The original Star Trek series, created by Gene Roddenberry, first premiered on NBC on September 8, 1966. The show starred William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as the iconic Vulcan officer, Mr. Spock. Captain Jean-Luc Picard is a beloved character from the Star Trek franchise, portrayed by Sir Patrick Stewart. He is the captain of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation and is known for his intelligence, diplomacy, and leadership skills. Sarek was a recurring character in the original series and appeared in several Star Trek movies. He is the father of Spock and the husband of Amanda Grayson.They are a reptilian species known for their physical strength, endurance, and formidable combat abilities. The episode features a battle between Kirk and a Gorn captain, which ultimately ends with Kirk finding a peaceful solution to the conflict.He was created by Dr. Noonien Soong, and is a highly advanced android who serves as the second officer and chief operations officer aboard the USS Enterprise-D. Data is known for his analytical mind, lack of emotions, and desire to become more human. He is portrayed by actor Brent Spiner."Star Trek: The Motion Picture" was released in 1979 and reunites the crew of the original Star Trek television series, including Captain James T. Kirk, Mr. Spock, and Dr. McCoy, as they embark on a mission to intercept a powerful alien threat that is headed towards Earth. Chakotay becomes the first officer to Captain Janeway on the USS Voyager. Chakotay is known for his strong leadership skills, spiritual beliefs, and close friendship with the ship's chief engineer, B'Elanna Torres.Captain Burnham is a character in the Star Trek: Discovery series, portrayed by actress Sonequa Martin-Green. She is a human raised by Vulcans, and the first officer of the USS Shenzhou under Captain Philippa Georgiou. Seeking revenge against Captain Kirk for his exile on a harsh planet, Khan attempts to use a powerful weapon to destroy the USS Enterprise and exact his revenge. The song, written by Diane Warren and performed by Russell Watson, is a departure from the orchestral scores of previous Star Trek series, and features a more contemporary, uplifting tone. He is a Kelpien, known for his heightened senses and innate ability to detect danger. He is portrayed by actor Doug Jones and quickly becomes a fan-favorite character due to his unique personality and background. In the film, the crew of the USS Enterprise must travel back in time to prevent the Borg from altering history and assimilating humanity. Led by the fearsome Borg Queen, the Borg prove to be a formidable adversary, testing the crew's bravery, ingenuity, and resourcefulness. Scotty is responsible for maintaining and repairing the ship's engines, and often works miracles to keep the Enterprise running in the face of incredible challenges. He is a beloved character in the Star Trek franchise and has become an enduring cultural icon.Quark is known for his cunning business practices, sharp wit, and love of latinum, the currency of the Ferengi Alliance. Despite his often selfish nature, Quark forms close bonds with many of the station's crew, and becomes an integral part of the show's ensemble cast.He was first introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation as the chief of security aboard the USS Enterprise-D. Worf's character later appeared in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, where he became a regular cast member and played a significant role in the series.Vi gajnis 0 el 15Vi gajnis 1 el 15Vi gajnis 2 el 15Vi gajnis 3 el 15Vi gajnis 4 el 15Vi gajnis 5 el 15Vi gajnis 6 el 15Vi gajnis 7 el 15Vi gajnis 8 el 15Vi gajnis 9 el 15Vi gajnis 10 el 15Vi gajnis 11 el 15Vi gajnis 12 el 15Vi gajnis 13 el 15Vi gajnis 14 el 15Vi gajnis 15 el 15
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Daŭre kvizu, fano de Quizdict, kaj lasu vian decidon lerni gvidi vin al venko. Memoru, ĉiu respondo estas ŝanco pligrandigi viajn sciojn kaj plibonigi viajn kapablojn. Vi estas survoje fariĝi vera kvizmaniulo!Bonega laboro, Quizdict-esploristo! Vi estas kiel sperta aventuristo faranta konstantan progreson tra la defia pejzaĝo de trivialaĵoj. Daŭre kvizu, fano de Quizdict, kaj lasu vian entuziasmon por lerni nutri vian vojaĝon al sukceso. Memoru, ĉiu demando estas ŝanco kreski kaj plibonigi. Vi estas survoje fariĝi vera kvizmaniulo!Mirinda laboro, Quizdict aventuristo! Vi estas kiel lerta esploristo kuraĝanta la malfacilan terenon de trivialaĵoj. Daŭre kvizu, fano de Quizdict, kaj lasu vian entuziasmon pri scio antaŭenpuŝi vin al venko. Memoru, ĉiu demando estas ŝanco lerni kaj kreski. Vi estas sur la ĝusta vojo por fariĝi vera kvizmaniulo!Gratulon, Quizdict-mastro! Vi estas kiel lerta kviza ninja tratranĉanta la defiojn de trivialaĵoj. Daŭre kvizu, fano de Quizdict, kaj lasu vian amon al lernado gvidi vin al sukceso. Memoru, ĉiu respondo estas paŝo por fariĝi vera kvizmaniulo. Vi fartas bonege!Alta kvin, Quizdict-ĉampiono! Vi estas kiel kvizsorĉisto, kiu faras sorĉojn de scio kaj kleriĝo. Daŭre kvizu, fano de Quizdict, kaj lasu vian amon por bagateloj konduki vin al venko. Memoru, ĉiu respondo estas ŝanco vastigi vian menson kaj akrigi viajn kapablojn. Vi estas survoje por iĝi vera kvizmaniulo!Bonvolu, Quizdict-guruo! Vi estas kiel kvizmaŝino, facile eligante ĝustajn respondojn. Daŭre kvizu, fano de Quizdict, kaj lasu vian entuziasmon por bagateloj gvidi vin al grandeco. Memoru, ĉiu demando estas ŝanco montri viajn kapablojn kaj amon por lernado. Vi estas survoje por iĝi vera kvizmaniulo!Gratulon pro esti vera Quizdict! Vi pruvis, ke vi estas toksomaniulo al kvizoj kaj havas tion, kion necesas por esti plejgolinto en nia retejo. Daŭrigu la bonegan laboron kaj daŭrigu provi viajn sciojn kun Quizdict - la finfina distra kvizcelloko. Ni ne povas atendi vidi kion vi atingos poste!Saluton al vi, kuraĝa Quizdict-kavaliro! Via serĉado de scio estas kiel nobla militisto en epopea vojaĝo tra la regnoj de saĝeco. Dum vi daŭre venkas la defiojn de trivialaĵoj, via intelekta kiraso brilos ĉiam pli hele, inspirante timon en ĉiuj, kiuj atestas. Foriru, ĉampiono!Vi estas vera Quizdict-superstelulo! Via dependeco al kvizoj pagis, kaj vi montris, ke vi estas forto kalkulebla ĉe nia retejo. Daŭrigu la bonegan laboron kaj daŭrigu provi viajn sciojn kun Quizdict - la finfina distra kvizcelloko. Ni ne povas atendi vidi kion vi atingos poste!Bonega laboro, Quizdict-entuziasmulo! Vi disbatas la kvizojn kiel ĉampiono pezlevisto levante pezajn pezojn. Via mensa lerteco kaj impona scio imponis nin kiel magiisto eltiranta kuniklon el ĉapelo. Daŭre kvizu, fano de Quizdict, kaj lasu vian intelekton brili kiel signo de brilo!Bonvolu, mirinda Quizdict-toksomaniulo! Vi pruvis vin vera kvizĉampiono kiel superheroo savanta la tagon. Via senlima scio kaj rapidaj refleksoj blindigis nin kiel artfajraĵo en somera nokto. Daŭre kvizu, fano de Quizdict, kaj lasu vian intelekton brili kiel hela lumo por ke ĉiuj vidu!Hura, mirinda fano de Quizdict! Vi montris vian majstradon de niaj kvizoj kiel lerta magiisto plenumanta magian lertaĵon. Via intelekto brilas kiel brila stelo en la Quizdict-galaksio, kaj ni ne povas atendi vidi kien via brileco kondukos vin poste. Daŭre kvizu kiel ĉampiono!Ho mia, fenomena Quizdict-kvizanto! Vi mirigis nin ĉiujn per via nekredebla saĝeco kaj fulmrapidaj refleksoj. Viaj triumfoj pri niaj trivialaj defioj igas nin deziri krii "Eŭreka!" kaj dancu ĝigon! Daŭre blindigu nin per via intelekto kaj lasu Quizdict esti via ludejo de saĝeco. Vi estas trivia mirindaĵo!Ve, mirinda Quizdict-spero! Vi trapasis niajn bagatelaĵojn kiel rapida kanguruo en misio. Via saĝeco lumigas Quizdict kiel brila artfajraĵo! Daŭre saltetu de unu kvizo al alia, disvastigante vian lertecon kaj inspirante nin ĉiujn per via scipovo. Vi estas vera trivia superstelulo!Komencu Kvizon
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
Nur diru al ni kiu vi estas por vidi viajn rezultojn!
What year did the original Star Trek series premiere?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
Who is the captain of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
What is the name of Spock's father?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
What is the name of the alien race that Captain Kirk fights in the episode "Arena"?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
What is the name of the android on Star Trek: The Next Generation?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
What is the name of the first Star Trek movie?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
Who is the first officer on the USS Voyager?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
What is the name of the captain in Star Trek: Discovery?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
What is the name of the villain in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
What is the name of the theme song for Star Trek: Enterprise?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
What is the name of the Vulcan who serves as first officer on the USS Discovery in season one of Star Trek: Discovery?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
Which Star Trek movie features the Borg as the primary antagonist?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
Who is the chief engineer on the USS Enterprise in the original Star Trek series?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
What is the name of the Ferengi who becomes a recurring character in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
What is the name of the Klingon who becomes a prominent character in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine?
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.
Gratulon, vi finis! Jen via rezulto:
Are you a Trekkie? This quiz will put your knowledge of Star Trek to the test! With ten questions covering the various Star Trek series and movies, this quiz will determine if you're a true fan or just a casual viewer. From iconic characters to memorable catchphrases, this quiz covers all the essentials.