In "Gravity," Bullock delivered a gripping performance as Dr. Ryan Stone, an astronaut trying to survive in space after her shuttle is damaged.In the romantic comedy "The Proposal," Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock share comedic chemistry as a couple faking a marriage for her to avoid deportation.Bullock won the Oscar for her portrayal of Leigh Anne Tuohy in "The Blind Side," a story about a woman who adopts a homeless teenager who later becomes an NFL player. "The Net" sees Sandra's character uncovering a conspiracy while being a software programmer, making her a target for cyberterrorists."Practical Magic" is a romantic comedy-drama where Bullock and Kidman portray witch sisters facing challenges of love due to a family curse."Two Weeks Notice" is a romantic comedy where Bullock plays a lawyer opposite Hugh Grant's charming millionaire character."Our Brand Is Crisis" is a political drama where Bullock and Clooney's characters are rival American campaign strategists in Bolivia."Bird Box" is a post-apocalyptic thriller where characters, including Bullock's, must avoid looking at mysterious creatures that cause insanity and death."The Heat" is a buddy cop comedy where Bullock and McCarthy team up to take down a drug lord, showcasing their comedic chemistry."While You Were Sleeping" is a romantic comedy where Bullock's character, Lucy, saves a man and is mistakenly believed to be his fiancée while he's in a coma.In "The Lake House," Bullock and Reeves play characters who discover they are living two years apart but are able to communicate through a magical mailbox. "All About Steve" is a quirky comedy where Bullock's character chases after a news cameraman, played by Bradley Cooper, believing they're meant to be together. In "Miss Congeniality," Bullock's character goes undercover as a contestant in a beauty pageant to prevent a terrorist attack, providing comedic moments throughout."Hope Floats" is a drama where Bullock's character, after a public marital scandal, goes back to her roots and rekindles a relationship with an old friend."Forces of Nature" is a romantic comedy where Bullock and Affleck's characters share a series of misadventures on a journey to his wedding.Sait 0/15Sait 1/15Sait 2/15Sait 3/15Sait 4/15Sait 5/15Sait 6/15Sait 7/15Sait 8/15Sait 9/15Sait 10/15Sait 11/15Sait 12/15Sait 13/15Sait 14/15Sait 15/15
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From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Kerro meille kuka olet nähdäksesi tulokset!

In which film did Sandra Bullock play an astronaut stranded in space?
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Which actor played opposite Sandra Bullock in "The Proposal?"
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
For which film did Sandra win an Academy Award for Best Actress?
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Which movie had her play a software expert chasing a cyberterrorist?
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
In which film did Sandra play a role alongside Nicole Kidman as sisters practicing witchcraft?
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Sandra co-starred with which actor in the film "Two Weeks Notice?"
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Which film does she star in alongside George Clooney, where they play political campaign strategists?
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
In "Bird Box," what do the characters avoid seeing at all costs?
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
In which film did Sandra Bullock co-star with Melissa McCarthy as law enforcement agents?
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Which film features Sandra Bullock playing a woman who wakes up from a coma, only to believe she's engaged to a man she's never met?
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Which of these movies had Sandra Bullock play the role of a writer exchanging love letters with Keanu Reeves through a time-traveling mailbox?
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Which film has her portraying a crossword puzzle constructor who falls for a news cameraman?
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Sandra Bullock plays an FBI agent posing as a beauty pageant contestant in which film?
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
In which film does Sandra Bullock play a successful author who returns to her small hometown and reconnects with an old flame?
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Which movie features Sandra Bullock and Ben Affleck as strangers on a cross-country trip?
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Onnittelut, olet valmis! Tässä on tuloksesi:
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Onnittelut, olet valmis! Tässä on tuloksesi:
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Onnittelut, olet valmis! Tässä on tuloksesi:
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Onnittelut, olet valmis! Tässä on tuloksesi:
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!
Onnittelut, olet valmis! Tässä on tuloksesi:
From her hilarious roles in romantic comedies to her thrilling performances in gripping dramas, Sandra Bullock has been captivating audiences for decades. She's a versatile actress whose career spans a myriad of unforgettable roles. How well do you know her filmography, accomplishments, and personal life? Dive into this quiz and find out!