Sushi is a traditional Japanese dish that consists of vinegared rice, usually topped with raw fish or other seafood. It has become incredibly popular worldwide, but its origins can be traced back to Japan, where it has been enjoyed for centuries.Guacamole is a popular Mexican dip made primarily from avocados, which are mashed and mixed with other ingredients such as tomatoes, onions, lime juice, and spices. The creamy texture and rich flavor of avocado make it the star of this delicious dish.Tiramisu is a classic Italian dessert made from layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers, mascarpone cheese, cocoa powder, and sometimes liqueur. The name "tiramisu" means "pick me up" in Italian, likely referring to the caffeine from the coffee in the dish.A traditional margarita is a popular cocktail that originates from Mexico. It contains tequila, lime juice, and orange liqueur, usually served in a salt-rimmed glass. The tequila gives the margarita its distinctive flavor and kick.
Poutine is a Canadian dish that consists of French fries topped with cheese curds and smothered in gravy. It was first created in Quebec in the 1950s and has since become a beloved comfort food across the country.Paella is a famous Spanish dish that originated in the Valencia region. It typically consists of rice, various meats or seafood, vegetables, and saffron, which gives the dish its signature yellow color.Lassi is a popular traditional Indian drink made primarily from yogurt. It can be enjoyed either sweet or savory, with the addition of sugar or salt, and is often flavored with fruit, spices, or herbs.The sandwich is believed to have originated in the United Kingdom. It is named after John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, who allegedly requested that his meat be served between slices of bread so he could continue playing cards without getting his hands greasy.Matcha is a type of green tea that is finely ground into a powder. In a matcha latte, this powder is mixed with hot water or milk to create a creamy, frothy drink. The use of green tea gives the latte its characteristic vibrant green color and unique Although the croissant is often associated with France, it actually has its origins in Austria. The pastry was inspired by the Austrian kipferl and was brought to France by Marie Antoinette, who was originally from Austria.Baklava is a rich, sweet dessert pastry made from layers of filo dough filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with syrup or honey. Although it is enjoyed in many countries, it is believed to have originated in Turkey during the Ottoman Empire.Caipirinha is Brazil's national cocktail, made with cachaça, a distilled spirit made from fermented sugarcane juice. The drink also contains sugar and lime, making it a refreshing and tangy concoction.Moussaka is a popular Greek dish made primarily from layers of sliced eggplant, ground meat (usually lamb or beef), and a béchamel sauce. It is similar to an Italian lasagna in structure, but with the distinct flavors of Greek cuisine.Although the modern hamburger as we know it today was popularized in the United States, its origins can be traced back to Hamburg, Germany. The dish was inspired by the Hamburg steak, which was a ground beef patty that was seasoned and served without a bun.Carbonara is a classic Italian pasta dish that originates from Rome. It is typically made with spaghetti, although other pasta shapes can also be used. The sauce is made from eggs, cheese (usually Pecorino Romano or Parmigiano-Reggiano), pancetta or guanciale, and pepper.Вы набралі 0 балаў з 15Вы набралі 1 бал з 15Вы набралі 2 балы з 15Вы набралі 3 балы з 15Вы набралі 4 балы з 15Вы набралі 5 з 15Вы набралі 6 балаў з 15Вы набралі 7 балаў з 15Вы набралі 8 балаў з 15Вы набралі 9 балаў з 15Вы набралі 10 з 15Вы набралі 11 з 15Вы набралі 12 з 15Вы набралі 13 з 15Вы набралі 14 з 15Вы набралі 15 з 15
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Памятаеце, нават самыя вопытныя чэмпіёны віктарыны з чагосьці пачыналі. Вы на шляху да велічы!Ура, што прынялі выклік Quizdict! Магчыма, на гэты раз вы не сарвалі джэк-пот, але вы падобныя на смелага шукальніка прыгод, які рухаецца па падступнай мясцовасці дробязяў. Працягвайце даследаваць, фанат Quizdict, і няхай ваш пошук ведаў навядзе вас да велічы. Хто ведае, якія скарбы чакаюць вас падчас вашай наступнай віктарыны?Вялікія намаганні, авантурыст Quizdict! Вы падобныя на адважнага ваяра, які змагаецца праз цяжкія бітвы дробязяў. Працягвайце задаваць пытанні, фанат Quizdict, і няхай ваша прага ведаў будзе вашым шчытом і мячом. Кожнае пытанне - гэта магчымасць вучыцца і развівацца, і вы на шляху да таго, каб стаць чэмпіёнам па дробязях!Так ісці, аглядальнік Quizdict! Вы падобныя на адважнага авантурыста, які адпраўляецца ў невядомыя тэрыторыі дробязяў. Працягвайце задаваць пытанні, фанат Quizdict, і няхай ваша любоў да навучання вядзе вас да поспеху. Памятайце, кожны адказ набліжае вас да таго, каб стаць сапраўдным майстрам віктарыны. У вас усё выдатна!Віншуем, авантурыст Quizdict! Вы як дасведчаны навігатар, які плыве па бурных водах дробязяў. Працягвайце задаваць пытанні, прыхільнік Quizdict, і няхай ваша рашучасць вучыцца вядзе вас да перамогі. Памятайце, што кожны адказ - гэта шанец пашырыць свае веды і ўдасканаліць навыкі. Вы на шляху да таго, каб стаць сапраўдным наркаманам!Выдатная праца, аглядальнік Quizdict! Вы падобныя на вопытнага авантурыста, які ўстойліва прасоўваецца праз складаны ландшафт дробязяў. Працягвайце задаваць пытанні, прыхільнік Quizdict, і няхай ваша страсць да навучання падштурхне ваш шлях да поспеху. Памятайце, кожнае пытанне - гэта магчымасць расці і ўдасканальвацца. Вы на шляху да таго, каб стаць сапраўдным наркаманам!Выдатная праца, авантурыст Quizdict! Вы падобныя на дасведчанага даследчыка, які адважваецца на складанай мясцовасці дробязяў. Працягвайце задаваць пытанні, фанат Quizdict, і няхай ваш запал да ведаў падштурхне вас да перамогі. Памятайце, кожнае пытанне - гэта магчымасць вучыцца і развівацца. Вы на правільным шляху да таго, каб стаць сапраўдным наркаманам!Віншуем, майстар Quizdict! Вы падобныя на дасведчанага ніндзя віктарыны, які разбіраецца праз складаныя дробязі. Працягвайце задаваць пытанні, фанат Quizdict, і няхай ваша любоў да навучання вядзе вас да поспеху. Памятайце, кожны адказ - гэта крок да таго, каб стаць сапраўдным наркаманам віктарыны. У вас усё выдатна!Дай пяць, чэмпіён Quizdict! Вы як майстар віктарыны, які заклінае веды і прасвятленне. Працягвайце задаваць пытанні, прыхільнік Quizdict, і няхай ваша любоў да дробязяў прывядзе вас да перамогі. Памятайце, што кожны адказ - гэта шанец пашырыць свой розум і адвастрыць свае навыкі. Вы на добрым шляху да таго, каб стаць сапраўдным наркаманам!Так ісці, гуру Quizdict! Вы як машына для тэстаў, якая з лёгкасцю выдае правільныя адказы. Працягвайце задаваць пытанні, прыхільнік Quizdict, і дазвольце вашаму захапленню дробязямі накіраваць вас да велічы. Памятайце, кожнае пытанне - гэта магчымасць прадэманстраваць свае навыкі і любоў да навучання. Вы на добрым шляху да таго, каб стаць сапраўдным наркаманам!Віншуем з тым, што вы сапраўдны Quizdict! Вы даказалі, што захапляецеся віктарынамі і маеце ўсё неабходнае, каб стаць лепшым бамбардзірам на нашым сайце. Працягвайце працаваць і правярайце свае веды з дапамогай Quizdict - найлепшага месца для забаўляльных віктарын. Мы не можам чакаць, каб убачыць, што вы дасягнеце далей!Вітаю цябе, доблесны рыцар Quizdict! Ваш пошук ведаў падобны на высакароднага ваяра ў эпічным падарожжы па царствах мудрасці. Калі вы будзеце працягваць пераадольваць праблемы дробязяў, ваша інтэлектуальная браня будзе зіхацець усё ярчэй, выклікаючы трапятанне ва ўсіх, хто стане сведкам. Ідзі наперад, чэмпіён!Вы сапраўдная суперзорка Quizdict! Ваша прыхільнасць да віктарын прынесла плён, і вы паказалі, што на нашым сайце з вамі нельга не лічыцца. Працягвайце працаваць і правярайце свае веды з дапамогай Quizdict - найлепшага месца для забаўляльных віктарын. Мы не можам чакаць, каб убачыць, што вы дасягнеце далей!Выдатная праца, энтузіяст Quizdict! Вы разбіваеце віктарыны, як чэмпіён-цяжкаатлет, які падымае цяжкую вагу. Ваш разумовы спрыт і ўражлівыя веды ўразілі нас, як чараўнік, які дастае труса з капелюша. Працягвайце задаваць пытанні, прыхільнік Quizdict, і няхай ваш інтэлект ззяе, як бліскучы маяк!Так ісці, цудоўны наркаман Quizdict! Вы зарэкамендавалі сябе як сапраўдны чэмпіён у віктарыне, як супергерой, які ратаваў сітуацыю. Вашы бязмежныя веды і хуткія рэфлексы асляпілі нас, як феерверк у летнюю ноч. Працягвай задаваць пытанні, прыхільнік Quizdict, і няхай твой інтэлект ззяе, як яркае святло, каб усе бачылі!Ура, фантастычны прыхільнік Quizdict! Вы прадэманстравалі сваё майстэрства ў нашых віктарынах, як умелы фокуснік, які выконвае магічны трук. Ваш інтэлект зіхаціць, як зіхатлівая зорка ў галактыцы Quizdict, і мы не можам чакаць, каб убачыць, куды ваш бляск прывядзе вас далей. Працягвайце задаваць пытанні, як чэмпіён!О мой, фенаменальны тэст Quizdict! Вы ашаламілі ўсіх нас сваёй неверагоднай кемлівасцю і вокамгненнымі рэфлексамі. Вашы перамогі ў нашых дробязях прымушаюць нас крычаць "Эўрыка!" і танцаваць джыгу! Працягвайце асляпляць нас сваім інтэлектам, і няхай Quizdict стане вашай пляцоўкай мудрасці. Вы дробязі цуд!Нічога сабе, дзіўны Quizdict! Вы пранесліся па нашых дробязях, як імклівы кенгуру на заданні. Ваша кемлівасць асвятляе Quizdict як асляпляльнае феерверк! Працягвайце скакаць з адной віктарыны на іншую, распаўсюджваючы сваю кемлівасць і натхняючы ўсіх нас сваім ноў-хаў. Вы сапраўдная суперзорка дробязяў!
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
Проста скажыце нам, хто вы, каб убачыць вынікі!

Which country is famous for its sushi?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
What is the main ingredient in the Mexican dish, guacamole?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
Which country is the birthplace of the popular dessert, tiramisu?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
What is the main alcoholic ingredient in a traditional margarita cocktail?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
Which country is famous for its poutine dish?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
Which country is known for its traditional dish, paella?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
What is the main ingredient in the Indian drink, lassi?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
Which country is the birthplace of the sandwich?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
What type of tea is traditionally used to make a Japanese matcha latte?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
Which country is famous for inventing the croissant?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
Which country is known for creating the popular dessert, baklava?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
What is the main ingredient in the Brazilian cocktail, caipirinha?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
What is the primary ingredient in a traditional Greek moussaka?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
Which country is famous for inventing the hamburger?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
What type of pasta is traditionally used in the Italian dish, carbonara?
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
Віншуем, вы скончылі! Вось ваш вынік:
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
Віншуем, вы скончылі! Вось ваш вынік:
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
Віншуем, вы скончылі! Вось ваш вынік:
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
Віншуем, вы скончылі! Вось ваш вынік:
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!
Віншуем, вы скончылі! Вось ваш вынік:
Are you a food and drink connoisseur with a taste for global flavors? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with our quiz on popular foods and drinks from around the world! From iconic beverages to mouth-watering dishes, this quiz will take you on a delicious journey across the globe. So, grab your utensils and dive into this scrumptious quiz that will leave your taste buds tingling with excitement!