Marlon Brando won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in "The Godfather." His performance as Vito Corleone became one of the most iconic in film history."The Godfather Part II" won the Best Picture Oscar in 1974. It was the first sequel to ever win this prestigious award."Kramer vs. Kramer" was directed by Robert Benton. The film was a commercial and critical success, earning him the Best Director Oscar.Diane Keaton won the Best Actress Oscar for her role as Annie Hall in Woody Allen's film of the same name. It was a defining role of her career.Ben Johnson won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar in 1971 for his performance in "The Last Picture Show," where he played the role of Sam the Lion.Robert De Niro won the Best Actor Oscar in 1974 for his role in "The Godfather Part II," beating Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson, and Dustin Hoffman.The Oscar for Best Original Score in 1975 was awarded to "Jaws," with music by John Williams. The score became one of the most recognizable in film history.Francis Ford Coppola won his first Best Director Oscar for "The Godfather Part II," making him one of the most acclaimed directors of his generation.Jane Fonda won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in the 1978 film "Coming Home," where she portrayed a woman whose husband was fighting in the Vietnam War.Helen Hayes won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her performance in the 1970 film "Airport." She played an elderly stowaway, earning her the nickname "First Lady of American Theatre."Woody Allen won his first Best Director Oscar for "Annie Hall," a romantic comedy film that broke traditional narrative structures and established Allen's cinematic style.The Best Picture Oscar in 1976 was awarded to "Rocky." The film, starring Sylvester Stallone as an underdog boxer, became a cultural phenomenon and spawned a successful franchise.Jack Lemmon won the Best Actor Oscar for his performance in "Save the Tiger" at the 1973 Academy Awards. His portrayal of a struggling businessman was both powerful and moving.Sally Field won the Best Actress Oscar for her role as Norma Rae in the film of the same name. Her portrayal of a factory worker turned union organizer earned her wide acclaim.Martin Scorsese didn't win his first Best Director Oscar in the '70s. He received it much later, in 2006, for "The Departed."Jy het 0 uit 15 behaalJy het 1 uit 15 behaalJy het 2 uit 15 behaalJy het 3 uit 15 behaalJy het 4 uit 15 behaalJy het 5 uit 15 behaalJy het 6 uit 15 behaalJy het 7 uit 15 behaalJy het 8 uit 15 behaalJy het 9 uit 15 behaalJy het 10 uit 15 behaalJy het 11 uit 15 behaalJy het 12 uit 15 behaalJy het 13 uit 15 behaalJy het 14 uit 15 behaalJy het 15 uit 15 behaal
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Hou aan met die wonderlike werk en hou aan om jou kennis te toets met Quizdict - die uiteindelike vermaakvasvra-bestemming. Ons kan nie wag om te sien wat jy volgende gaan bereik nie!Puik werk, Quizdict-entoesias! Jy verpletter die vasvrae soos 'n kampioen gewigopteller wat swaar gewigte optel. Jou verstandelike behendigheid en indrukwekkende kennis het ons beïndruk soos 'n towenaar wat 'n haas uit 'n hoed trek. Hou vasvra, Quizdict-aanhanger, en laat jou intellek skyn soos 'n baken van glans!Goed om te gaan, wonderlike Quizdict-verslaafde! Jy het jouself as 'n ware vasvra-kampioen bewys soos 'n superheld wat die dag red. Jou grenslose kennis en vinnige reflekse het ons soos vuurwerke op 'n somersnag verblind. Hou aan vasvra, Quizdict-aanhanger, en laat jou intellek soos 'n helder lig skyn vir almal om te sien!Hoera, fantastiese Quizdict-aanhanger! Jy het jou bemeestering van ons vasvrae gewys soos 'n bekwame towenaar wat 'n towerkuns uitvoer. Jou intellek skitter soos 'n blink ster in die Quizdict-sterrestelsel, en ons kan nie wag om te sien waar jou briljantheid jou volgende neem nie. Hou vasvra soos 'n kampioen!O my, fenomenale vasvra vasvraer! Jy het ons almal verstom met jou ongelooflike slimmighede en blitsvinnige reflekse. Jou oorwinnings oor ons trivia-uitdagings laat ons "Eureka!" en dans 'n jig! Hou aan om ons te verblind met jou intellek en laat Quizdict jou speelplek van wysheid wees. Jy is 'n onbenullige wonder!Sjoe, wonderlike Quizdict-sweep! Jy het deur ons trivia gerits soos 'n vinnige kangaroe op 'n missie. Jou slims verlig Quizdict soos 'n skitterende vuurwerkvertoning! Hou aan om van die een vasvra na die ander te spring, versprei jou slimheid en inspireer ons almal met jou kundigheid. Jy is 'n ware trivia superster!Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Sê net vir ons wie jy is om jou resultate te sien!
Who won the Best Actor Oscar at the 1972 Academy Awards?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Which movie won the Best Picture Oscar in 1974?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Who directed the 1979 Best Picture winner, "Kramer vs. Kramer"?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Which actress won the Best Actress award for her role in "Annie Hall" (1977)?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Who won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar in 1971?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Who did Robert De Niro beat to win the Best Actor Oscar in 1974?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Which film won the Oscar for Best Original Score in 1975?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
What movie did Francis Ford Coppola win his first Best Director Oscar for?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Who won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1978 film "Coming Home"?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Who won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for the 1970 film "Airport"?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
What film did Woody Allen win his first Best Director Oscar for?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Which film won the Best Picture Oscar in 1976?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Who won the Best Actor Oscar at the 1973 Academy Awards?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Which actress won the Best Actress award for her role in "Norma Rae" (1979)?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
What movie did Martin Scorsese win his first Best Director Oscar for?
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Baie geluk, jy is klaar! Hier is jou resultaat:
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Baie geluk, jy is klaar! Hier is jou resultaat:
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Baie geluk, jy is klaar! Hier is jou resultaat:
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Baie geluk, jy is klaar! Hier is jou resultaat:
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!
Baie geluk, jy is klaar! Hier is jou resultaat:
Welcome to "This 70s Oscars Quiz Might Not Be The Hardest One You'll Ever Take, But It Certainly Isn't Easy." The 1970s were a golden age in Hollywood, with unforgettable films, performances, and groundbreaking filmmakers leaving their marks on the industry. This quiz will test your knowledge of the winners of the most prestigious awards in cinema during this iconic decade. Whether you're an avid film buff, a casual moviegoer, or simply enjoy a good challenge, this quiz is for you. Ready to journey back in time to the Oscars of the 70s? Lights, camera, action!