In "Love & Other Drugs" (2010), Hathaway plays Maggie Murdock, a free-spirited woman suffering from early-onset Parkinson's disease. The film explores the love story between Maggie and a pharmaceutical sales rep, Jamie (Jake Gyllenhaal).In "Les Misérables" (2012), Hathaway played the tragic character Fantine, a role that won her an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. She delivered a powerful performance, particularly in the iconic song "I Dreamed a Dream."In Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight Rises" (2012), Anne Hathaway portrays Selina Kyle, also known as Catwoman. Although her character isn't explicitly referred to as "Catwoman" in the film, her costume, skills, and actions align with the iconic DC character.
In "The Intern" (2015), Hathaway plays Jules Ostin, the young and driven CEO of a fashion e-commerce company. The movie revolves around her unique friendship with a 70-year-old intern, played by Robert De Niro.In "One Day" (2011), Hathaway plays Emma Morley, a character who reunites with her friend Dexter (Jim Sturgess) every year on the same date, July 15th. This romantic drama explores their relationship over two decades.In "Bride Wars" (2009), Hathaway stars alongside Kate Hudson. They play best friends who become rivals when their wedding dates clash, leading to a series of hilarious events.In "The Last Thing He Wanted" (2020), Hathaway plays a journalist named Elena McMahon who finds herself embroiled in an international arms deal, blurring the lines between observer and participant.Anne Hathaway was not in "Mean Girls" (2004). This popular teen comedy film starred Lindsay Lohan and Rachel McAdams, among others, but not Hathaway. She has, however, appeared in the other three films listed.In "Becoming Jane" (2007), Hathaway plays the role of Jane Austen. The film is a biographical portrait of a pre-fame Austen and her romance with a young Irishman.In "Ella Enchanted" (2004), Hathaway's character, Ella, is given the 'gift' of obedience by a misguided fairy. This means she must obey any command given to her, a premise which drives the plot of the film.Anne Hathaway and Hugh Jackman have starred together in the musical film "Les Misérables," but they have not shared screen space in any superhero film.
Christopher Nolan directed "Interstellar" (2014). In this science-fiction epic, Hathaway plays Dr. Amelia Brand, a scientist involved in a mission to find a new habitable planet for humanity.In "Colossal" (2016), Hathaway plays Gloria, a woman who discovers she can control a giant monster wreaking havoc in Seoul. This film blends elements of comedy, drama, and science fiction.In "Rachel Getting Married" (2008), Richard Jenkins plays the role of Hathaway's father. Hathaway's performance as Kym, a woman who returns home for her sister's wedding after being in and out of rehab, was highly acclaimed.In "The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement" (2004), Chris Pine plays Hathaway's love interest. His character, Nicholas Devereaux, is initially a rival but eventually becomes a love interest for Hathaway's character, Mia Thermopolis.Obtuviste 0 de 15Obtuviste 1 de 15Obtuviste 2 puntos sobre 15Obtuviste 3 de 15Obtuviste 4 puntos sobre 15Obtuviste 5 de 15Obtuviste 6 de 15Obtuviste 7 de 15Obtuviste 8 de 15Obtuviste 9 de 15Obtuviste 10 de 15Obtuviste 11 de 15Obtuviste 12 de 15Obtuviste 13 de 15Obtuviste 14 de 15Obtuviste 15 de 15
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Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
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In which movie did Anne Hathaway play a role of a woman suffering from Parkinson's disease?
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
What role did Anne Hathaway play in the musical drama film "Les Misérables"?
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
In "The Dark Knight Rises," Anne Hathaway portrays which character?
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
What is the profession of Anne Hathaway's character in "The Intern"?
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
In which film does Anne Hathaway play a woman named Emma who reunites with her friend Dexter every year on the same date?
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
Anne Hathaway co-starred with Kate Hudson in which film?
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
Anne Hathaway plays a journalist in which movie?
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
Kevin Spacey
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
In "Becoming Jane," Anne Hathaway plays the role of which famous author?
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
In "Ella Enchanted," what special 'gift' does Hathaway's character, Ella, receive at her birth?
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
Which superhero film does Anne Hathaway star in alongside Hugh Jackman?
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
Who directed "Interstellar," in which Anne Hathaway plays a leading role?
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
In which film does Hathaway play a character that can control a giant monster?
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
Which famous actor plays Hathaway's father in "Rachel Getting Married"?
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
Who plays Hathaway's love interest in "The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement"?
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
Welcome to our fun and intriguing quiz, "How Many Anne Hathaway Movies Have You Seen?"! This quiz is designed for movie buffs who admire the talent and versatility of the stunning Anne Hathaway. It's time to test your knowledge and discover how well you know the filmography of this Academy Award-winning actress. From drama to romance, comedy to action, Hathaway has graced the screen in a myriad of roles. So get comfortable, put on your thinking cap, and let's dive into this cinematic adventure!