"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is a 1975 film directed by Miloš Forman, based on the novel by Ken Kesey. The story follows the life of Randle McMurphy, a man who fakes insanity to avoid a prison sentence."The French Connection" is a 1971 crime thriller directed by William Friedkin, starring Gene Hackman as a New York City detective on the trail of a large shipment of heroin coming from France."A Clockwork Orange" is a 1971 dystopian film directed by Stanley Kubrick, based on the novel by Anthony Burgess. The movie explores themes of violence, free will, and societal control, with its protagonist, Alex, leading a gang of "droogs.""Apocalypse Now" is a 1979 war film directed by Francis Ford Coppola, inspired by Joseph Conrad's novella "Heart of Darkness." Set during the Vietnam War, the movie follows the journey of Captain Willard to assassinate the rogue Colonel Kurtz."Raiders of the Lost Ark" is a 1981 action-adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg and produced by George Lucas. The film features the iconic character Indiana Jones, played by Harrison Ford, on a quest to find the Ark of the Covenant."The Godfather: Part II" is a 1974 crime drama film directed by Francis Ford Coppola. It is both a prequel and a sequel to the 1972 film "The Godfather," with parallel storylines exploring the early life of Vito Corleone and his son Michael's rise to power.
"Rocky II" is a 1979 sports drama film written and directed by Sylvester Stallone. The movie is the sequel to the 1976 film "Rocky" and continues the story of underdog boxer Rocky Balboa as he faces a rematch with Apollo Creed."Close Encounters of the Third Kind" is a 1977 science fiction film written and directed by Steven Spielberg. The movie explores the lives of several people who have encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrial beings."Soylent Green" is a 1973 dystopian science fiction film directed by Richard Fleischer. Set in an overpopulated and polluted future, the movie follows a detective who investigates a murder linked to the secret behind the mysterious food source, Soylent Green."Taxi Driver" is a 1976 psychological thriller directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Robert De Niro. The film follows the life of Travis Bickle, a mentally unstable Vietnam War veteran who becomes a taxi driver in New York City."Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" is a 1978 musical horror comedy film directed by John DeBello. The movie is a parody of B-movies, with the plot revolving around mutated tomatoes that come to life and wreak havoc on unsuspecting people."Annie Hall" is a 1977 romantic comedy film directed by Woody Allen, who also stars in the movie alongside Diane Keaton. The film explores the relationship between the neurotic comedian Alvy Singer and his eccentric girlfriend, Annie Hall."Monty Python and the Holy Grail" is a 1975 British comedy film directed by Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones. The movie is a parody of the Arthurian legend, with King Arthur and his knights on a quest to find the Holy Grail."The Rocky Horror Picture Show" is a 1975 musical comedy horror film directed by Jim Sharman, based on the 1973 stage production. The film is a cult classic that follows a young couple as they encounter the bizarre Dr. Frank-N-Furter and his eccentric entourage."Black Sunday" is a 1977 thriller film directed by John Frankenheimer, based on the novel by Thomas Harris. The plot revolves around a terrorist plot to attack the Super Bowl using a stolen blimp loaded with explosives.Získali jste 0 z 15Získali jste 1 z 15Získali jste 2 body z 15Získali jste 3 body z 15Získali jste 4 body z 15Získali jste 5 bodů z 15Získali jste 6 bodů z 15Získali jste 7 bodů z 15Získali jste 8 bodů z 15Získali jste 9 bodů z 15Získali jste 10 bodů z 15Získali jste 11 bodů z 15Získali jste 12 bodů z 15Získali jste 13 bodů z 15Získali jste 14 bodů z 15Získali jste 15 bodů z 15
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DalšíDalší kvízNesprávnýOpravitGenerování vašeho výsledkuZkuste to znovuJejda, quizdict nováček! Nebojte se, i ti největší kvízoví mistři museli někde začít. Možná jste tentokrát klopýtli, ale každá chyba je příležitostí k poučení a růstu. Pokračujte v kvízu, kvízový nováčci, a nechte svou touhu po vědění vést vás k velikosti!Hurá do zkoušení, průzkumníku Quizdict! Možná jste tentokrát v kvízu neuspěli, ale jste jako odvážný dobrodruh putující neprobádanými územími. Pokračujte ve zkoumání, fanoušku Quizdict, a nechte svého zvídavého ducha, aby byl vaším průvodcem k bohatství znalostí. Kdo ví, jaké zázraky na vás čekají při vašem dalším kvízovém úkolu?Velké úsilí, Quizdict dobrodruhu! Jste jako zvědavá kočka, která s vytřeštěnýma očima prozkoumává svět drobností. Pokračujte v kvízu, fanoušku Quizdict, a nechte své nadšení pro znalosti pohánět vás k úspěchu. Pamatujte, že i ti nejzkušenější kvízoví šampioni někde začínali. Jste na cestě ke slávě!Hurá do soutěže Quizdict! Možná jste tentokrát nevyhráli jackpot, ale jste jako odvážný dobrodruh proplouvající zrádným terénem drobností. Pokračujte ve zkoumání, fanoušku Quizdict, a nechte se svým pátráním po vědění vést k velikosti. Kdo ví, jaké poklady na vás čekají při vašem dalším kvízovém dobrodružství?Velké úsilí, Quizdict dobrodruhu! Jste jako statečný válečník, který se probojovává těžkými bitvami maličkostí. Pokračujte v kvízu, fanoušku Quizdict, a nechť je vaše touha po vědění vaším štítem a mečem. Každá otázka je šancí se učit a růst a vy jste na dobré cestě stát se šampionem drobností!Jen tak dál, Quizdict průzkumníku! Jste jako odvážný dobrodruh, který se vydává do neznámých oblastí trivia. Pokračujte v kvízu, fanoušku Quizdict, a nechte se svou láskou k učení vést k úspěchu. Pamatujte, že každá odpověď vás posune o krok blíže k tomu, abyste se stali skutečným mistrem kvízů. Jde ti to skvěle!Gratulujeme, Quizdict dobrodruhu! Jste jako zkušený navigátor plující v rozbouřených vodách triviálnosti. Pokračujte v kvízu, fanoušku Quizdict, a nechte své odhodlání učit se, aby vás dovedlo k vítězství. Pamatujte, že každá odpověď je šancí rozšířit své znalosti a zdokonalit své dovednosti. Jste na nejlepší cestě stát se skutečným závislým na kvízu!Skvělá práce, průzkumníku Quizdict! Jste jako ostřílený dobrodruh, který neustále postupuje náročnou krajinou trivia. Pokračujte v kvízu, fanoušku Quizdict, a nechte svou vášeň pro učení nastartovat vaši cestu k úspěchu. Pamatujte, že každá otázka je příležitostí k růstu a zlepšování. Jste na nejlepší cestě stát se skutečným závislým na kvízu!Skvělá práce, Quizdict dobrodruh! Jste jako zkušený průzkumník, který vzdoruje složitému terénu trivia. Pokračujte v kvízu, fanoušku Quizdict, a nechte svou vášeň pro znalosti, aby vás poháněla k vítězství. Pamatujte, že každá otázka je šancí se učit a růst. Jste na správné cestě stát se skutečným závislým na kvízu!Gratulujeme, mistře Quizdiktu! Jste jako zkušený kvízový ninja, který krájí přes výzvy trivia. Pokračujte v kvízu, fanoušku Quizdict, a nechte se svou láskou k učení vést k úspěchu. Pamatujte, že každá odpověď je krokem k tomu, abyste se stali skutečným závislým na kvízu. Jde ti to skvěle!High five, quizdict šampion! Jste jako kvízový kouzelník, který kouzlí poznání a osvícení. Pokračujte v kvízu, fanoušku Quizdict, a nechte se svou láskou k drobnostem vést k vítězství. Pamatujte si, že každá odpověď je šancí rozšířit svou mysl a zdokonalit své dovednosti. Jste na dobré cestě stát se skutečným závislým na kvízu!Jen tak dál, Quizdict guru! Jste jako stroj na kvízy a snadno chrlíte správné odpovědi. Pokračujte v kvízu, fanoušku Quizdict, a nechte se svou vášní pro drobnosti vést k dokonalosti. Pamatujte, že každá otázka je příležitostí předvést své dovednosti a lásku k učení. Jste na dobré cestě stát se skutečným závislým na kvízu!Gratulujeme, že jste skutečný Quizdict! Prokázali jste, že jste závislí na kvízech a máte na to, abyste byli nejlepším střelcem na našem webu. Pokračujte ve skvělé práci a nepřestávejte testovat své znalosti s Quizdict - nejlepší zábavní kvízovou destinací. Nemůžeme se dočkat, až uvidíme, čeho dosáhnete příště!Na zdraví, udatný quizdiktský rytíři! Vaše touha po poznání je jako ušlechtilý válečník na epické cestě říšemi moudrosti. Jak budete pokračovat v překonávání výzev maličkostí, vaše intelektuální brnění bude zářit stále jasněji a bude inspirovat úžas ve všech, kteří podávají svědectví. Kráčej kupředu, šampione!Jsi skutečná hvězda Quizdict! Vaše závislost na kvízech se vyplatila a na našem webu jste ukázali, že jste síla, se kterou je třeba počítat. Pokračujte ve skvělé práci a nepřestávejte testovat své znalosti s Quizdict - nejlepší zábavní kvízovou destinací. Nemůžeme se dočkat, až uvidíme, čeho dosáhnete příště!Skvělá práce, nadšenci Quizdict! Drtíš kvízy jako šampion vzpěrač zvedání těžkých vah. Vaše mentální bystrost a působivé znalosti na nás zapůsobily jako kouzelník vytahující králíka z klobouku. Pokračujte v kvízu, fanoušku Quizdict, a nechte svůj intelekt zářit jako maják lesku!Jen tak dál, úžasný závislý na Quizdictu! Prokázali jste, že jste skutečný šampion v kvízu jako superhrdina, který zachraňuje situaci. Vaše neomezené znalosti a rychlé reflexy nás oslnily jako ohňostroj letní noci. Pokračujte v kvízu, fanoušku Quizdict, a nechte svůj intelekt zářit jako jasné světlo, aby ho všichni viděli!Hurá, fantastický fanoušek Quizdict! Prokázali jste své mistrovství v našich kvízech jako zkušený kouzelník předvádějící kouzelnický trik. Váš intelekt jiskří jako zářící hvězda v galaxii Quizdict a my se nemůžeme dočkat, až uvidíme, kam vás vaše brilantnost zavede příště. Pokračujte v kvízu jako mistr!Ach můj, fenomenální kvízový kvíz! Všechny jsi nás ohromil svou neuvěřitelnou chytrostí a bleskurychlými reflexy. Vaše triumfy v našich maličkostech nás nutí křičet "Heuréka!" a tančit jig! Stále nás oslňujte svým intelektem a nechte Quizdict být vaším hřištěm moudrosti. Jsi triviální zázrak!Páni, úžasný Quizdict svištět! Prošli jste naše drobnosti jako rychlý klokan na misi. Vaše chytrostí rozzáří Quizdict jako oslnivý ohňostroj! Pokračujte v přeskakování z jednoho kvízu do druhého, šiřte svou chytrost a inspirujte nás všechny svým know-how. Jste opravdová trivia superstar!Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
Řekněte nám, kdo jste, abyste viděli své výsledky!
One Flew Over the ______ Nest
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
The ______ Connection
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
A ______ Orange
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
Apocalypse ______
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
The ______ of the Lost Ark
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
The Godfather: ______
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
Rocky ______
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
Close Encounters of the ______ Kind
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
Soylent ______
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
Taxi ______
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
______ of the Killer Tomatoes
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
Annie ______
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
Monty Python and the ______ Grail
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
The ______ Picture Show
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
______ Sunday
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
Gratulujeme, skončili jste! Zde je váš výsledek:
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
Gratulujeme, skončili jste! Zde je váš výsledek:
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
Gratulujeme, skončili jste! Zde je váš výsledek:
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
Gratulujeme, skončili jste! Zde je váš výsledek:
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!
Gratulujeme, skončili jste! Zde je váš výsledek:
Put on your bell-bottoms, grab your popcorn, and let's take a trip down memory lane! The 1970s were a revolutionary decade in the world of cinema, with iconic movies that still capture our hearts today. This quiz will test your knowledge and see if you can complete these famous 70s movie titles. We have chosen five classic films from this groovy era, each with four possible options to fill in the blanks. Do you have what it takes to get them all right? Let's find out and see how well you remember these unforgettable cinematic masterpieces!