Depp gained initial recognition when he starred as a young undercover cop in the television series '21 Jump Street'. This role, which began in 1987, significantly increased his popularity and set the stage for his successful acting career.Depp's first collaboration with Tim Burton was 'Edward Scissorhands' in 1990. This partnership marked the beginning of a long and fruitful collaboration between the actor and director, creating a series of iconic characters and films that are beloved to this day.Johnny Depp received his first Academy Award nomination for his role as Captain Jack Sparrow in 'Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl' in 2003. His portrayal of this eccentric pirate character became iconic and is one of the roles most associated with Depp.In Tim Burton's 2005 stop-motion film 'Corpse Bride', Depp lent his voice to the character Victor Van Dort, a shy and awkward young man who is engaged to a woman from a wealthy family. His collaboration with Burton is a recurring theme in his career, showing their creative synergy.In 'Public Enemies' (2009), Depp portrayed the infamous American gangster John Dillinger. Depp's portrayal was celebrated for bringing depth and humanity to the character, despite Dillinger's criminal status during the Great Depression.Johnny Depp is a skilled guitarist. He has played guitar in various bands and has collaborated with several artists, including Marilyn Manson and Alice Cooper. Depp's love for music is a significant aspect of his life, highlighting his multi-faceted talents beyond acting. 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' is based on the book by Hunter S. Thompson, a seminal figure in "Gonzo" journalism. Depp played Thompson's alter ego, Raoul Duke, in the 1998 film adaptation, further demonstrating his versatility as an actor. In the 1999 film 'Sleepy Hollow', directed by Tim Burton, Depp plays Ichabod Crane, a detective sent to a small village to investigate a series of murders. The character is a departure from Washington Irving's original portrayal in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow", adding a dark and quirky edge which Depp is known for.Depp's production company, Infinitum Nihil (meaning 'Nothing is Forever'), was founded in 2004. The company has produced a variety of films, giving Depp a role beyond acting, as he has served as a producer on several of its projects.In 'Finding Neverland' (2004), Johnny Depp played J.M. Barrie, the Scottish playwright who created Peter Pan. Depp's portrayal of Barrie was praised for its sensitivity and depth, showcasing another layer of Depp's capacity to become the character he portrays.Johnny Depp's portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' film series became an iconic character recognized around the world. The character is known for its unique charm, witty humor, and adventurous spirit, making it one of Depp's most beloved roles. In 'Donnie Brasco' (1997), Johnny Depp starred opposite Al Pacino. The film is based on the real-life story of Joseph Pistone, an FBI undercover agent who infiltrates the Mafia. Depp's portrayal of the undercover agent, opposite Pacino's mobster character, is considered one of his standout dramatic performances.In the 2005 adaptation of Roald Dahl's 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', directed by Tim Burton, Depp played the eccentric chocolatier Willy Wonka. His portrayal of the character was both whimsical and dark, in line with Burton's distinctive visual and narrative style.Michael Mann, known for his work on crime and action films, directed Johnny Depp in 'Public Enemies' (2009). Mann is acclaimed for his unique style of storytelling and meticulous detail in crime dramas, which made 'Public Enemies' a compelling depiction of 1930s gangster life.'Secret Window' (2004) is based on the novella 'Secret Window, Secret Garden' by Stephen King. Depp plays Mort Rainey, a writer who is stalked by a stranger claiming that Rainey plagiarized his work. Depp's performance adeptly captures the suspense and psychological tension characteristic of King's stories.Obtuviste 0 de 15Obtuviste 1 de 15Obtuviste 2 puntos sobre 15Obtuviste 3 de 15Obtuviste 4 puntos sobre 15Obtuviste 5 de 15Obtuviste 6 de 15Obtuviste 7 de 15Obtuviste 8 de 15Obtuviste 9 de 15Obtuviste 10 de 15Obtuviste 11 de 15Obtuviste 12 de 15Obtuviste 13 de 15Obtuviste 14 de 15Obtuviste 15 de 15
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With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
¡Simplemente dinos quién eres para ver tus resultados!

In which TV show did Johnny Depp have his first major acting role?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
Which Tim Burton film was Johnny Depp's first collaboration with the director?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
For which role did Johnny Depp receive his first Academy Award nomination?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
Which character did Depp voice in the 2005 stop-motion film 'Corpse Bride'?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
Johnny Depp played a famous gangster in which of the following movies?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
What instrument does Johnny Depp play?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
Who is the author of the book that the movie 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' is based on?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
In which movie did Johnny Depp play a character named 'Ichabod Crane'?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
What is the name of Johnny Depp's production company?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
Which famous artist did Johnny Depp portray in the movie 'Finding Neverland'?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
Which character did Depp portray in 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
Who was Depp's co-star in 'Donnie Brasco'?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
Which role did Depp play in 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
Which famous gangster film director directed Johnny Depp in 'Public Enemies'?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
Which Stephen King novel was adapted into a film starring Johnny Depp?
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!
¡Felicitaciones, terminaste! Aquí está tu resultado:
With his talent for slipping seamlessly into diverse characters, Johnny Depp has emerged as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. From the dark and quirky world of Tim Burton's movies to his iconic role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series, Depp has charmed audiences worldwide. This actor, producer, and musician has a career spanning over three decades, making him a legend in Hollywood. Are you a true Johnny Depp aficionado? Take this quiz to find out how well you really know this cinematic icon!