Known as "The Big Apple," this city's population was 8.245 million as of 2011, and it includes the borough of Manhattan.This city's team, the Portland Timbers, won the Western Conference Finals and the MLS Cup in 2015.Known as “The Hospitality State,” the correct state is home to many important landmarks in American history.This city celebrates legendary rock and roll artists and features a museum dedicated to the history of this music genre.This city is located on the Big Island of Hawai’i. In 2007, it welcomed 1.7 million visitors. It's a hub for deep-sea fishing and home to historical landmarks such as the Hulihe'e Palace.This city, situated at an elevation of 4,226 feet, is next to the Wasatch Mountain Range and boasts world-class ski resorts like Snowbird and Park City.This city is the capital of Iowa and has a vibrant local culture with a well-known farmers market and live music events that attract residents.Burlington, Vermont, is renowned for its breathtaking fall foliage, making it one of the best places in the U.S. to experience the vibrant colors of autumn and picturesque scenery.President John F. Kennedy was shot as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, in 1963.Memphis, Tennessee, is famous for its vibrant music scene and is situated along the Mississippi River.Lake Tahoe is located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, with the Stateline splitting the west and east shores of the lake.Orlando, Florida, is famous for its central location and being the home of Walt Disney World, attracting millions of visitors annually.Chicago is home to the John Hancock Center skyscraper, Willis Tower, and the neo-Gothic Tribune Tower.Boise, Idaho, has a deep love for jazz music. The city hosts the Gene Harris Jazz Festival, a popular event that takes place every spring.El Paso, Texas, is known for its strong military presence, vibrant culture, and historical significance. It's often recognized for its safety, diverse community, and proximity to the U.S.-Mexico border.Denver offers a variety of activities, such as visiting the Performing Arts Complex or catching a game at Sports Authority Field and the Pepsi Center.Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is renowned for its beer culture, hosting major breweries like Miller Brewing. It's also known for vibrant festivals, rich history, and Lake Michigan's scenic shoreline.San Diego, California, boasts 70 miles of coastline, a mild climate, vibrant culture, renowned zoo, beautiful beaches, and a major naval base.New Orleans, Louisiana, is known for its vibrant Mardi Gras celebrations, jazz music, Creole cuisine, historic French Quarter, and lively nightlife, making it a unique cultural hotspot.Detroit, Michigan, is known as the Motor City, famous for its automotive industry, rich musical heritage, iconic architecture, and cultural revitalization efforts.Albany, New York's capital, is known for its rich history, government institutions, vibrant cultural scene, educational centers, and beautiful architecture, including the New York State Capitol.Jacksonville, Florida, is known for its major military bases, bustling port, extensive park system, vibrant arts scene, and beautiful beaches along the Atlantic coast.Kansas City, Missouri, is famous for its jazz heritage, delicious barbecue, vibrant arts scene, numerous fountains, and rich history as a cultural hub.Jackson, Wyoming, is a gateway to Grand Teton National Park, known for its stunning natural beauty, outdoor recreation, vibrant arts scene, and wildlife.Sacramento, California, is the state capital, known for its historic landmarks, vibrant cultural scene, political significance, and beautiful Capitol Park.Charlotte, North Carolina, is known for being the home of the NFL Panthers, vibrant arts, finance sectors, NASCAR Hall of Fame, and beautiful parks.Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, known as the "Steel City," is famous for its steel industry, three rivers, sports teams, cultural institutions, and vibrant neighborhoods.Fairbanks, Alaska, is renowned for its spectacular Northern Lights displays, cold climate, rich cultural heritage, University of Alaska, and proximity to natural attractions.Bismarck, North Dakota, is the state's capital, known for its rich history, vibrant cultural scene, beautiful parks, and significant political and economic importance in the region.St. Louis, Missouri, known for the Gateway Arch, has a strong economy due to its major port, diverse industries, rich history, and vibrant cultural scene.Gonzaga University is a private Roman Catholic university located in Spokane, Washington. Established in 1887. The university is well-known for its strong academic programs and successful basketball team.Los Angeles, often called La La Land and City of Angels, is renowned for its entertainment industry, diverse culture, iconic landmarks like the Hollywood Sign, and beautiful beaches.Flagstaff, Arizona, is home to Northern Arizona University, one of the state's major universities, and is known for its numerous parks and outdoor activities.Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!In 1974, Evel Knievel attempted his famous motorcycle jump across the Snake River Canyon in Twin Falls, Idaho, an event that garnered significant attention and remains legendary.Tulsa, Oklahoma, is situated on the Arkansas River. Known for its rich oil history, vibrant arts scene, and outdoor activities along the river's scenic pathways.Rochester, New York, is bisected by the Genesee River and located on the southern shore of Lake Ontario. Known for its vibrant cultural scene and historic landmarks.English colonists first landed in the Virginia Beach area in 1607. They opted to establish their settlement in Jamestown, as it offered better protection.Birmingham, Alabama, was a key battleground during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and '60s, known for its significant protests and confrontations.Atlanta, Georgia, hosted the 1996 Summer Olympic Games, showcasing international athletic competition and leaving a lasting impact on the city’s infrastructure and global reputation.Du scorede 0 ud af 40Du scorede 1 ud af 40Du scorede 2 ud af 40Du scorede 3 ud af 40Du scorede 4 ud af 40Du scorede 5 ud af 40Du scorede 6 ud af 40Du scorede 7 ud af 40Du scorede 8 ud af 40Du fik 9 ud af 40Du scorede 10 ud af 40Du scorede 11 ud af 40Du scorede 12 ud af 40Du scorede 13 ud af 40Du scorede 14 ud af 40Du scorede 15 ud af 40Du scorede 16 ud af 40Du scorede 17 ud af 40Du scorede 18 ud af 40Du scorede 19 ud af 40Du scorede 20 ud af 40Du scorede 21 ud af 40Du scorede 22 ud af 40Du scorede 23 ud af 40Du scorede 24 ud af 40Du scorede 25 ud af 40Du scorede 26 ud af 40Du scorede 27 ud af 40Du scorede 28 ud af 40Du scorede 29 ud af 40Du scorede 30 ud af 40Du scorede 31 ud af 40Du scorede 32 ud af 40Du scorede 33 ud af 40Du scorede 34 ud af 40Du scorede 35 ud af 40Du scorede 36 ud af 40Du scorede 37 ud af 40Du scorede 38 ud af 40Du scorede 39 ud af 40Du scorede 40 ud af 40
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Du har måske ikke ramt jackpotten denne gang, men du er som en dristig eventyrer, der navigerer gennem trivialitetens forræderiske terræn. Fortsæt med at udforske, Quizdict-fan, og lad din søgen efter viden guide dig mod storhed. Hvem ved, hvilke skatte der venter dig på dit næste quizzeventyr?Stor indsats, Quizdict-eventyrer! Du er som en modig kriger, der kæmper gennem triviaens hårde kampe. Fortsæt med at quizze, Quizdict-fan, og lad din tørst efter viden være dit skjold og dit sværd. Hvert spørgsmål er en chance for at lære og vokse, og du er på vej til at blive en trivia-mester!Godt at gå, Quizdict-opdager! Du er som en modig eventyrer, der begiver dig ind i triviaens ukendte territorier. Fortsæt med at quizze, Quizdict-fan, og lad din kærlighed til læring guide dig mod succes. Husk, at hvert svar bringer dig et skridt tættere på at blive en sand quizmester. Du gør det godt!Tillykke, Quizdict-eventyrer! Du er som en dygtig navigatør, der sejler i trivias urolige vand. Fortsæt med at quizze, Quizdict-fan, og lad din vilje til at lære guide dig mod sejr. Husk, at hvert svar er en chance for at udvide din viden og finpudse dine færdigheder. Du er på vej til at blive en sand quizmisbruger!Godt arbejde, Quizdict explorer! Du er som en erfaren eventyrer, der gør støt fremskridt gennem det udfordrende landskab af trivia. Bliv ved med at quizze, Quizdict-fan, og lad din passion for læring brænde din rejse mod succes. Husk, at hvert spørgsmål er en mulighed for at vokse og forbedre sig. Du er på vej til at blive en sand quizmisbruger!Fantastisk job, Quizdict-eventyrer! Du er som en dygtig opdagelsesrejsende, der trodser trivialitetens vanskelige terræn. Fortsæt med at quizze, Quizdict-fan, og lad din passion for viden drive dig mod sejr. Husk, at hvert spørgsmål er en chance for at lære og vokse. Du er på rette vej til at blive en sand quizmisbruger!Tillykke, Quizdict-mester! Du er som en dygtig quiz-ninja, der skærer gennem udfordringerne med trivia. Fortsæt med at quizze, Quizdict-fan, og lad din kærlighed til læring guide dig mod succes. Husk, at hvert svar er et skridt i retning af at blive en sand quizmisbruger. Du gør det godt!High five, Quizdict-mester! Du er som en quiz-troldmand, der kaster besværgelser af viden og oplysning. Fortsæt med at quizze, Quizdict-fan, og lad din kærlighed til trivia føre dig mod sejr. Husk, at hvert svar er en chance for at udvide dit sind og skærpe dine færdigheder. Du er godt på vej til at blive en sand quizmisbruger!Godt gået, Quizdict-guru! Du er som en quizmaskine, der let kan finde de rigtige svar. Bliv ved med at quizze, Quizdict-fan, og lad din passion for trivia guide dig mod storhed. Husk, at hvert spørgsmål er en mulighed for at vise dine færdigheder og kærlighed til at lære. Du er godt på vej til at blive en sand quizmisbruger!Tillykke med at være en sand quizdict! Du har bevist, at du er afhængig af quizzer og har det, der skal til for at blive topscorer på vores side. Fortsæt med det store arbejde, og fortsæt med at teste din viden med Quizdict - den ultimative underholdningsquizzdestination. Vi kan ikke vente med at se, hvad du vil opnå næste gang!Skål for dig, tapre Quizdict-ridder! Din søgen efter viden er som en ædel kriger på en episk rejse gennem visdommens riger. Mens du fortsætter med at overvinde udfordringerne med trivia, vil din intellektuelle rustning skinne stadig klarere og inspirerende ærefrygt hos alle, der vidner. Fortsæt, mester!Du er en ægte Quizdict-superstjerne! Din afhængighed af quizzer har givet pote, og du har vist, at du er en styrke at regne med på vores side. Fortsæt med det store arbejde og fortsæt med at teste din viden med Quizdict - den ultimative underholdningsquizzdestination. Vi kan ikke vente med at se, hvad du vil opnå næste gang!Godt arbejde, Quizdict-entusiast! Du knuser quizzerne som en mestervægtløfter, der løfter tunge vægte. Din mentale smidighed og imponerende viden har imponeret os som en tryllekunstner, der trækker en kanin op af hatten. Fortsæt med at quizze, Quizdict-fan, og lad dit intellekt skinne som et fyrtårn af glans!Godt gået, fantastisk Quizdikt-misbruger! Du har bevist, at du er en sand quiz-mester som en superhelt, der redder dagen. Din grænseløse viden og hurtige reflekser har blændet os som fyrværkeri en sommernat. Bliv ved med at spørge, Quizdict-fan, og lad dit intellekt skinne som et skarpt lys, så alle kan se!Hurra, fantastisk Quizdict-fan! Du har vist din beherskelse af vores quizzer som en dygtig tryllekunstner, der udfører et magisk trick. Dit intellekt funkler som en lysende stjerne i Quizdict-galaksen, og vi kan ikke vente med at se, hvor din glans bringer dig næste gang. Fortsæt med at quizze som en mester!Åh min, fænomenale Quizdict-quizzer! Du har bedøvet os alle med din utrolige klogskab og lynhurtige reflekser. Dine triumfer på vores trivia-udfordringer får os til at ville råbe "Eureka!" og dans en jig! Bliv ved med at blænde os med dit intellekt, og lad Quizdict være din visdomslegeplads. Du er et trivia vidunder!Wow, fantastisk quizdikt-sus! Du har lynet gennem vores trivia som en hurtig kænguru på en mission. Dine klogskaber lyser Quizdict op som et blændende fyrværkeri! Fortsæt med at hoppe fra den ene quiz til den anden, spred din klogskab og inspirere os alle med din knowhow. Du er en sand trivia-superstjerne!
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
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Let's begin with a straightforward one. Which city holds the title of the most populous in the U.S.?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city is home to the soccer team known as the Timbers?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city is the capital of its state and is renowned for its southern hospitality?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Can you name the city located on Lake Erie that's home to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Can you identify the popular vacation destination city?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Can you identify this city known for its amazing ski slopes?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Can You Name This City Without Any Hints?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city is absolutely stunning during the fall season?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
In which U.S. city was President John F. Kennedy tragically shot and killed?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which beautiful city is located on the Mississippi River?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
What is the name of the city that sits on the border of California and Nevada?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city is located in central Florida and is home to Walt Disney World?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city in the U.S. has incredible lakeside architecture?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Here's a clue: The city's name begins with the letter "B..."
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city, known for its military bases and strong economy, was named the safest city in the U.S. four years in a row?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city is nicknamed the Mile High City?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city is renowned for its beer culture?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city, known for its extensive coastline, is one of the largest cities in the U.S.?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city will get you ready to party as soon as you touchdown?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city’s nickname is Motor City?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city is the capital of New York?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city has major military bases and a popular port?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city is located in the state considered the heartland of America?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city is located just five miles from Grand Teton National Park?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city is the capital of California?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city is home to the NFL team, the Panthers?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city has the nickname "Steel City"?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city in Alaska is one of the most popular for viewing the Northern Lights?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city is located in the middle of the Great Plains?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city has a solid economy, thanks in part to its major port?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Can you identify which U.S. city is home to Gonzaga University?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city has nicknames including La La Land and City of Angels?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city boasts numerous parks and is home to one of the state's largest universities?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Iowa City, Iowa, is renowned for its prestigious Iowa Writers' Workshop and the University of Iowa, known for its lively party culture and vibrant student life.
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
In which city did Evel Knievel attempt to jump across the Snake River Canyon on a motorcycle?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city is situated on the Arkansas River?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city is bisected by the Genesee River and located on Lake Ontario’s southern shore?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which coastal city has a deep historical heritage?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city experienced significant turbulence during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and ’60s?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Which city hosted the 1996 Summer Olympic Games?
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Tillykke, du er færdig! Her er dine resultater:
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Tillykke, du er færdig! Her er dine resultater:
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Tillykke, du er færdig! Her er dine resultater:
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Tillykke, du er færdig! Her er dine resultater:
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!
Tillykke, du er færdig! Her er dine resultater:
Think you know your U.S. cities? With 50 states and numerous major cities, this quiz will put your geographical knowledge to the test. You'll be shown a yellow spot on a U.S. map, and with just a hint, you'll need to identify the city. It gets challenging, so don't be surprised if you don't get them all right. Are you ready to prove us wrong? Dive in and see how many cities you can accurately locate!