Arancini are stuffed rice balls, coated with breadcrumbs and deep-fried. They usually contain meat, cheese, and tomato sauce, and are a popular Sicilian dish. The name "arancini" means "little oranges" in Italian, as they resemble small oranges in size and shape.Moules-frites, which consists of mussels cooked in a flavorful broth and served with French fries, is a national dish of Belgium. The combination is popular in both casual and fine dining establishments, and is commonly served with mayonnaise for dipping the fries.Sashimi is a Japanese delicacy consisting of very thinly sliced raw fish or seafood. It is traditionally served with soy sauce, wasabi, and pickled ginger. Unlike sushi, sashimi does not include rice, making it an entirely different dish that focuses on the pure flavors of the fish.Bhature is a popular North Indian fried bread made from refined flour, yogurt, and baking soda. It is commonly served with chole, a spicy chickpea curry. The combination of the two, known as "chole bhature," is a popular and filling breakfast or lunch dish in Northern India.Töltött Paprika is the Hungarian name for stuffed peppers. It is a traditional dish made by stuffing bell peppers with a mixture of ground meat, rice, onions, and spices. The peppers are then cooked in a tomato-based sauce. Töltött Paprika is a comforting and flavorful dish enjoyed across Hungary and neighboring countries.Steak tartare is a dish made from raw, finely chopped or minced beef, typically seasoned with capers, onions, and egg yolk. In France, it is referred to as "Tartare de Boeuf." The dish is said to have originated from the Mongol Empire, where it was known as "steak à l'Americaine" before being adapted into its modern French form.Feijoada is a traditional Brazilian dish made from black beans cooked with various cuts of pork and beef. It is typically served with rice, collard greens, and orange slices. The dish has its roots in the colonial period and is considered Brazil's national dish.Pho is a popular Vietnamese soup consisting of a flavorful broth, rice noodles, and thinly sliced beef or chicken. It is garnished with herbs, bean sprouts, and lime wedges. Pho is a comforting and nourishing dish, enjoyed as breakfast or a main meal in Vietnam.Moussaka is a traditional Greek dish made by layering thinly sliced eggplant, potatoes, minced meat (usually lamb or beef), and a creamy béchamel sauce. The dish is then baked until golden and bubbly. Moussaka is a rich and satisfying meal, enjoyed in Greece and throughout the Mediterranean.A tagine is both the name of the Moroccan dish and the conical clay pot it is traditionally cooked in. The dish consists of slow-cooked meat, vegetables, and spices, creating tender, flavorful results. The unique shape of the tagine pot allows for steam to circulate, maintaining moisture and enhancing flavors.Dolma is the Turkish name for stuffed grape leaves, a popular dish throughout the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The grape leaves are typically filled with a mixture of rice, herbs, and sometimes minced meat, and then rolled and cooked in a flavorful broth.In Germany, pretzels are called "Brezel" or "Brez'n" in some regional dialects. Pretzels are a type of baked bread product made from dough shaped into a knot and typically salted. They originated in Europe and are particularly popular in Germany, where they are often enjoyed with beer at Oktoberfest celebrations and other occasions.Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish made from a sheep's stomach stuffed with a mixture of the animal's heart, liver, and lungs, combined with oatmeal, onion, and spices. The dish is traditionally served with neeps (turnips) and tatties (potatoes) and is an iconic part of Scottish cuisine.Lechon is a traditional Filipino dish featuring a whole pig roasted on a spit over an open fire. The pig is marinated and seasoned before roasting, resulting in a crisp skin and tender, flavorful meat. Lechon is often served at festive occasions and is considered a national dish of the Philippines.In Swedish, "meatballs" are called "köttbullar." They are a popular dish in Sweden and are traditionally made with a mixture of ground meat, breadcrumbs, onion, and spices. Köttbullar are often served with lingonberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and a cream sauce.Постигнахте 0 от 15Постигнахте 1 от 15Постигнахте 2 от 15Постигнахте 3 от 15Постигнахте 4 от 15Постигнахте 5 от 15Постигнахте 6 от 15Постигнахте 7 от 15Постигнахте 8 от 15Постигнахте 9 от 15Постигнахте 10 от 15Постигнахте 11 от 15Постигнахте 12 от 15Постигнахте 13 от 15Постигнахте 14 от 15Постигнахте 15 от 15
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Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
Просто ни кажете кой сте, за да видим вашите резултати!

What is the Italian name for "stuffed rice balls"?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
Which country is known for the dish "moules-frites"?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
What is the Japanese name for "thinly sliced raw fish"?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
In India, what is "bhature" typically served with?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
What is the Hungarian name for "stuffed peppers"?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
What is the traditional name for "steak tartare" in French?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
Which Brazilian dish is made of black beans, pork, and beef, and typically served over rice?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
What is the name of a popular Vietnamese soup made with rice noodles and beef or chicken?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
What is the name of the Greek dish made of layers of eggplant, potatoes, minced meat, and béchamel sauce?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
What is the name of the Moroccan dish made with meat, vegetables, and spices, traditionally cooked in a conical clay pot?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
What is the Turkish name for stuffed grape leaves?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
What is the German name for a "pretzel"?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
What is the name of the traditional Scottish dish made from a sheep's stomach, stuffed with a mixture of the animal's heart, liver, and lungs, combined with oatmeal and spices?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
What is the name of the Filipino dish consisting of a whole pig roasted over an open fire?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
What is the traditional name for "meatballs" in Swedish?
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
Поздравления, завършихте! Ето вашия резултат:
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
Поздравления, завършихте! Ето вашия резултат:
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
Поздравления, завършихте! Ето вашия резултат:
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
Поздравления, завършихте! Ето вашия резултат:
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!
Поздравления, завършихте! Ето вашия резултат:
Welcome to "Grab a Plate and See If You Know These Food Names in Other Countries"! This quiz will test your knowledge of popular dishes from around the world, their names in their home countries, and their unique cultural backgrounds. Are you a global gourmand or an international foodie in the making? Let's find out how well you know these delicious dishes! With 20 mouth-watering questions, this quiz is designed to challenge your taste buds and your knowledge. Grab a plate, a fork, and a sense of adventure as you embark on this culinary journey!