Bruce Willis's character, John McClane, says the iconic line "Yippee-ki-yay" in "Die Hard." This phrase became synonymous with the character and the franchise.Bruce Willis plays Dr. Malcolm Crowe, a child psychologist, in "The Sixth Sense." He tries to help a young boy who claims he can see and communicate with the dead."The Fifth Element" is a sci-fi film set in a futuristic world where taxis fly. Bruce Willis plays Korben Dallas, a cab driver who becomes involved in a quest to save the world.In "Unbreakable," Bruce Willis plays David Dunn, a man who discovers he has superhuman strength and invulnerability, but water is his weakness, making it the only thing that can harm him."Looper" is a sci-fi film where Bruce Willis's character, Joe, is an older version of the character played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. They confront each other due to the workings of time travel. In Quentin Tarantino's "Pulp Fiction," Bruce Willis portrays Butch Coolidge, a boxer who refuses to throw a fight and faces the consequences of his decision.In "Red," Bruce Willis leads a cast of retired black-ops agents who find themselves targeted for assassination, leading to action-packed escapades.In "Armageddon," Bruce Willis plays Harry Stamper, an oil driller chosen by NASA to lead a team to drill into an asteroid and plant a nuclear bomb to prevent it from colliding with Earth."12 Monkeys" is set in a post-apocalyptic future where a convict, played by Bruce Willis, is sent back in time to gather information about a man-made virus that wiped out most of the human population. In "Cop Out," Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan play two NYPD detectives in a comedic action film directed by Kevin Smith.In "The Whole Nine Yards," Bruce Willis plays Jimmy "The Tulip" Tudeski, a hitman who moves next door to a meek dentist, leading to comedic twists and turns.In "Die Hard with a Vengeance," Samuel L. Jackson plays Zeus Carver, who teams up with Bruce Willis's character, John McClane, in a race against time in New York City. "Hart's War" features Bruce Willis as Colonel William A. McNamara, a soldier in a POW camp who uncovers a murder and a potential betrayal within the ranks."The Fifth Element" is a sci-fi adventure where Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich share the screen. Willis plays a cab driver while Jovovich portrays the mysterious Leeloo.In "Live Free or Die Hard," Bruce Willis returns as John McClane, battling cyber terrorists who aim to shut down the entire US infrastructure.Obtuviste 0 de 15Obtuviste 1 de 15Obtuviste 2 puntos sobre 15Obtuviste 3 de 15Obtuviste 4 puntos sobre 15Obtuviste 5 de 15Obtuviste 6 de 15Obtuviste 7 de 15Obtuviste 8 de 15Obtuviste 9 de 15Obtuviste 10 de 15Obtuviste 11 de 15Obtuviste 12 de 15Obtuviste 13 de 15Obtuviste 14 de 15Obtuviste 15 de 15
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Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
¡Simplemente dinos quién eres para ver tus resultados!

Which movie has Bruce Willis saying the iconic line, "Yippee-ki-yay"?
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
In which movie does Bruce Willis play a child psychologist?
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
Which Bruce Willis movie is set in a future where taxi drivers fly?
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
In "Unbreakable," Bruce Willis's character has a weakness for:
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
Which film pairs Bruce Willis with a young version of himself?
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
In which film does Bruce Willis play a boxer?
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
Which movie has Bruce Willis teaming up with an ensemble of retired black-ops agents?
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
What role does Bruce Willis play in "Armageddon"?
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
In which movie does Bruce Willis's character reside in a post-apocalyptic world?
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
Which film casts Bruce Willis as a cop alongside Tracy Morgan?
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
Bruce Willis plays a hitman in which of these films?
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
In "Die Hard with a Vengeance," who was Bruce Willis's co-star?
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
Which movie casts Bruce Willis as a soldier who discovers a political conspiracy?
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich star together in which film?
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
Which film sees Bruce Willis combating cyber criminals?
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Bruce Willis, an emblematic figure in Hollywood, has showcased his versatility and action-hero flair in a multitude of films over the decades. His charismatic performances have left indelible imprints on audiences worldwide. So, think you're an expert on Bruce Willis's filmography? Test your knowledge and recall with this challenging quiz. Ready? Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!