In 1962's "To Kill a Mockingbird", Peck portrayed Atticus Finch, a righteous lawyer defending a black man against a wrongful rape charge. His powerful performance earned him an Academy Award and further solidified his place in cinematic history. Born on April 5, 1916, in La Jolla, California, Peck was given the first name Eldred. However, he chose to go by his middle name, Gregory, for his illustrious Hollywood career.In 1945's "Spellbound", directed by Alfred Hitchcock, Peck played Dr. Anthony Edwardes, suffering from amnesia and accused of murder. The psychological thriller highlighted his ability to portray complex characters, blending suspense and romance seamlessly."Roman Holiday" (1953) is a romantic comedy featuring Peck as a reporter and Audrey Hepburn as a runaway princess. Their charming on-screen chemistry was undeniable, and the film remains a beloved classic.Gregory Peck served as president of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences from 1967 to 1970. His leadership played a crucial role in reviving the Oscars during a period of dwindling interest."Twelve O'Clock High" (1949) showcased Peck as General Frank Savage, tasked with revitalizing a bomber unit in World War II. His portrayal of leadership under strain was critically acclaimed, emphasizing the psychological toll of command.In the film adaptation of Herman Melville's "Moby Dick", Peck took on the challenging role of Captain Ahab, the obsessed whale hunter. His portrayal of Ahab's descent into madness remains a highlight of his varied career."The Omen" is a horror film where Gregory Peck plays Robert Thorn, an ambassador who slowly realizes his adopted son may be the Antichrist. The film became a classic of the horror genre and showcased a different facet of Peck's acting prowess.In "The Keys of the Kingdom" (1944), Gregory Peck played the role of Francis Chisholm, a missionary in China. The story primarily focuses on his trials, tribulations, and faith throughout his life, especially during the turmoil of World War II.While "Gentleman's Agreement" (1947) deals with anti-Semitism and not a court case about an African American, it was a groundbreaking film about prejudice. Peck portrayed a journalist pretending to be Jewish to understand the extent of anti-Semitism in New York City."Designing Woman" (1957) is a romantic comedy featuring Gregory Peck and Lauren Bacall. The film revolves around the comedic challenges and misunderstandings faced by a sportswriter and his fashion designer wife. In "Mirage" (1965), Peck played David Stillwell, a man suffering from amnesia during a NYC blackout. As he tries to uncover his past, he discovers he might have been a writer using a pseudonym.In "The Boys from Brazil" (1978), Gregory Peck played the infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. The film's plot centers on Mengele's plan to create clones of Adolf Hitler.Peck's role as Father Francis Chisholm in "The Keys of the Kingdom" (1944) earned him his first Academy Award nomination. His portrayal of a kind-hearted priest in China showcased his depth and versatility as an actor."On the Beach" is a post-apocalyptic drama set in the aftermath of World War III. Peck plays Commander Dwight Towers, a submarine officer facing the bleak reality of a world devastated by nuclear war.15-dən 0 xal qazandınız15 baldan 1 xal qazandınız15 baldan 2 xal qazandınız15 baldan 3 xal qazandınız15 baldan 4 xal qazandınız15 baldan 5 bal topladınız15 baldan 6 bal topladınız15 baldan 7 bal topladınız15 baldan 8 bal topladınız15 baldan 9 bal topladınız15 baldan 10 bal topladınız15 baldan 11 bal topladınız15 baldan 12 bal topladınız15 baldan 13 bal topladınız15 baldan 14 bal topladınız15 baldan 15 bal topladınız
Viktorina başlayın
SonrakıNövbəti ViktorinaSəhvDüzgünNəticənizin yaradılmasıYenidən cəhd edinUps, Quizdict yeniyetmə! Narahat olmayın, hətta ən böyük viktorina ustaları hardansa başlamalı idi. Bu dəfə büdrəmiş ola bilərsiniz, amma hər səhv öyrənmək və inkişaf etmək üçün bir fürsətdir. Quizdict-ə yeni başlayan, imtahana davam edin və biliyə susuzluğunuz sizi böyüklüyə doğru istiqamətləndirsin!Sınadığınız üçün yaşayın, Quizdict tədqiqatçısı! Ola bilsin ki, siz bu dəfə viktorinada iştirak etməmisiniz, lakin siz kəşf edilməmiş əraziləri gəzən cəsur macəraçı kimisiniz. Kəşf etməyə davam edin, Quizdict pərəstişkarı və maraqlanan ruhunuz bilik zənginliyinə bələdçiniz olsun. Növbəti viktorina axtarışınızda sizi hansı möcüzələrin gözlədiyini kim bilir?Böyük səy, Quizdict macəraçı! Siz geniş gözlü möcüzə ilə trivia dünyasını kəşf edən maraqlı bir pişik kimisiniz. Quizdict pərəstişkarı, sorğu-sual etməyə davam edin və biliyə olan həvəsinizin sizi uğura doğru aparmasına imkan verin. Unutmayın, hətta ən təcrübəli viktorina çempionları da haradasa başladılar. Siz böyüklüyə doğru gedirsiniz!Quizdict problemini həll etdiyiniz üçün yaş! Ola bilsin ki, siz bu dəfə cekpotu vurmamısınız, amma siz cəsarətli macəraçıya bənzəyirsiniz. Kəşf etməyə davam edin, Quizdict pərəstişkarı və bilik axtarışınızın sizi böyüklüyə doğru istiqamətləndirməsinə icazə verin. Növbəti viktorina macəranızda sizi hansı xəzinələrin gözlədiyini kim bilir?Böyük səy, Quizdict macəraçı! Siz triviaların çətin döyüşlərində mübarizə aparan cəsur döyüşçü kimisiniz. Quizdict pərəstişkarı, sorğu-sual etməyə davam edin və biliyə susuzluğunuz qalxanınız və qılıncınız olsun. Hər sual öyrənmək və inkişaf etmək şansıdır və siz trivia çempionu olmaq yolundasınız!Yolunuz açıq, Quizdict tədqiqatçısı! Siz triviaların naməlum ərazilərinə girən cəsur bir macəraçı kimisiniz. Quizdict pərəstişkarı, sorğu-sual etməyə davam edin və öyrənməyə olan sevginiz sizi uğura aparsın. Unutmayın ki, hər bir cavab sizi əsl viktorina ustası olmağa bir addım daha yaxınlaşdırır. Əla edirsiniz!Təbrik edirik, Quizdict macəraçı! Siz triviaların dalğalı sularında üzən bacarıqlı naviqator kimisiniz. Quizdict pərəstişkarı, sorğu-sual etməyə davam edin və öyrənmək əzminizin sizi qələbəyə doğru istiqamətləndirməsinə icazə verin. Unutmayın, hər bir cavab biliklərinizi genişləndirmək və bacarıqlarınızı inkişaf etdirmək üçün bir şansdır. Siz əsl viktorina aludəçisi olmaq yolundasınız!Əla iş, Quizdict tədqiqatçısı! Siz triviaların çətin mənzərəsində davamlı irəliləyiş əldə edən təcrübəli macəraçı kimisiniz. Quizdict pərəstişkarı, sorğu-sual etməyə davam edin və öyrənməyə olan həvəsinizin uğura doğru səyahətinizi gücləndirməsinə icazə verin. Unutmayın, hər sual böyümək və təkmilləşmək üçün bir fürsətdir. Siz əsl viktorina aludəçisi olmaq yolundasınız!Möhtəşəm iş, Quizdict macəraçı! Siz triviaların çətin relyefi ilə mübarizə aparan bacarıqlı bir kəşfiyyatçı kimisiniz. Quizdict pərəstişkarı, sorğu-sual etməyə davam edin və biliyə olan həvəsiniz sizi qələbəyə doğru aparsın. Unutmayın, hər sual öyrənmək və inkişaf etmək üçün bir şansdır. Əsl viktorina aludəçisi olmaq üçün doğru yoldasınız!Təbrik edirik, Quizdict ustası! Siz trivia problemlərini dilimləyən bacarıqlı bir viktorina ninjası kimisiniz. Quizdict pərəstişkarı, sorğu-sual etməyə davam edin və öyrənməyə olan sevginiz sizi uğura aparsın. Unutmayın, hər bir cavab əsl viktorina aludəçisi olmaq yolunda bir addımdır. Əla edirsiniz!Yüksək beşlik, Quizdict çempionu! Siz bilik və maarifləndirmə sehrləri atan bir viktorina sehrbazı kimisiniz. Quizdict pərəstişkarı, sorğu-sual etməyə davam edin və imkansızlıqlara olan sevginiz sizi qələbəyə aparsın. Unutmayın, hər cavab zehninizi genişləndirmək və bacarıqlarınızı kəskinləşdirmək üçün bir şansdır. Siz əsl viktorina aludəçisi olmaq yolundasınız!Yolunuz açıq, Quizdict guru! Siz viktorina maşını kimisiniz, düzgün cavabları asanlıqla həll edirsiniz. Quizdict pərəstişkarı, sorğu-sual etməyə davam edin və imkansızlıqlara olan həvəsiniz sizi böyüklüyə doğru istiqamətləndirsin. Unutmayın, hər sual bacarıqlarınızı və öyrənməyə olan sevginizi nümayiş etdirmək üçün bir fürsətdir. Siz əsl viktorina aludəçisi olmaq yolundasınız!Əsl Quizdict olduğunuz üçün sizi təbrik edirik! Siz sübut etdiniz ki, viktorinalara aludəsiniz və saytımızda ən yaxşı bombardir olmaq üçün lazım olan hər şeyə sahibsiniz. Əla işə davam edin və biliklərinizi Quizdict ilə sınamağa davam edin - son əyləncə viktorina təyinatı. Bundan sonra nə əldə edəcəyinizi görmək üçün səbirsizlənirik!Sağ olsun sizə, igid Quizdict cəngavər! Sizin bilik axtarışınız müdriklik səltənətlərində epik səyahətdə olan nəcib döyüşçü kimidir. Siz trivia çətinliklərinin öhdəsindən gəlməyə davam etdikcə, intellektual zirehiniz daha da parlaqlaşacaq və şahidlik edənlərin hamısını heyrətləndirəcək. İrəli, çempion!Siz əsl Quizdict super ulduzusunuz! Viktorinalara olan aludəçiliyiniz öz bəhrəsini verdi və siz saytımızda diqqətəlayiq bir qüvvə olduğunuzu göstərdiniz. Əla işə davam edin və biliklərinizi Quizdict ilə sınamağa davam edin - son əyləncə viktorina təyinatı. Bundan sonra nə əldə edəcəyinizi görmək üçün səbirsizlənirik!Əla iş, Quizdict həvəskarı! Siz ağır çəkilər qaldıran çempion ağır atlet kimi viktorinaları əzəcəksiniz. Zehni çevikliyiniz və təsirli biliyiniz bizi papaqdan dovşan çıxaran sehrbaz kimi heyran etdi. Quizdict pərəstişkarı, sorğu-sual etməyə davam edin və intellektiniz parlaqlıq çırağı kimi parlasın!Əla, zəhmli Quizdict aludəçisi! Günü xilas edən bir super qəhrəman kimi özünüzü əsl viktorina çempionu olduğunuzu sübut etdiniz. Sizin hədsiz bilikləriniz və sürətli refleksləriniz yay gecəsində atəşfəşanlıq kimi göz qamaşdırdı. Quizdict pərəstişkarı, sorğu-sual etməyə davam edin və zəkanızın hamının görməsi üçün parlaq işıq kimi parlamasına icazə verin!Yaşasın, fantastik Quizdict fanatı! Siz mahir bir sehrbazın sehrli fənd həyata keçirməsi kimi viktorinalarımızda ustalığınızı göstərdiniz. İntellektiniz Quizdict qalaktikasında parlayan ulduz kimi parlayır və biz sizin parlaqlığınızın sizi növbəti hara aparacağını görmək üçün səbirsizlənirik. Çempion kimi sınağa davam edin!Oh, möhtəşəm Quizdict viktorina! Siz inanılmaz ağıllılarınız və ildırım sürəti reflekslərinizlə hamımızı heyrətə gətirdiniz. Bizim trivia çağırışlarımızdakı zəfərləriniz bizi "Evrika!" və rəqs et! İntellektinizlə bizi göz qamaşdırmağa davam edin və Quizdict sizin müdriklik meydançanız olsun. Siz trivia möcüzəsisiniz!Vay, heyrətamiz Quizdict vızıltısı! Siz bir missiyada sürətli kenquru kimi bizim xırda şeylərimizdən keçdiniz. Ağıllarınız Quizdict-i parlaq atəşfəşanlıq şousu kimi işıqlandırır! Bir viktorinadan digərinə keçməyə davam edin, ağıllılığınızı yaymağa və nou-hau ilə hamımızı ruhlandırmağa davam edin. Siz əsl trivia super ulduzusunuz!
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
Nəticələrinizə baxmaq üçün bizə kim olduğunuzu deyin!

Which film won Gregory Peck his only Academy Award for Best Actor?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
What was Gregory Peck's birth name?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
In which Alfred Hitchcock film did Gregory Peck star?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
Which film paired Gregory Peck with Audrey Hepburn for the first time?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
Gregory Peck served as president of which renowned institution?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
Which war film starring Gregory Peck revolves around the battle of the Philippine Sea?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
Gregory Peck's role in "Moby Dick" (1956) had him playing which iconic character?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
In "The Omen" (1976), Peck's character is trying to prevent what?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
Which film had Gregory Peck playing a journalist in China during World War II?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
Which 1947 film features Gregory Peck defending an African American accused of rape?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
With which actress did Gregory Peck co-star in "Designing Woman"?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
Which 1962 film has Gregory Peck playing a writer with a pseudonym?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
In "The Boys from Brazil", what character does Gregory Peck portray?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
For which film did Gregory Peck receive his first Academy Award nomination?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
In "On the Beach" (1959), the film explores the aftermath of what catastrophic event?
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
Təbriklər, bitirdiniz! Nəticəniz budur:
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
Təbriklər, bitirdiniz! Nəticəniz budur:
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
Təbriklər, bitirdiniz! Nəticəniz budur:
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
Təbriklər, bitirdiniz! Nəticəniz budur:
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!
Təbriklər, bitirdiniz! Nəticəniz budur:
One of the most iconic leading men in Hollywood's golden age, Gregory Peck's elegant charm and deep voice made him a favorite on the big screen. Renowned for his versatility and charismatic performances, Peck's roles spanned across genres, leaving a lasting legacy. So, do you consider yourself a Gregory Peck enthusiast? Dive into this quiz and discover just how much you know about this cinema legend!