Ariana Grande's full name is Ariana Marina Grande-Butera. Although she dropped her last name "Butera" professionally, her full legal name includes it.Ariana Grande released her debut studio album, "Yours Truly," in 2013. The album showcased her powerful vocals and included hit songs like "The Way" and "Baby I.""Focus" is not from Ariana Grande's album "Dangerous Woman." It was released as a standalone single and later included on the deluxe edition of her subsequent album, "Moonlight."Ariana Grande's first Billboard Hot 100 number-one single was "Problem" featuring Iggy Azalea. The catchy track dominated the charts in 2014.Ariana Grande collaborated with The Weeknd for the hit song "Love Me Harder," which was released in 2014. Their powerful vocals combined seamlessly in this sensual track.Ariana Grande rose to fame through her role as Cat Valentine in the Nickelodeon TV series "Victorious." The show aired from 2010 to 2013 and showcased Ariana's acting and singing talents.Ariana Grande released a live album titled "K Bye for Now (Swt Live)" in 2019, capturing the energy and magic of her "Sweetener World Tour" performances."Into You" is not a collaboration between Ariana Grande and Mac Miller. The song is solely performed by Ariana and is from her album "Dangerous Woman."Ariana Grande made her theater debut in the Broadway musical "13" in 2008. She played the role of Charlotte and impressed audiences with her singing abilities.The tragic Manchester Arena bombing occurred in Manchester, England, during Ariana Grande's concert on May 22, 2017. The event had a profound impact on Ariana Grande and her fans, and Ariana showed immense strength and resilience in the face of adversity.The music video for "thank u, next" pays homage to iconic teen movies like "Mean Girls," "Legally Blonde," and "Bring It On." It became an instant cultural phenomenon, capturing the attention of fans and pop culture enthusiasts.Ariana Grande collaborated with Jessie J and Nicki Minaj on the energetic and empowering anthem "Bang Bang." The song became a massive hit and showcased the powerhouse vocals of all three artists.Ariana Grande won her first Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Album with her album "Sweetener." The album showcased Ariana's growth as an artist and featured hits like "God is a woman" and "no tears left to cry.""Dangerous Woman Diaries" is the title of Ariana Grande's docuseries. It provides fans with an intimate look at her life, including her music-making process and behind-the-scenes moments from her tours.Ariana Grande's signature high ponytail hairstyle is often referred to as "The Snatched Ponytail." It has become an iconic part of her image and has inspired fans worldwide.Sa said 15-st 0Sa saavutasid 1/15Sa said 2 punkti 15stSa said 3 punkti 15-stSa said 4 punkti 15-stSa said 5 punkti 15-stSa said 6 punkti 15-stSa said 7 punkti 15stSa said 8 punkti 15-stSa said 9 punkti 15stSa said 10 punkti 15stSa said 11 punkti 15stSa saavutasid 12 punkti 15stSa said 13 punkti 15stSa said 14 punkti 15stSa said 15 punkti 15st
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Jätka küsitlemist nagu tšempion!Oh issand, fenomenaalne viktoriin! Olete meid kõiki oma uskumatu nutikuse ja välkkiirete refleksidega jahmatanud. Teie võidukäigud meie trivia väljakutsetele panevad meid hüüdma "Eureka!" ja tantsige jigi! Pimestage meid oma intellektiga ja laske Quizdictil olla teie tarkuse mängumaa. Sa oled tühiasi!Vau, hämmastav viktoriin! Olete meie tühiasi sirvinud nagu kiire känguru missioonil. Teie nutikused süttivad Quizdict nagu pimestav ilutulestik! Hüppage ühest viktoriinist teise, levitage oma nutikust ja inspireerige meid kõiki oma oskusteabega. Sa oled tõeline trivia superstaar!
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
Lihtsalt öelge meile, kes te olete, et oma tulemusi näha!

What is Ariana Grande's full name?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
In which year did Ariana Grande release her debut studio album, "Yours Truly"?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
Which of the following songs is NOT from Ariana Grande's album "Dangerous Woman"?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
What was the title of Ariana Grande's first Billboard Hot 100 number-one single?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
Ariana Grande collaborated with which rapper for the hit song "Love Me Harder"?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
Which Disney Channel TV series was Ariana Grande a part of from 2010 to 2013?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
What was the title of Ariana Grande's live album recorded during her "Sweetener World Tour"?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
Which of the following songs did Ariana Grande NOT collaborate on with rapper Mac Miller?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
In which Broadway musical did Ariana Grande make her theater debut in 2008?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
In which city did the tragic Manchester Arena bombing occur during Ariana Grande's concert?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
Which Ariana Grande music video pays tribute to classic teen movies such as "Mean Girls" and "Legally Blonde"?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
Which artist collaborated with Ariana Grande on the empowering anthem "Bang Bang"?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
Which song earned Ariana Grande her first Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Album?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
What is the title of Ariana Grande's docuseries that offers a behind-the-scenes look at her life and music?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
Ariana Grande's signature high ponytail hairstyle has a nickname. What is it called?
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
Õnnitlused, olete lõpetanud! Siin on teie tulemus:
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
Õnnitlused, olete lõpetanud! Siin on teie tulemus:
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
Õnnitlused, olete lõpetanud! Siin on teie tulemus:
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
Õnnitlused, olete lõpetanud! Siin on teie tulemus:
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!
Õnnitlused, olete lõpetanud! Siin on teie tulemus:
Welcome to the ultimate Ariana Grande quiz! Are you a die-hard Arianator? Do you know everything about the sensational pop star Ariana Grande? Test your knowledge and see if you can score 100% on this quiz! Get ready to dive into Ariana's discography, accomplishments, and personal life. Each question has four options, but only one is correct. Good luck!