Tom Hanks won the Best Actor Oscar for his portrayal of the titular character in the 1994 film 'Forrest Gump'. Hanks brought Forrest's simple wisdom and unwavering optimism to life in a performance that touched hearts worldwide, earning him his second consecutive Oscar.Natalie Portman was the first actress to win an Oscar for a role in a science fiction film. She won the Best Actress award for her performance in 'Black Swan' (2010), a psychological thriller with elements of horror and science fiction.Casey Affleck won the Best Actor Oscar for his performance in the 2016 film 'Manchester by the Sea'. His portrayal of Lee Chandler, a man grappling with unspeakable tragedy, was highly praised and won him his first Academy Award.Olivia Colman won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in the 2018 film 'The Favourite'. She portrayed Queen Anne in a performance that combined comedy, tragedy, and royal grandeur, earning her widespread acclaim and an Oscar.Adrien Brody is the youngest actor to win a Best Actor Oscar. He was 29 when he won for his role in 'The Pianist' (2002), a film based on the life of Polish pianist and Holocaust survivor Władysław Szpilman.Halle Berry made history as the first woman of color to win the Best Actress Oscar. She won the award for her role in 'Monster's Ball' (2001), in which she gave a heartrending performance as a woman dealing with tragedy and unexpected love.Sean Penn won the Best Actor Oscar for his performance in the 2008 film 'Milk'. He portrayed Harvey Milk, the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California, in a performance that was widely praised for its authenticity and poignancy.Meryl Streep won the Best Actress Oscar for her portrayal of Margaret Thatcher in 'The Iron Lady' (2011). Known for her transformative performances, Streep convincingly embodied the former UK Prime Minister in a career-defining role that won her a third Academy Award.Tom Hanks was the first male actor to win two consecutive Best Actor Oscars. He won for 'Philadelphia' (1993) and 'Forrest Gump' (1994), delivering two iconic performances that established him as one of Hollywood's most versatile and admired actors.Jeanne Eagels was the first actress to receive a posthumous Best Actress Oscar nomination for her role in 'The Letter' (1929). However, the first to win posthumously was actually not until 2009, when Heath Ledger won for Best Supporting Actor in 'The Dark Knight'.Colin Firth won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in 'The King's Speech' (2010). His remarkable performance as King George VI grappling with his stammer brought the character to life and earned Firth his first Academy Award.Sidney Poitier was the first African American actor to win the Best Actor Oscar. He won for his performance in 'Lilies of the Field' (1963), a role that showcased his powerful acting talent and broke barriers in Hollywood.Cate Blanchett won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in 'Blue Jasmine' (2013). Her portrayal of a fallen New York socialite won her widespread acclaim and marked her second Oscar win.Daniel Day-Lewis won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in 'Lincoln' (2012). His incredible transformation into the 16th President of the United States resulted in one of the most memorable performances of his career and earned him his third Academy Award.Halle Berry won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in 'Monster's Ball' (2002). Her emotional and raw performance made history as she became the first woman of color to win the Best Actress Oscar.Vous avez obtenu 0 sur 15Vous avez obtenu 1 sur 15Vous avez obtenu 2 sur 15Vous avez obtenu 3 sur 15Vous avez obtenu 4 sur 15Vous avez obtenu 5 sur 15Vous avez obtenu 6 sur 15Vous avez obtenu une note de 7 sur 15Vous avez obtenu une note de 8 sur 15Vous avez obtenu une note de 9 sur 15Vous avez obtenu 10 sur 15Vous avez obtenu 11 sur 15Vous avez obtenu 12 sur 15Vous avez obtenu 13 sur 15Vous avez obtenu 14 sur 15Vous avez obtenu 15 sur 15
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Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
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Who won the Best Actor Oscar for the 1994 film 'Forrest Gump'?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Who was the first actress to win an Oscar for a role in a science fiction film?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Who won the Best Actor Oscar for the 2016 film 'Manchester by the Sea'?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Who won the Best Actress Oscar for the 2018 film 'The Favourite'?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Who was the youngest actor to win a Best Actor Oscar?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Who was the first woman of color to win the Best Actress Oscar?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Who won the Best Actor Oscar for the 2008 film 'Milk'?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Which actress won an Oscar for her performance in 'The Iron Lady' (2011)?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Who was the first male actor to win two consecutive Best Actor Oscars?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Who was the first actress to win the Best Actress Oscar posthumously?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Which actor won an Oscar for their performance in 'The King's Speech' (2010)?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Who was the first African American actor to win the Best Actor Oscar?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Who won the Best Actress Oscar for the 2013 film 'Blue Jasmine'?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Which actor won an Oscar for their role in 'Lincoln' (2012)?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Who won the Best Actress Oscar for the 2002 film 'Monster's Ball'?
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Félicitations, vous avez terminé ! Voici votre résultat :
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Félicitations, vous avez terminé ! Voici votre résultat :
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Félicitations, vous avez terminé ! Voici votre résultat :
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Félicitations, vous avez terminé ! Voici votre résultat :
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!
Félicitations, vous avez terminé ! Voici votre résultat :
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the red carpet of Quizdict! It's time to test your knowledge of the biggest names in the industry with our quiz titled "Thank the Academy for This Oscars Quiz on Best Actors and Actresses". Dive into the glitz and glamour of the Academy Awards and see how well you remember the unforgettable performances that took home the golden statuette. Are you a casual moviegoer or a film buff? Only this quiz will tell. So put on your best suit or gown, adjust your bow tie or tiara, and let the show begin!