes, which became a hit in the 1980s. The song pays homage to Davis's captivating and expressive eyes, which many regarded as one of her most striking features. The song’s lyrics describe a woman's allure, linking it to Davis's iconic screen presence.While Bette Davis worked with many celebrated directors of her time, she never collaborated with Stanley Kubrick. Vincent Sherman, Michael Curtiz, and Robert Aldrich all directed films in which Davis played significant roles, with Curtiz directing her in classics like "Jezebel" and Aldrich helming "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?".During World War II, Bette Davis and John Garfield co-founded the Hollywood Canteen. The main objective was to entertain servicemen who were on leave in Los Angeles before heading overseas. Davis saw it as a way for Hollywood to contribute to the war effort, and it became a massive success with numerous film personalities volunteering their time.In the psychological thriller "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?", Bette Davis plays the role of Jane Hudson, a former child star turned reclusive spinster. The film explores themes of jealousy, mental illness, and the toxic relationship between Jane and her paralyzed sister, Blanche. Davis's performance is chilling and remains one of the most iconic in cinematic history.Dobili ste 0 od 15Osvojili ste 1 od 15Osvojili ste 2 od 15Osvojili ste 3 od 15Osvojili ste 4 od 15Osvojili ste 5 od 15Osvojili ste 6 od 15Osvojili ste 7 od 15Osvojili ste 8 od 15Dobili ste 9 od 15Osvojili ste 10 od 15Osvojili ste 11 od 15Osvojili ste 12 od 15Osvojili ste 13 od 15Dobili ste 14 od 15Dobili ste 15 od 15
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Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
Samo nam recite tko ste da bismo vidjeli vaše rezultate!

In which film did Bette Davis say the famous line, "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night"?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
For which film did Davis win her first Academy Award?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
Which actress rivaled Bette Davis during the Golden Era and was known for their alleged feud?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
Bette Davis starred in "Of Human Bondage" in 1934. Who was the author of the novel it was based on?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
How many times was Bette Davis married?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
Which Bette Davis film is about a woman suffering from a brain tumor?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
Bette Davis and Gary Merrill co-starred in "All About Eve". Later, they also did what?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
8.Which of these movies did Bette Davis NOT star in during the Golden Era of Hollywood?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
How many Academy Awards for Best Actress did Davis win during her career?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
Which famous director did Bette Davis frequently collaborate with?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
In which film did Bette Davis play dual roles as twins?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
Bette Davis is known for her unique eyes. Which song mentions them?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
Which of the following directors did Bette Davis NOT work with?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
Bette Davis founded the Hollywood Canteen during World War II. What was its purpose?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
In "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?", Bette Davis plays an aging former child star. What is the name of her character?
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
Čestitamo, završili ste! Evo vašeg rezultata:
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
Čestitamo, završili ste! Evo vašeg rezultata:
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
Čestitamo, završili ste! Evo vašeg rezultata:
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
Čestitamo, završili ste! Evo vašeg rezultata:
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!
Čestitamo, završili ste! Evo vašeg rezultata:
Bette Davis, a tour de force in the Golden Age of Hollywood, is an icon whose career spanned over six decades. Known for her intense acting and piercing eyes, she portrayed strong and complex characters. This quiz delves deep into Davis's life and career during the Golden Era. Do you have what it takes to call yourself a Bette Davis aficionado? Let's find out!